Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Optimist

Numerous studies confirm that optimists live longer, more satisfying lives. So if you’re not an optimist, strive to implement a more positive outlook. Vow to make your first thought of the day a positive one, and read some inspirational affirmations to start your day. Many people enjoy starting their day with a positive Bible verse. The key is to start thinking good thoughts first thing in the morning.

Whether you want to lose ten pounds ( or the 20 I hope to shed ) or just get in better shape – if you keep a positive attitude and know that you can reach your desired goal – you most likely will. I think it was Henry Ford who said – “If you think you can or think you can’t – you’re right”. Create a vision of your goal – visualize yourself wearing a new, smaller size before Labor Day. Or, at least before the Holidays are upon us.

Then set out and take action. Start small if you like. Just start! Take at least a little action in the direction of your goal each day.

Start with a 10 minute walk. When the famous inspirational speaker - Zig Ziglar - started jogging, his first day he went a hundred yards. Everyone has to start somewhere – just like Zig did. Before too long he was jogging around the block. And then a mile. And then two.

Gradually increase your time and your pace. Walk a little farther and a little faster each day. When you start to feel comfortable – start jogging. Again, take it slow – and don’t try to go too far too fast. I met an incredible, happy women who lost over a hundred pounds just walking every day and eating sensibly. It took her a year and a half – but she stuck with her daily walk and succeeded!

Add some variety to your plan - try new sports. Take a completely different route next time you jog or head out for a long walk. It will keep your mind sharp and prevent you from getting into a rut. A variety of sports and exercise routines will help you maintain a better balanced level of fitness. Work your legs harder one day and your arms the next.

Don’t look back - stay focused on making the best of today! Enjoying right now! Or, at least, making the best of whatever life brings your way!

If you want a healthier, slimmer body - the quickest way to lose weight is start getting in shape fast!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Low Impact Exercise

Save your knees - try low impact exercise. Jogging is great - I was able to lose over 25 pounds in just a couple months with jogging as a part of my fitness plan. And I was lucky enough to have a big indoor fitness center to run in during the cold months. A nice soft floor made running a whole lot easier on my joints. Then Spring came and it was time to run outside - in the park. Very little concrete - mostly a well-worn trail around the park.

Even running outside - on the good earth - had its potential drawbacks. I can’t count the time I landed in the smallest little crevice or divot and felt the unexpected twinge of pain when my ankle went into an unnatural twist.

Many health enthusiasts find low-impact exercise to be a real blessing - and much easier on the ankles and knees! Walking, swimming, rowing, and plenty of calorie burning low impact exercise options are available!

Walking is great fun any time of the year. If you don’t mind spending a little extra time to burn off those extra calories, walking is a great for getting rid of fat. A good brisk walk can help ease your stress and the tensions of the day! Get outside - if you can - and enjoy a nice brisk walk. The benefits are tremendous and you’ll come to enjoy your regular walks.

Swimming is another great low impact exercise. And many people enjoy water aerobics programs offered by the YMCA. Exercise in water means way less stress on your joints. And it can be a quite refreshing workout. Check into a water aerobics class and you can enjoy a whole new way of getting in shape!

So keep active, walk as often and as far as you can. If your knees are still healthy - running is still the most efficient fat burner. You’ll burn lots more calories - in less time. Watch your waistline shrink. Watch your belly fat disappear! You’ll be on the road to getting in shape fast!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Back to the Basics

At the end of the day a few simple fundamentals add up to much better fitness! Simple, yet very effective exercises often lead to spectacular results. Exercises many of learned in middle school and high school can help us stay healthy and enjoy better fitness long after the last school bell!

Jogging helps more people stay healthy than many of us might imagine. Walking does wonders for countless millions. Brisk walking. If you can jog - you can enjoy much improved fitness doing just 20 miles a week! If you enjoy walking more - try for 40 miles a week. You'll feel better and enjoy far less stress.

Once you get comfortable walking or jogging four or five times a week - pick up your pace for a few minutes early in your run. ( Or walk as fast as you can for a couple minutes about five minutes into your walk. ) Then back off your pace to a more comfortable level for a few minutes. Once every four or five minutes pick up your pace. Go as fast as you can for a minute or even two! Then, return to your comfort zone. You'll feel a difference and see incredible results in your fitness level!

If you're like me and don't really enjoy walking in sub-zero or single digit temperatures - go to the mall early and walk before the crowds start pouring in. Or you might enjoy having your own treadmill or elliptical in that spare room. One lady I work with hits the stairs every day at 5:00 PM. ( Our building only has three floors! ) She really gets to huffing as she climbs those stairs for the umpteenth time each evening! And she weighs about 105 pounds!

