Saturday, May 30, 2009

Want More Energy?

Have you ever wished you could have more energy? Maybe you'd like to have more fun and enjoy life more. The good news is - you can have lots more energy to accomplish even more every day and enjoy life more in the process. Some famous person once said the joy is in the journey. Why not enjoy life more - every day - and get your body in better shape while you're at it?

The benefits of better fitness are clear and available to us all. Get out there and have more fun. Enjoy life more. Some day - when you look back at your life you'll no doubt remember with a certain sense of fondness the good, clean and healthy fun you enjoyed. Fun playing sports or even just that special feeling of accomplishment you get when you run that first mile. Or your first ten miles.

Don't you owe it to yourself to enjoy life while you can? Don't put it off - start today. Do something - anything - in the path to better fitness. Turn off your computer and go play 18 holes of golf. Or go out and ride bikes with your children for 30 minutes. Take them to the nearest park and try to keep up with them while they run around having the time of their young lives!

If you haven't been very active for a while - you can try something as simple as walking. Get outside and walk for as far as you can. Mission accomplished! Then celebrate your success with a nice healthy home made salad. Go easy on the dressing if you want to watch your weight. Start walking a little further every day and eating more salad and less fat. Enjoy the wide variety of fruits and berries available in your local market. And keep walking. Every day!

You can - in a matter of weeks - start feeling a difference. If you want to lose weight or just tone up your body - the quickest way to lose weight is with daily exercise! And eating healthy foods in moderation!

Dieting is Easier When You Love the Food. Delicious meals shipped to your door. It's a proven strategy that works!

You can have more energy for all the fun you want. You can find time to get out and enjoy life more. Be a little selfish - devote some time to yourself each day for exercise. Burn more calories and start toning your body. Enjoy these warmer Summer months playing your favorite sports! If your having fun while you exercise you're more likely to stick with it longer. Enjoy life more leading a healthy lifestyle!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Keep it Simple

Sometimes simple solutions just seem to work best. If you want tighter abs - well the key is to exercise your core muscles and get rid of belly fat. The best way to get rid of that belly is with plenty of vigorous exercise - you know the kind of workout that leaves you sweating and breathing heavy! Running, biking, and swimming will get your heart rate up and help you burn off more calories.

In order to build a toned mid-section or tummy you will also find better results with some exercise targeting those core muscles. Work your abs with a few simple exercise and you can gradually have toned abs and the kind of flat stomach others will admire!

Check out Tammy in the video below. She offers some excellent, time-honored exercise advice for helping you get the kind of tummy you've been dreaming of!

For more tips to help you tone your body and shed those unwanted pounds try these ten tips for better fitness. You really can have a slimmer, more toned body. You really can look great at the beach or the lake this Summer. Exercise regularly and sweat awy those extra calories! The best way to lose belly fat is with plenty of exercise and some simple abs exercises to strengthen your core!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Common Sense Health

Building healthy muscles and preventing injuries requires both common sense and careful preparation. By following a few basic principles, you can help ensure that your activity wont put you in the Doctor's office!

* Warm Up: This is the number one principle of injury prevention, consisting of three to five minutes of walking or jogging slow followed by a few minutes of stretching.

* Stay Flexible: Stretching during the warm-up and cooldown phases will help prevent muscle pulls and strains, as well as the general aches and pains that can occur after exercising.

* Slow is Best - Build Gradually: Start out slowly and build up gradually in intensity and duration of activity. Weekend athletes are famous for trying to do too much, too soon. Don't fall into this trap.

* Be Prepared: Use the right equipment for your sport, whether its a good pair of running shoes, or knee pads for roller-blading. Be sure its in good condition and is appropriate for your skill level (e.g., skis for beginners vs. experts).

* Rehydrate your body: Water is the best sports drink and you should drink plenty of it before, during and after exercise especially in warm weather. Keep drinking it throughout the day.

* Avoid Extreme Temperatures: Try not to exercise outdoors in extreme hot or cold weather, but, if you do, be sure to dress properly. Use caution against heat exhaustion or, at the other extreme, frostbite.

* Cool Down: Gradually decrease the intensity of your exercise activity to restore a normal heart rate. Stretching after you exercise is a great way to keep your muscles flexible and healthy. Walk for a few minutes until your breathing returns to a more normal rate and then take five or ten minutes to do some slow, easy stretches.

If you've been inactive for a while - take your time and build your workouts gradually increasing your exercise time. If losing weight is one of your goals, the good news is you can eat healthy, exercise and lose weight fast! Start your journey to better health today! Have more fun, live longer and boost your self esteem leading a healthy lifestyle. Make fitness a life-long habit. Start getting in shape fast and enjoying life more!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

The Keys to a Slimmer Body

Do you dream of having a slimmer waistline? Maybe you'd like to have a tighter stomach and more muscles? Many of us would settle for losing tat belly fat and toning up the arms and legs! The keys are right there for you to grab and unlock the secrets to a slimmer, sexier body.

Key # 1: Today is the best day to start losing that stomach fat. Get up and start walking or running. Go as far as you can. When you get back home - make yourself a small meal of mostly fruits and veggies. No sugar or white bread allowed. If you're like me and you love a great burger - have it on whole wheat bread. Avoid white. Get your protein from egg whites and spinach - try to cut back on the meat for a while.
And no fried anything. Sorry - I love fried chicken too.

