Saturday, March 28, 2009

Building Muscle and Living Happier

The benefits of building muscles are practically never ending. If you want to live a more satisfying life and just plain enjoy life more - start getting in shape! Start exercising and building muscle. You'll soon find yourself enjoying life more. You'll feel better and most likely look better! People will notice a change. A positive change - for the better!

Building muscles and getting regular exercise can help you live longer and spend less at the Doctor's office! ( Have you been to the Doctor lately? ) Some known and time honored benefits of exercise include:

Lose Weight or Stay at a Healthy Weight

Exercise and strength training are crucial to weight control, because individuals who have more muscle mass have a higher metabolic rate. Muscle is active tissue that consumes calories while stored fat uses very little energy. Strength training can provide up to a 15% increase in metabolic rate, which is enormously helpful for weight loss and long-term weight control.

Improved Glucose Control

More than 14 million Americans have type II diabetes—a staggering three-hundred percent increase over the past forty years—and the numbers are steadily climbing. In addition to being at greater risk for heart and renal disease, diabetes is also the leading cause of blindness in older adults. Fortunately, studies now show that lifestyle changes such as exercise and strength training have a profound impact on helping older adults manage their diabetes.

In a recent study of Hispanic men and women, 16 weeks of strength training produced dramatic improvements in glucose control that are comparable to taking diabetes medication. In addition, the study volunteers were stronger, gained muscle, lost body fat, had less depression, and felt much more self-confident. The results are clear. Just half an hour of exercise and strength training five days a week leads to better overall health.

Don't wait - start today! Start getting some exercise every day. If you are working out with weights - you'll need to rest your muscles for a day. Get some aerobic exercise - like brisk walking or running - at least four or five days each week!

Try it for a month. You'll have more energy and feel way less stress! And, you'll be on the road to a healthy, happier lifestyle!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Eating Healthy Foods Leads to Better Fitness

Eating healthy foods is vital to any fitness effort. One way many have succeeded in losing weight is keeping track of everything they eat. Change the way you eat and your fitness goals are much easier to reach!

Here in North America, we live in an environment that encourages overeating. Portions have become much larger over the past couple of decades, and we’re bombarded with images of high-calorie, low nutrient food many times a day. In fact, it’s hard to avoid images of food; even on a drive in the country you’re likely to encounter a billboard with a picture of a juicy hamburger. When was the last time you saw a billboard with images of beautiful ripe apples, or a colorful three-bean salad?

We have to be deliberate and purposeful if we want to enjoy a healthy diet. One way to keep the calories down without too much self-denial is portion control. Learn to “size up” your food. Exactly how much is a “serving” of your favorite cereal? How many cups of popcorn in a serving? Learn to check the packaging to see what a serving really is.

The next time you reach for your favorite snack food, check the package and measure out a single serving. You may be surprised to find out you’ve been consuming not one, but several servings at a time. Learn what controlled servings of your favorite foods look like—and keep measuring until you can really tell how much is too much. Here are some typical serving sizes:

* Dairy products: one cup of lowfat or nonfat milk or yogurt
* Lean meat, poultry, or fish: 2–3 ounces
* Raw, leafy vegetables: 1 cup
* Other cooked or chopped vegetables: 1/2 cup
* Fresh fruit: 1 medium orange, banana, or apple
* Canned fruit: 1/2 cup of chopped, cooked, or canned fruit (in natural juice)
* Fruit juice: 3/4 cup
* Bread: 1 regular slice
* Dry cereal: 1 ounce
* Cooked cereal, pasta, or rice: 1/2 cup
* Peanut, or other nut butter: 2 tablespoons

Here's some tips to give your willpower a helping hand:

* Order smaller portions in restaurants. Many people who have no problem eating healthy portions at home overeat in restaurants because the portions are so large. But many restaurants serve half portions, or lunch-size portions at dinner. Don’t be embarrassed to ask. You’ll save calories and cash!

* Don't upsize anything, especially fast food. Fast food portions have more than doubled over the last twenty-five years. Don’t be tempted by a “bargain.” Avoid package deals; instead, order a sandwich—broiled chicken is good; hold the mayo—and a side salad.

* Order kids meals, where you can. Some restaurants will let you order them if you tell them you’re dieting, and you can always order them in fast food restaurants. Kids meal portions are what used to be grown up portions (before the mega craze began).

* Buy small or single-serving quantities when possible. Don’t buy the extra large bag of pretzels; buy the single serving size, one bag at a time.

* Avoid all-you-can-eat situations. Buffets and those “unlimited pasta on Tuesdays” meals make it difficult, if not impossible, to practice portion control.

* Quick reference: 3 ounces of meat is the size of a deck of cards; 1 ounce of meat is the size of a matchbook; 1 cup of potatoes, rice or pasta is the size of a tennis ball.

Try writing down everything you eat for a couple weeks. You might just find some areas for improvement. For many of us - just cutting down on soda or beer would help reduce the calories we consume!

Keep eating healthy foods and getting plenty of exercise. You'll find your fitness goals much easier to attain!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Share the Fun with your Children!

