Are you tired of hearing about "Black Friday"? Is your inbox filled with
Deals of the day? Why not ignore all the hype and relax with some
stress-free morn...
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Steamy Summer Nights
Summer means more time for fun! Fun at the beach or the lake. Fun at the baseball diamond or the tennis courts. Swimming in the local pool or even jumping in your favorite fishing hole! Sipping lemonade on the front porch watching the the children chase lightning bugs all around the yard. The ways to Summer fun are practically endless!
Enjoy this Summer and do your body some good getting in better shape while you're at the beach or on the basketball court! Have fun and burn off those extra pounds. Hit your favorite trail for some fitness time! Run ( or walk ) away those extra calories! The benefits can be nothing short of incredible. Start getting in shape and you can have -
* more energy and capacity for work and leisure fun!
* greater resistance to stress, anxiety and fatigue
* a better outlook on life
* increased stamina, strength and flexibility.
* improved efficiency of the heart and lungs for a lifetime of better health!
Sumer is the perfect time for outdoor fun - or indoors if you don't like the heat! The warmer, longer Summer days give you more opportunities to lose those extra pounds or body fat. You can burn off that belly and have fun in the process! And find it easier staying at your ideal weight!
Regular exercise and strength training:
* helps you to be more productive at work
* builds stamina for more fun during those steamy, late night romantic endeavors!
* increases muscle strength
* tone your body into a leaner sexier shape!
Make this your best Summer ever. Get out there and have more fun this year. Start getting in shape fast and burn those extra calories while you're having the time of your life. Make more time for fun and fitness and share the fun with your friends and family!
Looking to be more fit then you were in 2008? Let provide everything from workout plans to nutritional supplements.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Two Steps to A Better Life!
In a matter of days 2009 will reach the half way mark. Wimbledon is in full swing and people in the Northern Hemisphere are enjoying the good old Summer time!
Are you on track to meet your health and fitness goals for this year?
If you want Big Results – now is the time to take Big Steps towards your fitness goals! Two habits – developed properly will make this your best year ever for getting fit and enjoying life more.
Habit 1:
Numerous scientific researchers have arrived at similar conclusions - what you eat can greatly impact your mood and your outlook on life.
For breakfast, try oatmeal or eggs. Both contain an amino acid that helps boost the levels of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that makes you feel good. Try some blueberries in yogurt for a healthy part of your lunch! The antioxidants in them will ward off workday stress. Finish with a small piece of chocolate. The compounds in it will lift your mood, while a natural stimulant gives you a small energy kick.
Try healthy snacks – like celery or a few ounces of lowfat cheese between meals. If you find yourself growing irritable or unfocused, take a brief break and munch on an apple or a handful of walnuts and some dark chocolate! This helps stabilize your blood sugar levels and prevent you from crashing during the day.
At Supper you can boost your mood and your brain power with a piece of cold water salmon! Add a side salad with leafy greens and spinach to increase folate levels and help ward off depression.
Habit 2:
People who exercise regularly live longer and are less likely to suffer pesky physical ailments than those who choose to avoid exercise. There’s no need to join an expensive healthy club or gym to enjoy the many benefits of regular exercise. Try these ten tips for better fitness.
Health enthusiasts around the globe enjoy running several days a week. It gives them time to themselves, boosts their energy, and helps ward off stress. All you really need to get started on a healthy running program is a good pair of running shoes. If you haven’t jogged in years, start slow. Ease yourself into the habit by starting with a brisk paced walk. After you’ve warmed up, jog slowly for a minute or two, and then return to walking for another few minutes. Gradually cut your walking time and increase your jogging time by a minute or two. Eventually you’ll feel comfortable jogging for 20 to 30 minutes straight.
Vary your exercise routines! Have you tried tennis or maybe swimming might be more fun for you! Many healthy fitness lovers enjoy the benefits from low-impact water exercises. Choose different exercise routines and gradually build your times and intensity. Take up a new sport. Give your body a variety of thrills and make it fun! Your fitness habits will be much easier and hopefully last you a lifetime – if you enjoy the journey!
See yourself accomplishing your goal. Visualize your success. Imagine how you’ll feel slipping into a new smaller size or walking down the beach in that really hot new swimsuit! Hang a picture of someone in a bikini on your refrigerator. Every time you go to the ice-box you’ll have a pleasant reminder to keep eating healthy foods!
Whether you want to lose a few pounds or enhance your physical performance, set yourself up for morale building victories by establishing short-term goals and rewarding yourself as you reach each milestone. Buy yourself a new outfit after you drop those next five pounds!
Monday, June 22, 2009
Summer Fun
What are your children doing this Summer? Encourage them to get outside and play - as often as possible. Take them to the park for some late evening running and play time - or head out to the local pool for some fun in the water!