Push ups are older than dirt. And they still do wonders for countless millions of healthy fitness lovers. They are great for your upper body and your core. Push ups just plain work. Do three sets of 12 or more if you can.

Squats are another effective exercise anyone can do without ever stepping foot in a fancy health club. Again, shoot for three sets of 12 - 15.

Pull ups are a great addition to any workout and don't require an expensive club membership either. If you've been inactive for a long time or haven't ever done any strength training, don't be disappointed if you struggle with pull ups. Wait until you've built up your strength. Keep doing push ups!

Do you have a jump rope? Jumping rope is a great way to get a super cardio workout. And how much is a jump rope? Maybe five or ten bucks for a decent one? Toss it in your backpack and get a few minutes in whenever you can. If you start getting too winded or stressed - do some simple squats or walk in place ( bring those knees up high! ) for a few minutes and then get back to jumping rope!

And no high-school gym class would be complete without the time-honored crunch! Just be sure to let your abs do the work! If you put your hands behind your head - never pull your head up with your hands. Three sets of 12 or 15 crunches will help you tighten those abs and bring back memories of simpler high school days!

Going to the Gym or that fancy health club is great if you enjoy working out with others and meeting fellow fitness buffs! ( And don't mind shelling out $75 a month or more in some clubs. ) Working out with friends is always more fun and helps you endure those last few minutes when the going gets tough!

Keep it fun. Get plenty of rest. Your body needs a day off once or twice a week. And if you want to lose weight or get rid of that belly - the quickest way to lose weight and keep it off requires two very basic habits. Start eating healthy foods every day and getting at least thirty minutes of exercise five days a week. You'll be on the way to a tighter tummy, sexier abs, and leaner body in no time!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Stay on Track - Keep Getting in Shape

Just because the weather is lousy and you might dread even the thought of getting outside for your daily walk or run - Never Fear! You can stay indoors and get your heart rate pumping. You can get some great cardio in without even leaving the house.

Do you have a jump rope? Jumping rope is great for your heart and lungs. And your legs and abs. It helps your sense of balance.

Remember the good old jumping jacks we all were forced to do in Middle School P.E?
They are a great way to get your heart pumping! And help you burn more calories for hours to come!

Who says you need an expensive gym membership to start getting in shape? You can workout right in the comfort of your own home. Without driving to the gym. Or braving the cold.

Walking or jogging in place - bring those knees up high - will kick-start your heart and help you get that daily exercise.

Don't forget to keep eating healthy during these frigid winter months. And do whatever you can to get your heart pumping and lungs working harder! If you are wanting to drop a few pounds this year - the quickest way to lose weight is with daily exercise. And healthy eating.

Start getting in shape fast and you'll be on the road to better health and a longer happier life!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Save Your Money - Start Getting in Shape

Health Care costs have risen substantially over the past decade or so. We are quite fortunate to live in this day and age of just incredible medical technology. As we age our need for health care can skyrocket. Don't let health care costs cripple your budget.

Maintain a healthy lifestyle and you are almost certain to enjoy lower health care bills - at any age. The statistics lead to a simple conclusion. If you are healthy and maintain your fitness - you will spend far less on health care than the average person. This is especially true in the USA.

A few simple changes in your daily routine bring about great results! Make small, manageable changes in your daily diet and exercise habits. Realistic changes that you can do. Don’t over do it and try to reach for an unrealistic goal. Take it easy and enjoy your journey to better fitness! Do what you truly know you can do, like walking 20 minutes every day.

Make it a habit to include more vegetables and fruits in your daily diet. Cut back on refined sugars, soda and junk food. Small changes practiced daily will lead to big results! Pretty soon you won't even miss those morning donuts! Candy bars won't look quite so tasty!

If you slip and miss a day or cheat a little, don't give up. Simply decide to do better tomorrow and the next day. At the end of a week, or a month, measure your progress. Revisit your plan and make changes to help facilitate your success.

Consistent action is key to your success. Take whatever steps you can today! And then again tomorrow. Make fitness a habit! You'll see results in no time! That Subway guy - Jared - tells us he lost over 240 pounds in just one year - eating healthier and walking every day!

The quickest way to lose weight or build a more muscular, toned body is with daily action. You can exercise and lose weight fast. Start getting in shape fast and feel better in no time!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Winter Exercise - Lose those Holiday Leftovers!

Just because it's winter-time doesn't mean you can't exercise! Exercise will help you counteract holiday weight gain, and improve your health. Drop those extra pounds you may have picked up since Thanksgiving!

Start today - start or renew your commitment to better health and fitness. You'll save money on health care costs and most likely have some fun in the process!

