Sunday, November 29, 2009

More Fun in the Bedroom

Smoking, drinking too much alcohol, eating too much fat and too few fruits and vegetables can create havoc in your sex life. Your diet, and living a couch-potato existence can hinder your body's blood flow, making it tougher for you to feel aroused. Committing to a healthier lifestyle is an essential part of stepping up your sexual enjoyment!

If you are in better physical shape - chances are excellent that you will perform better in the bedroom! And enjoy it more!!!

Start today. Start your very own fitness program. Get a few simple and inexpensive pieces of home fitness equipment - and you can be on the road to better sex, more energy, and more pleasure for yourself and your lover(s)!!

Catch this video for some simple - and effective - exercise!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Start Getting in Shape and Enjoy the Holidays More

Make small, manageable changes in your daily diet and exercise habits. Realistic changes that you can do now. Don’t commit to an unrealistic exercise plan; just do what you truly know you can do, like walking 20 minutes every day at lunch, or even three days a week. Include more vegetables and fruits in your daily diet. Cut back on refined sugars, soda and junk food. Small changes practiced daily will lead to big results!

Go for at least 30 minutes of cardio 6 days a week. As you get more comfortable – increase your pace and your time to 45 minutes or an hour. Build endurance. Interval training is also a great way to burn more calories. If you want to add some ab exercises in after the cardio, that’s great, but be sure to work your whole body.

You can enjoy better fitness and health in the coming year and for years to follow! If weight loss is one of your goals – you can exercise and lose weight fast! Start getting in shape and you’re on the road to better fitness and a whole better outlook on life! Physical fitness makes life more fun!

Have discovered pilates yet? Try it - you'll feel great and look great.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Simple Steps to a Slimmer Body

Keep it Simple! Healthy Fitness lovers have known for centuries the benefits of simple exercise routines. Try something new. Keep it simple. Practice good form and work hard at your simple exercises. Soon you'll start to notice a host of benefits to be glad about!

Here is a good example:

You won't need to spend a small fortune to get in much better shape. Start slimming down today. Get some inexpensive home fitness gear and work your body into your best shape ever!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Enjoy Life More

A study of over 14,000 women showed that active women were 55 percent less likely to die of breast cancer than women who chose not to exercise and stay in good shape. Men who did just moderate levels of exercise lived, on average, up to six years longer than their sedentary peers.

The facts are clear - if you want to enjoy life more and live longer - your odds are much better if you get some exercise most days of the week!

For the best results - try a balanced approach. Combine weight or resistance training with flexibility and aerobic exercise. If your program is balanced enough, you wont have to be concerned about developing over exaggerated muscles.

If you think lifting weights is just for pumped-up hard-bodies who flex their pecs in public, think again. Building muscle benefits everyone! Women and Men - at any age. In fact, older people may have the most to gain from weight or resistance training, because strength is so crucial to functioning independently.

All sorts of professional athletes, from ball players to golfers, tennis players to swimmers, make cross training part of their regimes. You can enjoy the many benefits of better fitness without spending too much of your hard earned cash. Get some simple inexpensive home fitness equipment and start burning calories and building muscles!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Back to the Basics

The basics of better fitness are so easily overlooked. You can whip your body into much better shape - in a matter of weeks if you adopt some basic exercise habits. Try a healthy variety of exercises - preferably daily. And don't forget to keep eating healthy foods!

Sometimes getting back to the basics is simply the best course. Check out this video of an excellent whole body workout.

You can enjoy life more and have more energy. You can look and feel years younger. If weight loss is on your list of goals - you can shed those pounds. You can exercise and lose weight fast.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Make the Most of Your Morning!

Halloween is hopefully yet another fond memory. Autumn leaves continue to cover our lawns and give us another layer of fertilizer for next years greenery! The mornings are noticeably cooler in many parts of North America. The mountains have already seen a bunch of snow.

Soon we'll be gathering with family and friends to give thanks for this year's bounty and all our other blessings. Soon, Winter will be upon us! Autumn and Winter are really great for all the indoor activities we so enjoy. Cooking and enjoying good company in a nice warm home help make this a special time of year.

Getting outside and enjoying nature can pose a challenge when the wind-chill is at single digits or lower! The daily jog is refreshing indeed. If you’re like me you might find it way easier to get some exercise indoors as the temperatures continue to drop. Isn’t it so much nicer to flip on the DVD player and enjoy a favorite comedy while you burn off those calories?

Many of us face the challenge of moving our running and exercise time indoors from November to April. Joining a gym or health club is one option. Growing numbers of avid health enthusiasts are opting to get low impact exercise equipment right in their homes. They are avoiding the expense of that health club membership. No more waiting to get a few minutes on your favorite machine. Or that treadmill with the good view of the news channel.

Maybe you're like a growing number of fitness lovers who prefer working out before the rest of the family wakes up. Wake up a half hour earlier and enjoy your favorite cup of coffee and 15 or 20 minutes on your very own home fitness equipment. Save your knees - try low impact exercise equipment.