Are you tired of hearing about "Black Friday"? Is your inbox filled with
Deals of the day? Why not ignore all the hype and relax with some
stress-free morn...
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Summer is for getting in shape fast
Summer is here! Time to spend fun days at the lake or the beach. Time to get out and enjoy more outdoor fun. Time for looking good and feeling great!
Time to pick up the pace on the exercise program and build some great looking bodies! Time to slim down that waist. Tone up those muscles. Time to burn more calories.
Here are some tips to help you keep moving:
Tips to Keep You Going
* Adopt a specific plan and write it down.
* Keep setting realistic goals as you go along, and remind yourself of them often.
* Keep a log to record your progress and make sure to keep it up-to-date.
* Include weight and/or percent body fat measures in your log. Extra pounds can easily creep back.
* Upgrade your fitness program as you progress.
* Enlist the support and company of your family and friends.
* Update others on your successes.
* Avoid injuries by pacing yourself and including a warmup and cool down period as part of every workout.
* Reward yourself periodically for a job well done!
Remember today is the best day to start getting in shape fast!
Monday, May 26, 2008
Summer Fun
Another Indy 500 weekend is in the record books. We can all look forward to plenty of options for Summer fun in the coming months! Lazy Sunday afternoons at the pool or beach. Baseball games after work. Saturday mornings at the soccer field or softball diamond.
Days on the golf course or at the lake. Evenings at the tennis courts burning some of those extra calories. Bicycles and skateboards on many a city sidewalk. Evening walks in the park. There is so much fun to enjoy in the Summer.
Time for barbecues and and plenty of salads and fresh fruits. Watermelons are back in the stores just begging us to enjoy! An abundance of healthy eating choices help us all enjoy these warmer months.
Many a school has let out for Summer now - leaving us choices for how to keep the little ones entertained and active over the coming months. Trips to the local pool and water parks will help many of stay cool and refreshed. Evenings in the yard chasing fireflies and warding off mosquitoes. Softball teams and tennis leagues will help many enjoy these Summer evenings even more.
Trips to the library during the heat of the day will hopefully help many a child stay a little cooler and enjoy some time well spent discovering new adventures in reading. Help your child enjoy these Summer months. Give them the best gift you can off - your time. Teach them the value of having fun playing sports or outdoor activities. Have fun with your children this Summer! Healthy children often grow up to be healthy, happy adults!
Friday, May 23, 2008
Daily exercise is the quickest way to lose weight
Save your money. Stop spending a fortune on gasoline just getting to the gym. There are plenty of natural and healthy ways to lose weight. Going to the gym or health club is great. If you don't mind spending $4.00 a gallon to get there! And another $50 a month for your membership. There are less expensive options!
It takes a little longer to achieve conditioning results through walking than through more strenuous activities, but not much. One study showed, for example, that jogging a mile in 8 1/2 minutes bums only 26 more calories than walking a mile in 12 minutes. Conditioning benefits from walking improve dramatically if you increase the pace to faster than 3 miles per hour (20-minute mile).
In another study, participants burned an average of 66 calories per mile walking 3 miles per hour, but 124 calories per mile when they increased the pace to 5 miles per hour. There's no doubt the simple pleasure of walking can lead to a trimmer, healthier body!
How about a water aerobics class at your local pool? Exercise in water places less stress on your joints and can be an excellent overall workout.
Or, you can spend less than a dollar a day and buy your own low-impact exercise equipment. Get some weights, maybe a rowing machine or a BowFlex TreadClimber and burn way more calories than yu would on a conventional treadmill.
Low impact exercise equipment in your extra bedroom helps you get rid of fat and keeps you on the road to getting in shape fast. All from the comfort of home! Put in your favorite tunes or watch a funny video while you workout on your own exercise equipment.
Remember to keep eating healthy- if you want to lose weight. Exercise and healthy eating are the quickest way to lose weight! And keep it off. Maintain a consistent level of activity - sports and exercise. And enjoy a healthy diet.
