No matter at what age you begin to exercise, or how long you may have been inactive, proper exercise will always improve your physical condition. It is important to begin any exercise program slowly and build up gradually. Remember, it may take several months ( or longer ) to reach your fitness goals. Depending on where you are today.
If weight loss is one of your goals - you can eat healthy, exercise and lose weight fast. Don't rush it though. Stick with a pace you feel comfortable with. Challenge yourself until you feel the need to back off! Enjoy the journey! And keep moving. The more frequently you exercise the quicker you'll see results!
Before beginning an exercise program, you might want to visit with a health care professional or even have a physical examination. If your mobility is limited as a result of a chronic or disabling condition, be sure to review your plans with your doctor. Keep in mind your level of ability and endurance so that you don't risk discomfort or injury. If you experience pain while exercising, stop that particular movement and ask your doctor about it on your next visit.
Stick with it, and you will see results!
Here's some tips to help get you going:
Warming Up
Preparing your body for exercise is important at any age and all fitness levels. A warm-up period should begin with slow, rhythmic activities such as walking or jogging in place.
Gradually increase the intensity until your pulse rate, respiration rate and body temperature are elevated, which is usually about the time that you break a light sweat. Do some easy stretching exercises before moving into the heart of your workout.
Once you begin your daily exercise routine, keep these points in mind to get the best results:
Always drink water before, during and after your exercise session.
Make exercising a part of your daily routine. You may want to set a regular time to exercise each day! Write it in your planner. Invite a friend to join you in the fun.
Start gradually, about 5 to 10 minutes at first. Gradually build upon your time and the intensity of your workouts! Increase the amount of exercise each day, up to about 30 to 60 minutes.
Breathe deeply and evenly during and between exercises. Never hold your breath.
Rest whenever you feel the need. Your body will let you know!
Keep a daily written record of your progress. Look back a few weeks and see how much you've progressed. You might amaze yourself!
Exercise to your favorite music or with friends for even more fun. Put a funny comedy in the DVD player and jump on your elliptical. You'll work off some pounds and have a blast!
Cool Down
If you have been participating in a vigorous workout or sport - you know the kind of workout that leaves you breathing fast - it is extremely important not to stop suddenly. Abrupt stopping interferes with the return of the blood to the heart and could even cause dizziness or fainting. Slow down and reduce the intensity of your exercise gradually.
Walk it off for a few minutes until your breathing returns to a more normal pace. Always end with a few slow stretches. Take your time and focus on your breathing and the muscles you are stretching.
You can have a better life. A healthier and happier life - full of more fun and energy! Start today! If you are wanting to lose some weight this year - the quickest way to lose weight is start getting in shape fast! Exercise most days and keep eating healthy foods. Soon you'll feel better and look better.
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