Key #2. Repeat the first step for two weeks. Daily runs or long, fast paced walks and more veggies and fruits than any other foods. I love beer and a glass of wine is great with many meals. If you must drink - make it one! Switch to water. No soda - just water. Toss in a slice of lime if you like. Skip the drive-thru window and bring something healthy to snack on at lunch. We all enjoy the speed and convenience of fast food. If you want to lose weight - limit the fast food!

Key # 3 - Write down your weight goal. Your ideal weight and body shape. Get a picture of someone who already has the kind of body you wish you had and hang it on the refrigerator door. Every day - read our goal(s), and take a look at the picture on the fridge to remind yourself. Did I mention tossing all those sugary snack foods so many of us keep handy? Yes, the Ben & Jerry's has to go too. ( Maybe after a few weeks you can feel good enough to reward yourself with one small scoop of ice cream. )

Key # 4. At the end of week two - evaluate your progress. Be honest with yourself. Are you running or walking at least five of every seven days? Are you sticking with a healthy eating plan? Are your clothes starting to feel loose? Find ways to fit in more exercise in the coming weeks. ( Revisit that picture on the fridge! )

Key # 5 - Get some simple home fitness equipment to help you keep moving. Gradually start working out a little longer and a little harder. Start with some simple weight bearing exercises. Maybe using small dumbbells at first. The old classic push-up is still a great way to build up your arms and chest! If you use weights - only lift every other day. Your muscles will need a day of rest between workouts!

Key 6. Find something new to help you vary your workouts. The SmoothFlow R80 Rower will give your arms and stomach more tone and help you burn off some major fat calories! The key here is to develop a variety of exercise options. Maybe you'd have more fun joining a tennis league after work. Or taking up golf. Your options are almost endless! Find something you can enjoy! Keep walking or running five days a week!

Key # 7 - Enlist one or more friends to join you in the quest for better health. Exercise - of any kind is more fun when you are with someone. If you exercise regularly at home enjoy a comedy while you burn those calories. Laughter is great for your health! Stick with daily habits - eating healthy foods and exercise. The quickest way to lose weight and keep it off is start Getting in shape fast!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Quitting Smoking

If you don't smoke - congratulations! If you live a reasonably healthy lifestyle, you will probably outlive your friends who choose to smoke!

If you smoke - the single best action you can take to improve your life is to stop smoking. It's hard. And it doesn't have to be. You can lick that habit and start enjoying a much healthier lifestyle!

The benefits are well proven:

When you quit smoking...

* Your body begins to heal from the effects of the nicotine within 12 hours after your last cigarette.

* Your heart and lungs start repairing the damage caused by cigarette smoke.

* You breathe easier and your smoker's cough starts to go away.

* You lower your risk for illness and death from heart disease, stroke, chronic bronchitis, emphysema, lung cancer, and other types of cancer.

* You contribute to cleaner air, especially for children who are at risk for illnesses because they breathe others' cigarette smoke.

Quitting smoking is the single best action you can take to start enjoying a healthy life!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Find Time for Fitness

Who has time for getting in shape? Or at least trying to stay somewhat fit. Who knew what a juggling act we’d have to pull off - all in the name of parenting? Getting the little ones ready for school and Church. Trying to spend at least a half an hour working on their schoolwork each day. Trying to balance the joys of parenthood and family time with career objectives, Church, social, and civic activities - where does the time go?

And then scheduling even 30 minutes a day for exercise can be a challenge! Some days we get lucky and find 30 minutes at lunch to enjoy an energizing walk. And that just doesn’t seem enough. Here and there we get to the gym. Those days seems fewer and fewer lately. Time for ourselves can be a real luxury.

What if we didn’t even have to leave the house to get in a really great workout? What if you could get a great workout - at home? And not spend hours in the gym or waste even a moments time waiting for a machine to open up?

What if we could get up a few minutes before everyone else and kick start our day with a healthy dose of cardio on a machine many swear is the most efficient calorie burner ever designed? While we watch the morning news? Or enjoy a few of our favorite songs? Without even bothering to get fully dressed?

Many fitness lovers who somehow manage to balance their obligations and still look great - swear by the ultimate fat-burning machine. They’ve discovered the secret to great workouts - in less time - and in the comfort of their own homes! They've found their own secret weapon in the war on flab! Just 15 or 20 minutes, twice a day, on your SmoothFlow Rower will tighten up your tummy and give you a great cardio workout!

Sneak in some time for yourself. Write it in your planner. Guard this time just for you and don't compromise. After all, its for your health! If weight loss is one of your goals - you can exercise and lose weight fast! Fit just 20 or 30 minutes a day for exercise into your hectic schedule. You'll have more energy to get things done all day!

And make a habit of eating healthy foods! You can eat healthier foods and find ways for cutting calories!

Monday, May 4, 2009

The Quickest Way to Lose Weight

The best way to lose that tummy is with plenty of vigorous exercise. The sooner you start, the quicker you'll start seeing results.

Make the choice for better fitness and enjoy life more! If weight loss is one of your goals - you can exercise and lose weight fast! Health and fitness experts agree - the quickest way to lose weight is with consistent exercise and eating healthy foods!

Choose better health! You'll enjoy life more!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Tighten up Your Tummy before Summer

Your muscles burn three times as many calories as fat! So if you want to kickstart your weight loss and tone your abs - start building muscles! Get some exercise most days of the week. And do some strength training every other day! Research shows strength training can help you burn off that belly. Women who strength trained lost more stomach fat than those who chose not to.

The quickest way to lose weight and keep it off is with regular, vigorous exercise. You can exercise and lose weight fast! Try these tips for building muscles!