It takes a little longer to achieve conditioning results through walking than through more strenuous activities, but not much. One study showed, for example, that jogging a mile in 8 1/2 minutes bums only 26 more calories than walking a mile in 12 minutes. Conditioning benefits from walking improve dramatically if you increase the pace to faster than 3 miles per hour (20-minute mile).
In another study, participants burned an average of 66 calories per mile walking 3 miles per hour, but 124 calories per mile when they increased the pace to 5 miles per hour. There's no doubt the simple pleasure of walking can lead to a trimmer, healthier body!
How about a water aerobics class at your local pool? Exercise in water places less stress on your joints and can be an excellent overall workout.
Or, you can spend less than a dollar a day and buy your own low-impact exercise equipment. Get some weights, maybe a rowing machine or a BowFlex TreadClimber and burn way more calories than yu would on a conventional treadmill.
Low impact exercise equipment in your extra bedroom helps you get rid of fat and keeps you on the road to getting in shape fast. All from the comfort of home! Put in your favorite tunes or watch a funny video while you workout on your own exercise equipment.
Remember to keep eating healthy- if you want to lose weight. Exercise and healthy eating are the quickest way to lose weight! And keep it off. Maintain a consistent level of activity - sports and exercise. And enjoy a healthy diet.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Building Muscles helps you build Amazing Abs
Add strength training to your exercise program and you'll burn more calories all day long! Building muscles will help you slim down that waistline and flatten up your stomach!
The principle of progressive resistance refers to continually and progressively placing demands on the body that are greater than it is accustomed to. A reasonable guideline is to increase the training weight about 5 percent, and decrease the repetitions by two to four when a given load can be performed for the desired number of repetitions with proper exercise technique.
For example, if you can easily do 16 repetitions while performing the chest press exercise using 100 lbs., increase the weight to 105 lbs. and decrease the repetitions to 12 to make gains in muscle strength and endurance.
Many fitness enthusiasts suggest you work your upper body one day and your lower body the next. Or do them all, but every other day. Start by doing 10 repetitions of each exercise, and each week increase your repetitions by two until you can do 16. Then break the workout into two sets of eight repetitions and increase your reps again until you do two sets of 10 to 15 reps.
Remember to start your program slowly and progress deliberately to higher intensities, duration, and frequency. Always listen to your body; if you experience unusual soreness or fatigue, take a break, and return to your workout at a lower intensity or duration once the discomfort is gone. Exercise and Building muscles will get you on the road to getting in shape fast and enjoying a healthier, happier life!
Monday, May 19, 2008
Start a Low Impact Workout Program
Step 1. Go for a walk. It’s that easy to reap the benefits of moderate endurance
exercise. Each time you exercise, simply walk a little farther. As the weeks pass, gradually increase the pace, or speed, of your walks.
Step 2. Every two weeks, increase the duration of your workout by five minutes. Also, add five minutes of total-body stretches to the beginning and end of your workouts (for a total of 10 minutes of stretching). Improving your flexibility makes your workouts easier over time.
Step 3. After exercising moderately for a month, add a five-minute vigorous workout three days a week. For example, if you’re walking, speed up to a fast walk or slow jog for a total of five minutes, on three of the days you work out. After two weeks, increase the higher intensity portion of the workout to 10 minutes. Two weeks later, increase it to 15 minutes of vigorous exercise, and then two weeks later do 20 minutes of vigorous activity, three to four days a week. This is a healthy activity that will help you reduce your chance of illness and find more pleasure and vigor in your life.
If you can’t walk for 30 minutes at one time, take 5-, 10-, or 15-minute walks
throughout the day. It all adds up to better health. Start today - Exercise is the quickest way to lose weight!
You’re probably already walking more than you think. And by taking advantage of opportunities all around you to walk more every day, you’ll be surprised at how quickly the steps add up! Walk up the stairs instead of riding the escalator at the mall; take an after dinner walk with your family; choose the farthest spot in the lot at work; eat lunch outdoors instead of at your desk.
