Why do people want to get in better shape? What motivates you? Some people want to look better. Others hope to impress that really hot girl across the street or that good looking guy who works in marketing.
Some people want to lose weight - and just feel better about themselves. Others want to improve their performance in their favorite sport.
A number of goals can motivate people to begin and stick with their exercise program.
The coolest thing about fitness and getting in better shape is that whatever benefit you seek is often but one of the many benefits you end up with! If you want to improve your ability to play golf and end up looking years younger and with greater self esteem - well, you win big!
Fitness benefits everyone.And the benefits can far exceed your expectations!
Here are but a few of the benefits some fitness seekers are working towards:
* Pleasure. People often really enjoy strength-training exercises; they find them less taxing than aerobic workouts and love the results.
* Runners swear by their daily run. If they had to give up all there favorite daily habits except for two they would almost unanimously choose their daily run as one of their top two!
* Health and fitness benefits. Strength training increases muscle mass and bone density. It makes you feel strong and energized, alleviates stress and depression, and gives you a better night's sleep. And it can help prevent the onset of certain chronic diseases or ease their symptoms.
* Improvements in appearance. Lifting weights firms the body, trims fat, and can boost metabolism by as much as 15%, which helps with weight control. Walking or running five days a week can help you get rid of that belly fat so many of us seem to accumulate after age forty or so.
* Social opportunities. Exercising with friends or family gives you a chance to visit and chat while you work out. The friends you make while you play can often last a life time! Have more fun playing sports and working out with our friends. Or turn it into a family tradition.
* Thrills. People who start fitness training later in life often find that they are willing and able to try new, exciting activities, such as windsurfing, or kayaking.
These are but a few of the benefits so many fitness enthusiasts enjoy. If you are wanting to make some simple changes to your life and maybe improve your life in some small way - Start exercising several days a week. Take up a new sport! Buy a bicycle or some rollerblades. Or a skateboard. Or some golf clubs! The possibilities are nearly endless.
Make a difference in your life. Start an exercise program for yourself. Establish a habit in your daily life. Make some time for fitness!
If you've been inactive for a while - start getting in shape. Enjoy the countless benefits so many people get with fitness and healthy living!
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