Numerous studies confirm that optimists live longer, more satisfying lives. So if you’re not an optimist, strive to implement a more positive outlook. Vow to make your first thought of the day a positive one, and read some inspirational affirmations to start your day. Many people enjoy starting their day with a positive Bible verse. The key is to start thinking good thoughts first thing in the morning.
Whether you want to lose ten pounds ( or the 20 I hope to shed ) or just get in better shape – if you keep a positive attitude and know that you can reach your desired goal – you most likely will. I think it was Henry Ford who said – “If you think you can or think you can’t – you’re right”. Create a vision of your goal – visualize yourself wearing a new, smaller size before Labor Day. Or, at least before the Holidays are upon us.
Then set out and take action. Start small if you like. Just start! Take at least a little action in the direction of your goal each day.
Start with a 10 minute walk. When the famous inspirational speaker - Zig Ziglar - started jogging, his first day he went a hundred yards. Everyone has to start somewhere – just like Zig did. Before too long he was jogging around the block. And then a mile. And then two.
Gradually increase your time and your pace. Walk a little farther and a little faster each day. When you start to feel comfortable – start jogging. Again, take it slow – and don’t try to go too far too fast. I met an incredible, happy women who lost over a hundred pounds just walking every day and eating sensibly. It took her a year and a half – but she stuck with her daily walk and succeeded!
Add some variety to your plan - try new sports. Take a completely different route next time you jog or head out for a long walk. It will keep your mind sharp and prevent you from getting into a rut. A variety of sports and exercise routines will help you maintain a better balanced level of fitness. Work your legs harder one day and your arms the next.
Don’t look back - stay focused on making the best of today! Enjoying right now! Or, at least, making the best of whatever life brings your way!
If you want a healthier, slimmer body - the quickest way to lose weight is start getting in shape fast!
Are you tired of hearing about "Black Friday"? Is your inbox filled with
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stress-free morn...