Walking 30 minutes or more a day at a brisk pace is an excellent start to your low impact exercise program!
Friday, May 16, 2008
How to lift your spirits and improve your self esteem
What would you do if you felt hopeless - like you had hit bottom? Like your life could not possibly get any worse. A famous mental health expert - Dr Carl Meninger was once asked those very questions. The famous Doctor replied that he would immediately leave his house and go find someone who was in even worse shape and in need of help. And start helping them!
If you step back for a moment and look objectively at your situation - whatever it might be - you might find that there is usually always someone who is in worse shape - or in need of more help - than ourselves!
When you begin to feel like you have more than you can handle. Maybe even a sense of depression or a lack of self esteem - get up and go help someone. Get out of your house. Get away from your desk - if even for a moment - and relax. Close your eyes and visualize something pleasing. Waves running up on the shore. Your favorite lake or beach. A local park or one of your favorite places.
Take a short walk - or a long one. Just step away from your stress or problem for a minute.
Exercise and serving others are two sure ways to boost your self esteem. To leave you in a better mood. Try it. Before you pick up the phone and call a therapist - try helping someone in need. Get out and get some fresh air! A little exercise will do wonders towards lifting your mood. More on How to improve your self esteem.
" And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men" Galatians 6:9-10
If you step back for a moment and look objectively at your situation - whatever it might be - you might find that there is usually always someone who is in worse shape - or in need of more help - than ourselves!
When you begin to feel like you have more than you can handle. Maybe even a sense of depression or a lack of self esteem - get up and go help someone. Get out of your house. Get away from your desk - if even for a moment - and relax. Close your eyes and visualize something pleasing. Waves running up on the shore. Your favorite lake or beach. A local park or one of your favorite places.
Take a short walk - or a long one. Just step away from your stress or problem for a minute.
Exercise and serving others are two sure ways to boost your self esteem. To leave you in a better mood. Try it. Before you pick up the phone and call a therapist - try helping someone in need. Get out and get some fresh air! A little exercise will do wonders towards lifting your mood. More on How to improve your self esteem.
" And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men" Galatians 6:9-10
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Quit smoking and start getting in shape fast!
Many smokers struggle with how to quit smoking. Plenty of options are available to help. Many people find success in the most basic measures.
Get rid of all your cigarettes. Throw them out. Just do it. When you get that urge - and you will - just take a moment to gather your thoughts and remind yourself of the certain health benefits you will enjoy by quitting smoking! This is, after all, very much a battle of your willpower. You make the choice. You decide! And you get to reap the benefits.
Enjoy a big drink of ice cold water. Have a piece of fruit. Keep some celery or baby carrots on hand and snack on something healthy. Dried fruits like raisins or prunes, grapes, baked, low-salt crackers, and whole wheat bread are also tasty and healthy snacks.
Start exercising for 30 minutes a day. Try a healthy activity like brisk walking, jogging, bicycling, or swimming. Try a new sport - like tennis or golf. If you can't get in 30 minutes all at once, aim for shorter periods of activity - at least 10 minutes - that add up to a half hour per day. If you have not exercised in a while, start with 5 or 10 minutes and gradually increase your times.
There are countless alternatives. In the end - the choice is yours. Make that choice. Start getting in shape fast and make it easier on yourself. Quit smoking, get out and exercise each day and watch your life get better!
Monday, May 12, 2008
Have fun and lose weight naturally
The Good Lord gives us each the same 1440 minutes every day. Start getting in shape fast and you will find yourself losing belly fat. Make a plan to schedule 30 minutes a day for exercise.
Adults need time to play. Time to have fun and blow off steam! With a little creativity and planning, even someone with the busiest schedule can make time for fun and exercise. For many folks, before or after work or meals is often an available time to cycle, walk, or play. Think about your weekly or daily schedule and look for or make opportunities to be more active. Every little bit helps. Consider the following suggestions:
Ride your bike to work or school. Enjoy a healthy, fast paced walk to the corner grocery, or your favorite Church!. Park the car farther away from the door of the Mall or Movie Theater. Get off the bus several blocks away from the office and walk the rest of the way. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Get outside and play with your children.
