Friday afternoon. Rushing about trying to clear up all those loose ends before the weekend. As we embark upon another weekend - try to make some time just for you. Get outside if you can and go for a jog or even a nice brisk walk. Enjoy this beautiful time of year. Focus on your blessings. And your health.
The more physical activity and exercise we get the healthier we are. Combine plenty of exercise and fun with a healthy diet and you are on the road to better health.
Here are some of the specific health benefits of regular physical activity:
Heart Health: Can cut the risk of heart disease almost in half, and also may help prevent major risk factors, such as obesity and high blood pressure.
Cholesterol Control: Can improve blood cholesterol profiles by raising HDL levels (good cholesterol) and lowering triglycerides, another fat carried in the blood.
Muscling out Fat: Improves the bodys muscle-to-fat ratio by building or preserving muscle mass, which, in turn, increases calorie-burning efficiency to reduce body fat. Burn more calories all day - start building muscles!
Bone Support: Seems to slow the bone loss associated with advancing age a major cause of fractures in later life.
Insulin Enhancement: Enables the body to use insulin more efficiently, helping to control adult-onset diabetes - a growing problem across the country.
Cancer Check: Keeping obesity in check lowers the risk of certain cancers, particularly cancers of the breast, colon and uterus.
Aerobic Improvement: Slows the decline in aerobic capacity (the maximum volume of oxygen the body can consume) that is associated with aging, helping to improve cardiorespiratory health.
Weight Control: When combined with proper nutrition, can help control weight and prevent obesity, a major risk factor for many diseases. Start getting in shape fast.
Exercise and lose weight fast!
Attitude Adjustment: Reduces anxiety and depression, improves self-esteem, and helps you better manage stress. Adjust your attitude - start exercising daily. Make some time for yourself and your health!