Step 1. Go for a walk. It’s that easy to reap the benefits of moderate endurance
exercise. Each time you exercise, simply walk a little farther. As the weeks pass, gradually increase the pace, or speed, of your walks.
Step 2. Every two weeks, increase the duration of your workout by five minutes. Also, add five minutes of total-body stretches to the beginning and end of your workouts (for a total of 10 minutes of stretching). Improving your flexibility makes your workouts easier over time.
Step 3. After exercising moderately for a month, add a five-minute vigorous workout three days a week. For example, if you’re walking, speed up to a fast walk or slow jog for a total of five minutes, on three of the days you work out. After two weeks, increase the higher intensity portion of the workout to 10 minutes. Two weeks later, increase it to 15 minutes of vigorous exercise, and then two weeks later do 20 minutes of vigorous activity, three to four days a week. This is a healthy activity that will help you reduce your chance of illness and find more pleasure and vigor in your life.
If you can’t walk for 30 minutes at one time, take 5-, 10-, or 15-minute walks
throughout the day. It all adds up to better health. Start today - Exercise is the quickest way to lose weight!
You’re probably already walking more than you think. And by taking advantage of opportunities all around you to walk more every day, you’ll be surprised at how quickly the steps add up! Walk up the stairs instead of riding the escalator at the mall; take an after dinner walk with your family; choose the farthest spot in the lot at work; eat lunch outdoors instead of at your desk.
Walking 30 minutes or more a day at a brisk pace is an excellent start to your low impact exercise program!
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