If you find it too difficult to exercise after work, try to sneak in a brisk walk or jog before you go to work or school. You'll enjoy a boost in energy that lasts all day! Take fitness breaks walking or doing desk exercises instead of that cigarette or coffee break.
Take small trips on foot to get your body moving. Exercise while watching TV (for example, use hand weights, stationary bicycle/treadmill/stairclimber, or stretch). Dance to music. Keep a pair of comfortable walking or running shoes in your car and office. You'll be ready wherever you go!
Make a date with your Family and enjoy a Saturday morning walk. Walk while doing errands.
If you've been inactive for a while - use a sensible approach by starting out slowly. Take your time and gradually increase your intensity or workout time. This isn't a race. Enjoy the journey!
Begin by choosing moderate-intensity activities you enjoy the most. By choosing activities you enjoy, you'll be more likely to stick with them. Gradually build up the time spent doing the activity by adding a few minutes every few days or so until you can comfortably perform a minimum recommended amount of activity (30 minutes per day). As the minimum amount becomes easier, gradually increase your exercise time or increase the intensity of your workout, or both. Vary your activities, both for interest and to broaden the range of benefits. Explore new sports and activities.
Try a new sport. Reward your efforts. Celebrate each milestone! Make it fun. Summer is a great time to get outside and have fun. Get up and get moving! Start today and you'll be on the road to a new, healthy lifestyle.
Start getting in shape fast and watch your waist start getting smaller. Start building muscles and getting rid of that belly fat! Go buy that smaller size you know you'll soon fit into. There are a variety of natural and healthy ways to lose weight fast.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
The quickest way to lose weight
Today is just the day to get started on a healthy lifestyle. Just do something healthy. Get outside and go for a walk. Have a salad ( just a little dressing on the side! ) and more vegetables today. Go to the grocery and buy some of your favorite fruit! Walk if you can! Walk around the block. Or around the mall!
Today is the perfect day to start getting in shape fast. To start building muscles and getting rid of fat. There are so many natural and healthy ways to lose weight. Pick your favorite sport and invite a friend to join you in a healthy pursuit!
If you've been inactive for a while, you may want to start with walking or swimming at a comfortable pace. Beginning with less strenuous activities will allow you to become more fit without straining your body. Once you are in better shape, you can gradually change to a more vigorous activity if you wish.
If you are over 40 and have not been active, avoid very strenuous programs such as jogging when you're first starting out. For the first few months, build up the length and intensity of your activity gradually. Walking and swimming are especially good forms of exercise for all ages. Or get a TreadClimber. They offer an excellent low impact workout. For any age and fitness level.
The BowFlex TreadClimber offers multiple fitness settings. You can start slow and gradually work your way up to some serious calorie burning! Watch your waistline start shrinking! Watch your tummy get more firm. Watch your energy start to soar! And you don't have to burn all that gasoline just getting to a gym!
Get your Bowflex® TreadClimber® cardio machine today.
Start getting in shape and lose belly fat fast! The quickest way to lose weight fast is with daily exercise. And a healthy diet. You can do this! Today is the perfect day to start!
Monday, May 5, 2008
Natural and healthy ways to lose weight fast
Summer is just around the corner. There's still time to lose weight naturally and fit into that favorite swimsuit.
Feeling good, looking fit, and leading a long and healthy life are things most of us want. Well, there's a lot we can do to increase the chance that we'll have them. The beneficial effects - both physical and mental - of good nutrition, physical fitness, and exercise are proven. You're never too young, too old, or too out of shape to get started -you can benefit from regular physical activity and healthy eating habits.