Childhood and adolescence are vital periods times to lay the foundation for lifelong fitness and physical activity. Unfortunately, too many young people, especially girls, are not active enough. As children grow into adolescence, their participation in physical activity declines dramatically. A recent government health organization report tells us, almost half our young people aged 12 to 21 are not vigorously active on a regular basis and 14 percent are completely inactive. For some reason young girls are twice as likely to be inactive as young boys.
These are alarming, and potentially dangerous trends. What can we do to change them?
A regular, preferably daily routine of at least 30-45 minutes of exercise - like brisk walking, bicycling, or even dancing will reduce the risks of developing coronary heart disease, hypertension, colon cancer, and diabetes. Regular exercise and physical activity can reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety; help control weight; and help build and maintain healthy bones, muscles and joints!
We need to provide more quality school-based physical education for girls. We can encourage girls to get involved in sports and physical activity at an early age. We can challenge those age old stereotypes that impede girls’ participation in some sports.
The conclusions are clear - regular physical activity can reduce girls’ risk of many of the chronic diseases of adulthood. Numerous studies have shown that female athletes do better academically and have lower school drop-out rates than their nonathletic peers. Regular exercise and physical activity can enhance girls’ mental health, reducing symptoms of stress and depression and improving self-esteem.
Lets encourage our youth to get out and have some fun this Summer. Or, better yet - join them for some great family fun in the Sun!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Ditch the Pills - Use Exercise to Lift Your Spirits
Dealing with life's unexpected twists can be a challenge to even the most positive thinkers. Corporate downsizing and these economic hard times can do a number on your stress levels.
When a potential employer takes a look at two ( or more ) seemingly equally talented prospects - you can have a distinct advantage if you are in decent physical shape. Softs skills - including your level of optimism and a positive outlook can also make a big difference.
Don't let your job loss get you too far down in the dumps. Stay with your fitness program or start a new. If you've been too busy to exercise - schedule some time for yourself and improve your health! Its a well documented fact - optimists tend to live longer, more satisfying lives. And getting in better shape can play a big role in your level of optimism!
Today, during my 90 minute commute coming home NPR interviewed a lady who had to take anti-depressants to deal with her job loss. Exercise can have a big impact on your mental health. Scientific studies have shown a decreased need for anti-depressants when you get plenty of exercise. The more exercise - the less need for expensive pills.
Take control of your life. Leading a healthy lifestyle will have lasting and positive benefits on not only your physical well-being, but your mental health as well. Ward off stress - and don't let yourself reach the same depths of depression as the poor soul who is faced with an expensive pharmacy bill every month. If you know someone like her - encourage them to join you in healthy pursuits.
You don't need to spend a thing. Walking is excellent, and free! If you want to lose some weight - you might have to pump it up a bit from your usual pace, especially if you've been exercising for a while and the flab isn't budging.
If you work out two days, go to three. Or if you're jogging for half an hour, increase it to 45 minutes or an hour.
Interval training -- that is, alternating bursts of intense activity with bursts of lighter activity -- is a good way to burn more fat, and hasten your results. Try these easy and inexpensive tips for better fitness.
You can improve your outlook and your life if you start getting in shape fast!
Monday, June 15, 2009
Ward off Stress
Would you like to lead a happier, more contented life? Would like to have more fun and maybe reduce your stress levels? A few simple habits can get you started on the journey to a better life! Take care of yourself by maintaining your physical and mental health. Healthy people - who exercise frequently enjoy better mental health and tend to handle stress better.
A few tips to help you reduce stress and maintain better mental health -
Keep your stress in perspective. Imagine if this stressful situation was happening to your best friend. What would you tell them? Stay positive. Expect something better to happen as a result of your stress. Find a positive outcome to work towards. By staying optimistic you can minimize your stress level immensely. Maintain a positive outlook and it gets easier to be optimistic the more you practice having the right attitude!
Another helpful tactic is getting outside and - if even for only a few minutes - enjoy the sights, sounds, and smells of nature. Forget your issues for a moment and take a few slow, deep breaths as you take in your surroundings. Watch a bird fly or enjoy the breeze hitting your face. Take in the beauty of nature and focus on nothing in particular. Empty your mind and let nature take over for a few minutes! Nature has an incredible calming effect!
Remember that you will get past this stressor or challenge. What can you do to turn this situation into something positive? How can you end up better off?
And the single best way to reduce your stress is exercise! Eating healthy foods will give your body the clean energy you need to complete a vigorous workout! Work your body into a sweat. Enjoy breathing hard and getting your heart pumping! The exercise will kick in those wonderful endorphins that are sure to elevate your mood and have you feeling better in no time!
Exercise has a positive impact on your life in so many ways. Consistent, frequent exercise is known to reduce depression in people who struggle with that. The positive effects of exercise and eating healthy on your mental health are scientifically proven.
