Getting in shape fast can be a reality - if we are willing to take action. Some very basic fundamentals - practiced consistently each day - have been proven to help us build the kind of healthy body we strive for. Getting healthy and staying healthy is much easier if you focus on the fundamentals - exercising, building muscles and eating healthy. Start today! Do some simple exercises. Stay away from trans- fats and the kinds of foods we all know are hard on your waistline. Reduce your calories and increase your muscle building exercises.
Health experts agree - in addition to exercise, cutting calories is the single most effective way to lose weight. ANY AMOUNT of exercise you do in addition will help to increase the amount of weight loss. But exercising 60 minutes a day is the amount of exercise needed to prevent WEIGHT GAIN. What this means is that while you are losing weight, it is best to focus on learning about portion control and choosing a healthier diet. Once you have gained mastery over those skills, you can think about aiming at the Surgeon General’s recommendation of 30 minutes a day
Eating the right foods and the right amounts of foods can help you live a longer, healthier life. Research has proven that many illnesses—such as diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure—can be prevented or controlled by eating right. Getting the nutrients you need, such as calcium and iron, and keeping your weight under control can help. Try to balance the calories you get from food with the calories you use through physical activity (select for more information about physical activity). It is never too late to start eating right. Here are some helpful tips to get you started eating healthy:
Eat a variety of healthy foods, especially:
Lots of Vegetables. Choose dark-green leafy and deep-yellow vegetables.
Fruits. Choose citrus fruits or juices, melons, and berries. Toss some blueberries into your smoothie or add to your yogurt. An apple a day does help keep the Doctor away! Toss a banana in your bag. and an orange. Try to get those vitamins from their natural source.
Dry beans (such as red beans, navy beans, and soybeans), lentils, and chickpeas.
Whole grains, such as wheat, rice, oats, corn, and barley. Try some wheat germ with your yogurt.
Whole grain breads and cereals. Avoid white bread and cereals with lots of sugar.
Eat foods low in fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol, especially:
Fish - especially wild salmon. Avoid farm raised fish - they tend to contain too many unhealthy chemicals.
Chicken or turkey prepared without the skin. If you like beef ( like I do! ) choose lean cuts of meat. Grass fed beef is a healthy choice if you can find it. Just remember to keep those portions small.
Stick with low-fat dairy products.
Just get started. Getting in shape fast is a goal you can reach. Take the simple steps - start building muscles, exercising and eating healthy foods! Watch your health, your self esteem and your sex life improve - fast!
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