Exercise can help people at any stage of life. Physical activity provides benefits, regardless of your age, gender, or current fitness level. The benefits of regular exercise include:
Improved Health
Increased efficiency of heart and lungs Increased muscle strength Reduced cholesterol levels Reduced blood pressure Reduced risk of major illnesses such as diabetes and heart disease Weight loss Enhanced Sense of Well-Being
Increased mental acuity More energy Improved quality of sleep Improved ability to cope with stress Reduced tension Improved Appearance
Weight loss Toned muscles Improved posture Enhanced Social Life
Improved self-image More energy to engage in social activities More opportunities to make new friends (i.e., through exercise) More opportunities to share activities with friends or family members Increased Stamina
Increased productivity Increased physical capabilities Improved immunity to minor illnesses Fewer injuries So get up and get moving. Get outside and enjoy the beauty of Spring. Start getting in shape fast and watch your health improve. Live a better, healthier life! We have many natural and healthy ways to lose weight fast.
Feeling good, looking fit, and leading a long and healthy life are things most of us want. Well, there's a lot we can do to increase the chance that we'll have them. The beneficial effects - both physical and mental - of good nutrition, physical fitness, and exercise are proven. You're never too young, too old, or too out of shape to get started -you can benefit from regular physical activity and healthy eating habits.
Exercise can help people at any stage of life. Physical activity provides benefits, regardless of your age, gender, or current fitness level. The benefits of regular exercise include:
Improved Health
Increased efficiency of heart and lungs Increased muscle strength Reduced cholesterol levels Reduced blood pressure Reduced risk of major illnesses such as diabetes and heart disease Weight loss Enhanced Sense of Well-Being
Increased mental acuity More energy Improved quality of sleep Improved ability to cope with stress Reduced tension Improved Appearance
Weight loss Toned muscles Improved posture Enhanced Social Life
Improved self-image More energy to engage in social activities More opportunities to make new friends (i.e., through exercise) More opportunities to share activities with friends or family members Increased Stamina
Increased productivity Increased physical capabilities Improved immunity to minor illnesses Fewer injuries So get up and get moving. Get outside and enjoy the beauty of Spring. Start getting in shape fast and watch your health improve. Live a better, healthier life! We have many natural and healthy ways to lose weight fast.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Be selfish - Make some time just for you
Friday afternoon. Rushing about trying to clear up all those loose ends before the weekend. As we embark upon another weekend - try to make some time just for you. Get outside if you can and go for a jog or even a nice brisk walk. Enjoy this beautiful time of year. Focus on your blessings. And your health.
The more physical activity and exercise we get the healthier we are. Combine plenty of exercise and fun with a healthy diet and you are on the road to better health.
Here are some of the specific health benefits of regular physical activity:
Heart Health: Can cut the risk of heart disease almost in half, and also may help prevent major risk factors, such as obesity and high blood pressure.
Cholesterol Control: Can improve blood cholesterol profiles by raising HDL levels (good cholesterol) and lowering triglycerides, another fat carried in the blood.
Muscling out Fat: Improves the bodys muscle-to-fat ratio by building or preserving muscle mass, which, in turn, increases calorie-burning efficiency to reduce body fat. Burn more calories all day - start building muscles!
Bone Support: Seems to slow the bone loss associated with advancing age a major cause of fractures in later life.
Insulin Enhancement: Enables the body to use insulin more efficiently, helping to control adult-onset diabetes - a growing problem across the country.
Cancer Check: Keeping obesity in check lowers the risk of certain cancers, particularly cancers of the breast, colon and uterus.
Aerobic Improvement: Slows the decline in aerobic capacity (the maximum volume of oxygen the body can consume) that is associated with aging, helping to improve cardiorespiratory health.
Weight Control: When combined with proper nutrition, can help control weight and prevent obesity, a major risk factor for many diseases. Start getting in shape fast. Exercise and lose weight fast!
Attitude Adjustment: Reduces anxiety and depression, improves self-esteem, and helps you better manage stress. Adjust your attitude - start exercising daily. Make some time for yourself and your health!
