Monday, March 24, 2008

Getting in shape fast - Just get started

Whine #1: "I just don't have enough time to exercise..."

Lack of time is the most common excuse people use to avoid exercise. I did it just yesterday! ON A DANG Sunday! Who doesn't have a few extra minutes on their day off?

Another excuse is: "I don't see enough of my kids as it is, I just can't take even more time away from them to exercise." The fact is that all of us are busy to the breaking point, including the President and his cabinet. But it is common knowledge that the President takes time out each day to exercise and he expects the members of his cabinet to do the same. We recognize that your complaints about lack of time are completely legitimate and you don't have the White House staff at your disposal to take care of your daily needs. So here are two suggestions to keep in mind:

Contrary to popular belief, exercise does not have to be continuous to count. If you can grab 10 minutes here and 10 minutes there throughout the day, it all adds up and is equivalent to the same amount of continuous exercise in terms of its beneficial effects on your weight and health.

Chances are - if you have children, they need to get more exercise too. So plan to exercise along with your children as often as possible. Run along while they ride their bikes. Or ride your along side them! You'll love the time you get to enjoy with your loved ones and everyone benefits.

"I'm just too tired to exercise." I used this one in the last few days too! Well gee - dumb ass - how are you ( speaking to myself here... I don't mean - you! ) ever going to increase or enhance your energy levels without getting off that over sized ass you spend so much time seated on and get out and get some exercise?

Many people complain that they are too tired to exercise. Blah, blah, blah..... It is indeed exhausting just to think about the hectic lives that most of us lead. All that we can say in response is that exercise is actually energizing. It adds to your sense of vitality and brightens your outlook. It reduces stress and helps you focus. It will also improve your mood since exercise has been shown to have an anti-depressant effect. Using exercise to elevate your mood will help you avoid all of the side effects and expense of anti-depressant medications, many of which cause weight gain.

Let go of the excuses. Put them to rest. Just get started! Getting in shape fast is still a real possibility for many of us. If you're like me you might need a few extra weeks to lose that beer belly before June. What the heck? July and August are still ideal for spending time at the beach!

Get your Bowflex®
TreadClimber® cardio machine today.

Just get started. Start exercising, building muscles and eating healthy. Soon you'll start seeing improvements in your overall health and fitness level. You'll look GOOD! You'll feel even better!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Exercise and Eating Healthy lead to a healthier body

Health experts agree - in addition to exercise, cutting calories is the single most effective way to lose weight. ANY AMOUNT of exercise you do in addition will help to increase the amount of weight loss. But exercising 60 minutes a day is the amount of exercise needed to prevent WEIGHT GAIN. What this means is that while you are losing weight, it is best to focus on learning about portion control and choosing a healthier diet. Once you have gained mastery over those skills, you can think about aiming at the Surgeon General's recommendation of 30 minutes a day

Eating the right foods and the right amounts of foods can help you live a longer, healthier life. Research has proven that many illnesses—such as diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure—can be prevented or controlled by eating right. Getting the nutrients you need, such as calcium and iron, and keeping your weight under control can help. Try to balance the calories you get from food with the calories you use through physical activity (select for more information about physical activity). It is never too late to start eating right. Here are some helpful tips.

Eat a variety of foods, especially:

Vegetables. Choose dark-green leafy and deep-yellow vegetables.

Fruits. Choose citrus fruits or juices, melons, and berries.

Dry beans (such as red beans, navy beans, and soybeans), lentils, chickpeas, and peanuts.

Whole grains, such as wheat, rice, oats, corn, and barley.

Whole grain breads and cereals.

Eat foods low in fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol, especially:


Poultry prepared without skin; lean meat.

Low-fat dairy products.

Keep building muscle, exercising, and eating healthy and watch your waistline shrink and your health improve!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Exercise and watch your life improve!

Exercise has a beneficial effect on almost every physiological system in your body. If you make one and only one change in your lifestyle, we hope you will choose to increase physical activity. It will offer you the most "bang for your buck" in the sense that it improves your metabolic profile and does more to improve your overall health than any other behavioral change. Here are some of the benefits of regular exercise:

* Reduces blood pressure
* Reduces "bad" cholesterol levels
* Raises "good" cholesterol levels
* Reduces overall heart disease risk
* Reduces risk for several prominent cancers
* Reduces blood glucose levels
* Reduces abdominal fat - considered the most dangerous to health
* Improves insulin's ability to lower blood glucose levels
* Increases bone density
* Improves muscle tone and posture
* Improves heart (cardiovascular) function
* Improves lung (respiratory) function
* Reduces stress
* Improves mood

The key benefit of exercise for our purposes is improved weight management. There is a large database of information on thousands of people who have taken off 30 pounds or more and kept it off for up to five (or more) years. This database makes it clear that exercise is one of the key factors associated strongly with successful weight management. But for many people, years of sedentary behavior and many pounds of extra weight mean that careful planning and thought must go into making this important lifestyle change.

You may be feeling that increasing your physical activity is too much for you to deal with right now. There is no hurry. The attitude or mindset that will work best is to TAKE THE LONG VIEW -- making the changes slowly and gradually with the thought in mind that these are changes you will sustain for the rest of your life.

Improve your life - Exercise and lose weight fast!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The key to getting in shape fast is getting started

In just a few short days Spring will be here! Spring Break has already started for many. In less than three months the unofficial start of Summer will be upon us. Vacation time! School's out for the whole Summer! Days at the beach. Nights at your favorite watering hole. Time for all kinds of outdoor fun.

Is it possible to get in better shape between now and the end of May? Can a person drop some ( or all ) of those unwanted pounds before school lets out? You know you can do it. We CAN get or stick with the program and lose those unsightly bulges around our waist. Slim up those thighs and tighten up that butt.

While a washboard stomach may be a bit far fetched ( or, in my case - totally out of the realm of realism ) between now and June. Some of us may already be on the way to building muscle and sculpting tighter abs and a much flatter stomach.

Yes, there IS still time to get rid of those extra pounds. Time to slim down and look good in a tiny little swimsuit. Now is the best time to start that muscle building program. There's still time to get in shape and fit into that tight little bikini.

Getting in shape fast IS a realistic, and achievable goal. Yes, you can have a slimmer, sexier body before June. Don't wait. Get started today.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Spring is time for getting in shape fast

This winter has given us a harsh reminder of how fragile our health can be. Even the slightest exposure to one of the nasty flu bugs going around can result in days laying in bed - with the remote as your faithful sidekick. Some of us are lucky enough to have a family member or loved one to help us through this unpleasant time. Many of us end up watching countless hours of TV between naps - too tired and ill to do anything more productive. This bug just plain leaves us feeling like crap.

It leaves us wishing Spring would hurry and get here. It leaves one longing for warmer days - filled with blue skies, sunshine and warmth. It's time to pick up the pace. Get out of that sick bed as soon as you can and start back on the road to better health. Time to work on getting in shape fast. Summer is just around the bend.

March will no doubt blow by us like a West Texas wind storm. Spring break will come and go before we know it. Then its back to the books for six or eight short weeks.

And then it comes - that wonderful time of the year we all grew up loving so. The carefree, laid back time of year when lemonade stands start popping up in neighborhoods everywhere. Church youth groups sponsor the Saturday morning carwash. And Sunday afternoons are best spent at your favorite swimming hole.

Do you want to have a healthier look before summer arrives? Are you ready to keep that promise you made to yourself at the start of this great new year? Do you want to start exercising, building muscles and losing weight fast? Are you ready to start getting in shape fast?