Behind every cloud lies an opportunity! During these uncertain times - we have an opportunity to prepare for the future. A brighter, better future full of better health and more fun.
Now that Spring is here we can get outside more and enjoy these milder, warmer days . Are you feeling a little more stress during these uncertain economic times? If you want to better handle whatever stressors you have - you have options.
Here are but a few ways to deal with stress better:
1. Get outside and spend some time enjoying nature. Get away from the hustle and bustle and loud noise. Enjoy the sights, smells, and sounds of nature. Take a nice long walk in a nearby park. Stop for a few moments and close your eyes. What do you hear? Can you feel the fresh air on your face? What do you smell? Savor the time enjoying nature!
2. Exercise. Get at least 20 minutes of good, hard exercise. You know - the kind of exercise that leaves you breathing hard and hopefully sweating up a storm! Feel those healthy, mind altering endorphins lifting your spirits? Exercise is one of the best things you can do to minimize stress.
3. Drink more water and less alcohol. Less caffeine too. Eat more natural, healthy foods. Try to have some cold-water salmon a couple or three times a week!
4. Enjoy some chocolate! Good, dark chocolate. But just a little!
5. Focus on good thoughts - That old maxim "You are what you think" really is true! Whenever you realize you are having an unhealthy or just plain bad thought - turn it into a good one. Make a habit of recognizing when these bad thoughts occur - and take the opportunity to think about something pleasant instead. This works! Be kind to yourself!
6. Spend a few minutes each day with yourself and enjoy some quiet time all to yourself. Many healthy, well balanced people take time each day to meditate on what is most important to them. Countless millions read their Bible for a few minutes each day. Others practice yoga or meditate. Pamper yourself a little each day. Guard your personal time. You'll be glad you do!
7. Exercise some more! Exercise is simply the best way to deal with stress. Clear out your head of all that clutter. If you want to lose weight or just have more energy or even more fun - exercise regularly! You'll soon be hooked on the countless benefits exercise has to offer!
7a. Love! Practice loving someone. Love yourself and others! Practice random acts of kindness everyday!
7b. Sex - You already know this one. Think back to the last time you enjoyed really great sex. Enough said!
You can survive these uncertain times and emerge better off than today! Much better!
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