Saturday, October 23, 2010

3 Simple Rules for Sexy Abs

Do you wish you could have sexier abs? Maybe a tighter tummy and slimmer waistline?

3 Simple rules for a tighter, toned core:

1. stop eating simple carbs - especially Anything with high fructose corn sweetener. Stay away from white bread and white rice. Avoid sugary, sweetened drinks and stick with 8 glasses of ice water every day! Pass on fried Everything!

2. Run, skate, swim, or row 5 days out of every seven. Want faster results? Do it twice a day! Shoot for at least 20 minutes of heart-pounding cardio 2 times a day.

3. do some abs-specific toning.

Try this:

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Simple Steps to a Tighter Core

Do you ever look look at your mid-section and wish you could tighten up your abs? Well, take heart - you're not alone. Millions of busy, hard-working people just like you would love to shed a few inches around their waistline and have a slimmer, more attractive tummy!

Simple habits often bring about awesome results. These habits take work. Work you soon won't mind doing. Take action today - start strengthening your core area and you can sculpt a leaner, sexier stomach!

Watch this for some simple exercise tips anyone can do:

Depending on where you are today and whether you want to lose 2 inches or 10 - join the growing legions of fitness lovers who look good and feel great!

If you want results you can see - in a matter of weeks - watch your diet. Get some protein early in your day. And drink plenty of water. Pass on the fried foods and avoid Anything with the dreaded high-fructose sweetener.

Simple carbs are not good for a tight tummy. Avoid sugar, white bread and rice. Try to enjoy more fruits and veggies every day. Get some salmon or cod a couple times a week. Toss some chopped walnuts in your salad or yogurt! Enjoy heating healthy foods! Try some of nature's superfoods!

If you want a toned, slim body - you can reach your goal much quicker with daily cardio exercise and some strength training. Target your core with simple exercises. Remember - the best way to lose belly fat ( and keep it off ) is with plenty of heart-pumping exercise most days of the week.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Getting in Shape

Health care costs related to obesity are estimated at over $110 billion per year. Studies sponsored by the U.S. government have linked obesity to high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease. Is it possible that someday our health insurance may be priced according to one's weight? If you're wondering "What health insurance" - you're not alone. "Who can afford it?"

Take a good look around the next time you go to the local Supermarket - or out to eat. Check out how many people who are obese, or even a little overweight. How could this happen to so many of our neighbors and fellow Americans?

Is this strictly an American problem? I don't see too many obese Asians or Arabs or Africans.

I had the opportunity once to work with a wonderful boss once who often reminded us that behind every problem lies an opportunity! An incredibly positive man, he found a way to interject some humor in most of our workdays. So, behind ( excuse the pun please ) this national weight crisis lies the opportunity to lead a healthy and happy life!

Aren't we, after all, the product of the choices we make? Where we are right now is a direct result of the decisions we've made ( or not made ) in the past. So why not choose to get started on a toned and more muscular body? Why not choose to eliminate or even greatly reduce the amount of junk we put into our bodies? Why not choose better fitness and a healthy lifestyle?

You can easily make the choice to get a little more exercise each day. Or at least four or five times per week. Start today! Take positive steps every day toward a better life. Make this your best year ever. The year you chose a better life and started getting in shape.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Keep Your Children Fit, Trim and Healthy

Every classroom had one - that one child who was bigger than his or her peers. Not necessarily taller - but bigger. In generations past that large child's weight and body shape was often the result of some hormonal or chemical imbalance. Many of these children grew up to enjoy body shapes closer to the average. They simply outgrew their baby-fat or childhood flab.

Sadly, this is not as often the case in 2010. The trend toward childhood obesity is downright shocking. What is going on to bring about these alarming statistics we've all seen or heard?

Blame it on too much TV time - or too many hours wasted playing video games. Blame it on the junk we feed them. Look at the list of ingredients the next time you pick up a child's favorite snack or soft-drink. Even allegedly healthy fruit juices can contain alarming amounts of sugar or the dreaded high fructose corn syrup.

A growing body of scientific research is resulting in clear evidence on the positive relationship between active outdoor play and children's health.

Playing and regular vigorous physical activity (activities that produce a noticeable increase in heart rate - like brisk walking, biking, and active outdoor playing) is important for healthy growth and development among children and adolescents.

There is strong evidence showing beneficial effects of physical activity on muscle strength and endurance, bone health and cardiovascular health. A positive association has also been found between physical activity and improvements in concentration, memory, and classroom behavior.

Girls with a more natural view (trees, grass, shrubs) performed better on standardized performance measures of concentration compared to girls who looked at a more barren setting (buildings, dirt, or paved surfaces).

Children diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) had milder ADD symptoms after engaging in play outside versus playing inside. The “greener” the play setting (parks, farms, places with tall trees, grass, or natural water sources), the milder the symptoms.

If you want your children to do better in school - encourage them to play outdoors more. Lead by example and play with them. Take them along the next you go for a nice energizing bike ride. Encourage them to join you in a brisk walk around the park. Let them rid their bikes and just try to keep up with them!

Start each day with a healthy breakfast. Our children need a well balanced, nutrient rich start to their day - just as we do. Study after study has confirmed the many benefits of eating a healthy breakfast. Children who get a good night's sleep and have breakfast seem to do better in school.

All work and no fun leads to almost certain boredom. Children need to play. Encourage them to get outside and get some fresh air and burn off some of their seemingly boundless energy. Children who go outside and play at recess also enjoy better results in the classroom!

If you want your most beloved little ones to grow up healthy and avoid the fat-trap, just say no to the fat-food drive-thru windows. Tell the big fast-food chains you don't want their fat and maybe they will start offering healthier choices.

Encourage them to drink more water and milk and way less soda or juice. Keep a bowl of fruit within easy reach so they can reach for something healthy after school.

And - encourage them to get outside and play! If your child has gained too much weight or if you have concerns about their body shape - don't fret. Talk to your school nurse or doctor. Help your children exercise and lose weight - the fun way!