Do you want more energy? Would you like to feel healthier? Maybe lose a few pounds? Tone up your body? Are you just plain tired of being sick and tired?
Whatever your health goals are - you can make it happen if you make a plan and start taking action! Any action. Today!
Look at where you are right now and decide what you want to change. Start with a plan to create better habits. Write your goal - and your plan for achieving that goal on paper. Some people have found a fitness journal helpful. Whatever form you decide on - write down your goals and the plan to achieve them.
Then start taking action - immediately! Change requires you give up some things. Change means we have to adjust, adapt, and accept new healthy eating habits. New exercise habits and a new level of activity. Focus on the good you are doing!
Aim high - shoot for the moon. If you miss, at least you'll be better off than you were before you started. Who cares about being perfect? Write down the change you want to make, profess it to a willing partner in crime, and see what happens.
Make small, manageable changes in your daily diet and exercise habits. Realistic changes that you can do now. Don’t commit to an unrealistic exercise plan; just do what you truly know you can do, like walking 30 minutes or so each day at lunch, or even three days a week. Include more vegetables and fruits in your daily diet. Cut back on refined sugars, soda and junk food. Small changes practiced daily will lead to big results!
If you're like so many of us and find yourself missing a day or cheating a little, don't give up. Don't beat yourself up over your mistakes. Simply learn from them and move on. Keep going! Simply decide to do better tomorrow or the next day. At the end of a week, or a month, measure your progress. Rethink your plan. What's working? And what isn't? Change your action plan accordingly. Then set out on taking even more action! You will gradually see improvement if you stick to your plan!
We can achieve great success in our quest for better health if we just keep after it - continue chipping away at our goals. Keep eating healthy foods and avoiding the ones we know are just adding pounds. Keep exercising! If weight loss is one of your goals - experts agree the quickest way to lose weight is with daily exercise and a disciplined focus on eating healthy!
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