To get your muscles warm and loose for strength training, walk for five to ten minutes outside if weather permits, or inside around the house or on a treadmill if you have one. Walking will help direct needed blood flow to your muscles and prepare your body for exercise. Warming up is important for preventing injury as well as gaining maximal benefit from the exercise, because loose, warm muscles will respond better to the challenge of lifting weights.
If you have another piece of aerobic exercise equipment available to you, such as a bike, rowing machine, or stair stepper, this will serve as an adequate warm up as well.
Start simple. Here is an easy, and effective exercise to help you get started!
Squats are a great exercise for strengthening hips, thighs, and buttocks. Before long, you'll find that walking, jogging, and climbing stairs are a snap!
1. In front of a sturdy, armless chair, stand with feet slightly more than shoulder-width apart. Extend your arms out so they are parallel to the ground and lean forward a little at the hips.
2. Making sure that your knees NEVER come forward past your toes, lower yourself in a slow, controlled motion, to a count of four, until you reach a near-sitting position.
3. Pause. Then, to a count of two, slowly rise back up to a standing position. Keep your knees over your ankles and your back straight.
4. Repeat 10 times for one set. Rest for one to two minutes. Then complete a second set of 10 repetitions.
Note 1: If this exercise is too difficult, start off by using your hands for assistance. If you are unable to go all the way down, place a couple of pillows on the chair or only squat down four to six inches.
Note 2: Placing your weight more on your heels than on the balls or toes of your feet can help keep your knees from moving forward past your toes. It will also help to use the muscles of your hips more during the rise to a standing position.
Make sure you:
* Don't sit down too quickly.
* Don't lean your weight too far forward or onto your toes when standing up.
Remember - getting in shape fast takes daily exercise and healthy eating choices. Start your journey today. The quickest way to lose weight is with daily exercise and healthy eating!
If you want to burn more calories in less time - and explode your weight loss and exercise into the most efficient muscle building workouts - Get your Bowflex® TreadClimber® cardio machine today.
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