Just get started - help yourself to a better sense of self esteem and improve your ability to handle life's inevitable curve-balls!
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Keep Eating Healthy Foods and Exercise Daily
You are what you eat may be more truth than many of us ever imagined!
If you already have a lean figure and want to keep it you should exercise regularly and eat a balanced diet that provides enough calories to make up for the energy you expend. If you wish to gain weight you should exercise regularly and increase the number of calories you consume until you reach your desired weight. Exercise will help ensure that the weight you gain will be lean muscle mass, not extra fat.
The Diet
A balanced diet is an integral part of any weight control plan. For the best results a diet high in complex carbohydrates and moderate in protein and fat will be a healthy complement to any exercise program. It should include enough calories to satisfy your daily nutrient requirements and include the proper number of servings per day from the "basic four food groups": vegetables and fruits (4 servings), breads and cereals (4 servings), milk and milk products (2 - 4 depending on age) and meats and fish (2).
Health experts recommend that your daily calories stay above 1200 calories unless you are under a doctor's supervision. For healthy, lasting weight loss your weekly weight loss should not exceed two pounds.
Remarkable - even miraculous - claims have been made for a variety of "crash" diets and diet pills. And some of these very restricted diets do result in noticeable weight loss in a short time. All too often all you lose is water and such a loss is quickly regained when normal food and liquid intake is resumed. These diet plans are often expensive and may be dangerous. Moreover, they usually fail to emphasize lifestyle changes that will help you maintain your desired weight. Dieting alone will result in a loss of valuable body tissue such as muscle mass in addition to a loss in fat.
Adding 15 minutes of moderate exercise, say walking one mile, to your daily schedule will use up 100 extra calories per day. (Your body uses approximately 100 calories of energy to walk one mile, depending on your body weight.) Maintaining this schedule would result in an extra 700 calories per week used up, or a loss of about 10 pounds in one year, assuming your food intake stays the same. To look at energy balance another way, just one extra slice of bread or one extra soft drink a day – or any other food that contains approximately 100 calories – can add up to ten extra pounds in a year!
Medical experts agree - the quickest way to lose weight is with plenty of exercise and eating healthy foods in
moderation! You can enjoy eating healthy, exercise daily and lose weight fast!
Dieting is Easier When You Love the Food. Delicious meals shipped to your door. It's a proven strategy that works!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Summer Slim
The quickest way to lose weight really boils down to two very basic choices. Exercise more and more often. And Eating healthy foods in moderation. Drink more water and eat smaller portions of healthy foods. Eliminate the sugar packed foods and treats as much as possible. Get some protein early in the day. Eat a healthy breakfast and you're less likely to binge later!
Then, during the day get some exercise. As much as you can.
The first step is just being more active even if its only a little. Start by walking; it can always be worked into your day. Anyone can do it any time, in almost any place, without any special equipment. The opportunities are plentiful: go for a walk after dinner instead of watching television; walk to work; walk to the store rather than driving; or take the dog or the kids for a long walk. A moderately brisk pace is preferable, but build up to it gradually.
Of course, there are lots of other fun ways - besides walking - that will give you the benefits of an aerobic workout. For the best results try as many as you want. Choose the ones you enjoy most, and have a great time while you get in shape. Here are some more ideas:
* Jogging – Start slow and build up your time and distance
* Swimming – low impact and great for your whole body!
* Rowing – Excellent overall fitness workout.
* Golf – Try walking and carry your own bag.
* Tennis – enjoy with friends
* Cycling – go for a ride with your favorite friend and loved ones!
* Dancing – Take your spouse or loved one out for an enjoyable evening!
Remember – just get started. Do something every day and soon you’ll be on that road to building muscles, losing weight and getting in shape fast! Burn more calories all day. Watch that belly fat start to disappear! You’ll look better and feel better!
There a many natural and healthy ways to lose weight fast. You don't need expensive medical procedures or diet pills. Make exercise and healthy eating two of your daily habits. You can have a much healthier body. If you've put on a few extra pounds around the mid-section - the best way to lose belly fat is with plenty of good aerobic workouts and eating healthy foods!
Start your own fitness program and brighten up your outlook towards life in a surprisingly short time. Start getting in shape fast and soon you’ll find that you feel way better! You’ll notice an improved attitude. You’ll can sculpt a leaner, sexier body! You won't need to spend a small fortune joining a health club - pick up a few pieces of home fitness gear and start getting in shape!
Friday, June 5, 2009
Eat Healthy for Better Fitness
Eating healthy is vital to your fitness plan. The most important thing is to concentrate on eating a nutritious, balanced diet every day. This provides plenty of energy to grow and exercise. Here are a few tips about eating before, during and after exercise.
* Enjoy some high carbohydrate foods like bananas, bagels or fruit juices. These foods are broken down quickly and provide glucose to the muscles.
