Getting in shape fast - before summer gets here - is a realistic goal. “Yeah, right!” that evil little prick on my shoulder whispers.
Don’t listen to the doubters. Surround yourself with positive thoughts and people. You can go from where you are right now - to a much healthier, fitter you. Feel better and Look Better before summer gets here! Take action. Start working towards your goal today! Do you want to lose 20 pounds? Thats only two pounds a week for the next ten weeks! You can do that!
One less soda a day. Walk a mile at lunch! Take the stairs every chance you get. Cut out the white bread, donuts, and refined sugars. Start your day with a healthy breakfast and strive to burn a few more calories every day. ( Quite a few! ) We CAN DO this! More veggies. Less sugar. More exercise.
We make the choices. We have a choice - go through another summer at the beach wearing baggy clothes to hide that flabby stomach - or start today. Make every day a masterpiece. Own your body. Master your cravings. Stay focused on your goal. And take action - every day.
For the most efficient exercises and a great, low impact workout take a look at the BowFlex TreadClimber. Burn more calories in half the time! Getting in shape fast is easier on the BowFlex TreadClimber!