Obesity has been linked to increased risk of heart disease and stroke, as well as diabetes and cancer. Sixty percent of adult Americans are either overweight or obese. Middle-aged folks are not the only ones susceptible to getting a "spare tire" around their waist. The number of overweight adolescents has tripled since 1980. 14% of those aged 12 to 19 are considered to be overweight, and three quarters of them go on to be overweight as adults.

Don't let these numbers get you down. Act now! Make the choice to enjoy life more. To look and feel younger and more energetic!

Experts recommend at least three 20 minute sessions of exercise per week. If you are trying to lose a significant amount of weight, 5 times a week may be what you need. If you ride a subway or bus to work, get off one stop early to get some extra exercise. If the weather outside isn't too cold - enjoy a lunch-time walk or after-supper journey!

Health professionals agree - the quickest way to lose weight fast - and keep it off is with daily exercise and healthy eating choices!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Make Fitness A Family Affair

Fitness benefits everyone. Perhaps one of the best lessons we might share with our children is the fitness habit. Make the most of your family time and enjoy some good, heart-healthy exercise. Try a few of these ideas to help you and your loved ones enjoy a life of good health and fitness.

* Walk your children to school.
* Do sit-ups in front of the TV. Challenge your children to see who can do the most sit-ups in one minute.
* Walk instead of drive whenever you can.
* Take a family walk after dinner.
* Join an exercise group and enroll your children in community sports teams or lessons.
* Replace a Sunday drive with a Sunday walk.
* Do yard work. Get your children to help rake, weed, or plant.
* Get off the bus a stop early and walk.
* Work around the house. Ask your children for help doing active chores.
* Take the dog to the park. Run with your children and the dog!
* Go for a half-hour walk instead of watching TV.
* Wash the car by hand.
* Pace the sidelines at kids' athletic games.
* Choose an activity that fits into your daily life. Being physically active with your family is a great way to spend time together.
* Park farther from the store and walk.
* Walk around the mall in colder months.
* Use an exercise video if the weather is bad.
* Perform gardening or home repair activities.
* Avoid labor-saving devices, such as a remote control or electric mixers.
* Play with your kids 30 minutes a day.
* Dance to music. Play your favorite dance music for your children and have them play their favorites for you.
* Make a Saturday morning walk a family habit.
* Walk briskly in the mall.
* Choose activities you enjoy—you'll be more likely to stick with them. Ask children what activities they want to do.
* Explore new physical activities. Try a new sport. Take up Yoga!
* Acknowledge your efforts with non-food related rewards, such as a family day at the park, lake, or zoo.
* Take the stairs instead of the escalator.
* Join the Y and Swim with your kids.
* Use a snow shovel instead of a snow blower.
* Take your dog on longer walks.
* When walking, go up the hills instead of around them.
* Buy a set of hand weights and play a round of Simon Says with your kids—you do it with the weights, they do it without.

Enjoy a longer, healthier life when you embrace fitness. If you've been inactive for a few years or out of the exercise habit, start slow. Enjoy the journey to better health and fitness. Start getting in shape and enjoy the countless benefits of a healthy lifestyle!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Winter Workout Woes

The weather outside is splendid - if you're a polar bear. Or happen to love playing Hockey on a pond or an outdoor rink. I love all four seasons. Winter is really great for all the indoor activities we so enjoy. Cooking and enjoy good company in a nice warm home make winter a special time of year.

Getting outside and enjoying nature can pose a challenge when the wind-chill is at single digits or lower! The daily jog is refreshing indeed. If you're like me you might find it way easier to get some exercise indoors on these freezing cold winter days. Isn't it so much nicer to flip on the DVD player and enjoy a favorite comedy while you burn away those holiday calories?

Many of us face the challenge of moving our running and exercise time indoors from November to April. Joining a gym or health club is one option. Growing numbers of avid health enthusiasts are opting to put low impact exercise equipment right in their homes. They are avoiding the expense of that health club membership. No more waiting to get on your favorite rowing machine. Or that treadmill with the clear view of the TV screen.

If you’re like me you might prefer working out before the rest of the family wakes up. Those early morning sessions on the TreadClimber are an excellent way to get your heart pumping and burn off a ton of calories! All before you even step outside!

Enjoy a nice warm cup of your favorite coffee or tea and then hit the rowing machine for 15 minutes. Jump rope or work out with your exercise ball for a few minutes. They say that ab exercises done on the ball are more effective!

The possibilities are practically endless. And you don't even have to brave the cold. Make this your best year ever and invest in some simple low impact exercise equipment. You can easily turn that unused corner of your basement into your very own fitness center!

Health experts agree – the quickest way to lose weight – and keep it off – is with daily exercise and healthy eating. Start getting in shape fast and enjoy the benefits of a healthier, sexier body!

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