* The timing of this meal depends on athletes' preference for eating before exercise, but researchers have found that eating something from 1 to 4 hours before exercise helps keep plenty of blood glucose available for working muscles.
* It is also really important to drink plenty of cool water before exercise to keep muscles hydrated.
* Perspiration and exertion deplete the body of fluids necessary for an optimal performance and lead to dehydration. It is important to drink plenty of cool water, at least a half a cup of water every 20 minutes of exercise. Adding a teaspoon of sugar, a little fruit juice or a small amount of powdered drink mix flavors plain water and may encourage fluid intake.
* Usually there is no need to worry about replacing carbohydrates unless the exercise lasts over 90 minutes and is hard and continuous. When this happens, drinking a sports drink or other beverage with some sugar in it will fuel and water to the muscles being exercised.
* Make a homemade sports drink by mixing no more than 4 teaspoon of sugar, 1/4 teaspoon of salt and some flavoring (like a teaspoon of lemon juice) in 8 ounces of water.
If your workout was strenuous and lasted a long time, your glycogen stores may need refueling. Consuming foods and beverages high in carbohydrates right after exercise will replenish glycogen stores if they are low after exercising.
No matter the intensity of the exercise, it's important to drink plenty of water and eat a nutritious, balanced meal that has lots of carbohydrate rich foods like whole grains, pastas, potatoes, vegetables and fresh fruits!
If you want better health and fitness - today is the perfect day to do something on your journey to a healthier, sexier body! You can shed those hard to lose pounds with strenuous exercise and a healthy eating plan. Why wait? Start today!
Dieting is Easier When You Love the Food. Delicious meals shipped to your door. It's a proven strategy that works!
Keep eating healthy and start getting in shape for more fun in the Summer Sun!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Building Muscles
The benefits of building muscle are plentiful – looking better, feeling better, losing weight, and the list goes on:
* Pleasure. People often really enjoy strength-training exercises; they find them less taxing than aerobic workouts and love the results.
* Health and fitness benefits. Strength training increases muscle mass and bone density. It makes you feel strong and energized, alleviates stress and depression, and gives you a better night’s sleep. And it can help prevent the onset of certain chronic diseases or ease their symptoms.
* Improvements in appearance. Lifting weights firms the body, trims fat, and can boost metabolism by as much as 15%, which helps with weight control.
* Social opportunities. Exercising with friends or family gives you a chance to visit and chat while you work out.
* Thrills. People who start strength training later in life often find that they are willing and able to try new, exciting activities, such as parasailing, windsurfing, or kayaking.
If you are like me and just want to lose a few pounds this year - Summer is an ideal time to start or pick up the pace a little. Why not start today? Get up now and get started. Start a daily exercise routine. Start working with weights every other day. Get some aerobic exercise most days of the week.
Looking to be more fit then you were in 2008? Let provide everything from workout plans to nutritional supplements.
If you’ve been out of practice for a while or are looking for an easy way to start getting in shape fast – try walking. Save your knees and enjoy the many benefits of low impact exercise! Start building muscles and burning off those unwanted pounds!
Monday, June 1, 2009
Summer is the Perfect Time for Getting in Better Shape
Time for fun in the warm Summer sun! Summer is the perfect time to give your fitness a boost and start getting in better shape! You're never too old or too overweight to start taking action towards better health! You can improve your quality of life and find you have more energy for all kinds of fun! Fun in the Sun! Or wherever you like!
You don't have to spend a bunch of cash and burn more foreign oil getting to the health club of gym. Try simple exercises you can do right at home. Invest in some good shoes for walking or running. Head down to the local pool and spend half an hour in the lap lanes. Your whole body will love you for it!
Libraries often have exercise videos you can borrow for free! Try a new video every week for six weeks and see how much better you feel! Consistency is vital. And frequency - you will see the most improvement when you exercise at least 30 minutes a day four or five days out of your week. Can you carve out a mere half an hour most days of your week in order to enjoy better health and happiness?
Invest in yourself - schedule some time for your health! And closely guard your fitness time! The benefits are clear and can last a lifetime! A lifetime of less stress and greater self esteem! More fun and loads more energy!
Simple exercises can boost your fitness level in a matter of weeks! Start walking and running. Remember the calisthenics you learned in high school? Do some push-ups and sit-ups. The good old jumping-jacks will get your heart pumping in just a couple minutes! Hop on your bicycle and enjoy the great outdoors. Enjoy a variety of exercises for the best results.
Try the lunges in the video below:
Summer is great for sweating off those extra pounds or just plain toning up your body into a leaner, slimmer fun machine! If you've been inactive for a while - start getting in shape fast and make the most of these Summer months. Have all the fun you can while you lose weight and build muscles. You friends will start to notice!
Looking to be more fit then you were in 2008? Let provide everything from workout plans to nutritional supplements.
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