The more physical activity and exercise we get the healthier we are. Combine plenty of exercise and fun with a healthy diet and you are on the road to better health.
Here are some of the specific health benefits of regular physical activity:
Heart Health: Can cut the risk of heart disease almost in half, and also may help prevent major risk factors, such as obesity and high blood pressure.
Cholesterol Control: Can improve blood cholesterol profiles by raising HDL levels (good cholesterol) and lowering triglycerides, another fat carried in the blood.
Muscling out Fat: Improves the bodys muscle-to-fat ratio by building or preserving muscle mass, which, in turn, increases calorie-burning efficiency to reduce body fat. Burn more calories all day - start building muscles!
Bone Support: Seems to slow the bone loss associated with advancing age a major cause of fractures in later life.
Insulin Enhancement: Enables the body to use insulin more efficiently, helping to control adult-onset diabetes - a growing problem across the country.
Cancer Check: Keeping obesity in check lowers the risk of certain cancers, particularly cancers of the breast, colon and uterus.
Aerobic Improvement: Slows the decline in aerobic capacity (the maximum volume of oxygen the body can consume) that is associated with aging, helping to improve cardiorespiratory health.
Weight Control: When combined with proper nutrition, can help control weight and prevent obesity, a major risk factor for many diseases. Start getting in shape fast. Exercise and lose weight fast!
Attitude Adjustment: Reduces anxiety and depression, improves self-esteem, and helps you better manage stress. Adjust your attitude - start exercising daily. Make some time for yourself and your health!
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Eating Healthy is crucial to getting in shape fast
All athletes need a diet that provides enough energy in the form of carbohydrates and fats as well as essential protein, vitamins and minerals. This means a diet containing 55-60 percent of calories from carbohydrates (10 to 15 percent from sugars and the rest from starches), no more than 30 percent of calories from fat and the remaining (about 10-15 percent) from protein.
That translates into eating a variety of foods every day - grains, vegetables, fruits, beans, lean meats, and low fat dairy products. The base of the diet should come from carbohydrates in the form of starches and sugars. Fluids, especially water, are very important to the winning combination. Dehydration can stop even the finest athlete from playing his or her best game.
Concentrate on eating a nutritious, balanced diet every day. This provides plenty of energy to grow and exercise.
Have some high carbohydrate foods like bananas, bagels or fruit juices. These foods are broken down quickly and provide glucose to the muscles.
The timing of this meal depends on athletes' preference for eating before exercise, but researchers have found that eating something from 1 to 4 hours before exercise helps keep plenty of blood glucose available for working muscles.
It is also critical to drink plenty of cool water before exercise to keep muscles hydrated. As the days get warmer you'll want to keep plenty of water or your favourite sports drink.
There are plenty of natural and healthy ways to lose weight fast.
Get plenty of rest. Enjoy healthy eating habits. Exercise daily and you'll be on that wonderful road to getting in shape fast!
That translates into eating a variety of foods every day - grains, vegetables, fruits, beans, lean meats, and low fat dairy products. The base of the diet should come from carbohydrates in the form of starches and sugars. Fluids, especially water, are very important to the winning combination. Dehydration can stop even the finest athlete from playing his or her best game.
Concentrate on eating a nutritious, balanced diet every day. This provides plenty of energy to grow and exercise.
Have some high carbohydrate foods like bananas, bagels or fruit juices. These foods are broken down quickly and provide glucose to the muscles.
The timing of this meal depends on athletes' preference for eating before exercise, but researchers have found that eating something from 1 to 4 hours before exercise helps keep plenty of blood glucose available for working muscles.
It is also critical to drink plenty of cool water before exercise to keep muscles hydrated. As the days get warmer you'll want to keep plenty of water or your favourite sports drink.
There are plenty of natural and healthy ways to lose weight fast.
Get plenty of rest. Enjoy healthy eating habits. Exercise daily and you'll be on that wonderful road to getting in shape fast!
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