How many time times have you heard or even thought - "I wish I had their youthful energy" ? Our children seem to have boundless energy! Do you remember running around the schoolyard or going outdoors after supper for more play time?

Would your children rather watch the Disney channel than go outside and play? Are they more interested in their Wii or PS3 than playing basketball or riding a bike? Games are great and so is outdoor fun. If you're like me you might find yourself wondering how to encourage a healthier balance between physically active fun and sitting in front of the TV.

Children today may be less fit than at any other time in history. One study showed that some 40 percent of U.S. children have at least one major risk factor for heart disease by the age of 12. Obesity and physical inactivity in children are linked to a host of health problems in later life.

Children benefit greatly from play and fitness activity. There is credible evidence that healthy habits formed early in life are likely to last! Perhaps the best way to teach children the value of fitness is by example. Get out and play with them. Let them see you enjoying sports or active fun. Ride a bike - or take them for a run around the block!

Children who grow up in households with inactive adults are likely to be the same. One of the biggest fitness motivators for any age is having physically active role models. Parents take note: by staying active you're not only keeping yourself fit and healthy, you're helping your kids live healthier too! Teach your children healthy habits at an early age and you'll both benefit! Get outside and get some exercise with your favorite youngsters!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Summer Shape

Do you want to lose weight before Summer? Spring Break is here - and already a pleasant memory for some. You can get in better shape by Summer!

Don’t let your New Year’s fitness resolution succumb to waning enthusiasm. Staying power is mental, so get your game plan together with these five tips to maintain your drive:

1) View workouts as time for yourself, rather than as a chore. On days when you’re unmotivated, promise to do just five minutes of exercise. After getting started, you’ll inevitably want to do much more.

2) Set a couple short-term goals and rewarding yourself as you reach each them. Make them simple goals - like lose two pounds in the first week. You can do that!

3) Vary your workouts with different exercises. Have you tried a circuit training workout? Fitness lovers enjoy the brief, and intense variety of exercises. You get to decide how many different exercises and for how long. Or try a new sport. Give your body a variety of thrills and make it fun!

4) See yourself accomplishing your goal. Visualize your success. Imagine how you’ll feel slipping into a new smaller size or walking down the beach in that really hot new swimsuit! Hang a picture of someone in a bikini on your refrigerator. Every time you go to the ice-box you’ll have a pleasant reminder to eat healthy foods!

5) Keep a fitness journal. Write down what you eat and how you played. What kind of workout you had. Take pictures every week or so and keep track of your progress. Make this a record of your success!

One of the countless benefits of getting in shape is a more optimistic outlook. Many people find they have far less stress and even feel happier when they exercise regularly. See yourself getting slimmer. Visualize yourself at the beach in a slimmer, more toned body! Now, start getting in shape - fast!

Keeping mentally fit isn’t that different from staying in good physical shape. The two go hand in hand. Your mental health is inextricably tied to your fitness level. In the end – it’s really just about leading a healthy lifestyle. If you already exercise regularly, you’re on the right course!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

If You Think You Can Wear a Smaller Size by Summer

The great Henry Ford once said "If you think You can or think you don't have a chance - either way you're right". (Not his exact words!)

If you Think You can get in better shape and take the action necessary to reach a better fitness level - You CAN! You can lose that belly. You can wear a smaller size - this Summer! You can easily drop 20 pounds before June rolls around!

Start today! Write down a goal.

Get up and get your heart and lungs pumping. Do something simple. Like Push-ups or running around the block ( As many times as you can! )

Buy a Sunny Health & Fitness Digital Jump Rope and use it every day!

Do some squats. Or jumping jacks. Get on the floor and do some crunches.

Then go run some more.

The point is - getting plenty of exercise. Just 30 minutes a day will be a great start. Don't have 30 minutes? Break it into two 15 minutes mini-workouts!

And, if you want to lose some weight - start or keep eating healthy foods. Cut down on the fast foods and sugary snacks. Drink water. Not soda.

Toss an apple in your bag before you leave for school or work. Keep a bowl of fruit handy at home. Have a salad with some wild-caught, cold water salmon a few times a week. Eat only whole grains. Put more veggies on your dinner plate!

And - drink lots of water!

The quickest way to lose weight and keep it off is with daily exercise and healthy eating. Keep a positive focus on your goal. Take the steps you know will get you there!

If you Think you can - You Can!

The Power of Positive Thinking

Monday, March 9, 2009

Work All Your Major Muscles and Burn More Fat!

Circuit training is a great way to combine brief bursts of cardio with strength training This workout builds your strength and your heart and lungs.

Try this 15 or 20 Minute Workout:

If you use weights, use lighter weights and do more reps!

1 Jumping Jacks for 1 minute.

2 Walk or run in place for another minute or so.

3 Light, easy stretching. Breathe deep and focus on the muscles you are stretching.

4 Pushups for 1 minute

5 Squats for 1 minute

6 Pullups for 1 minute

7 Jog for 2 or 3 minutes

8 Lunges for 1 minutes

9 Bicep curls for 2 minutes

10 More jogging for 3 or 4 minutes

11 Squats for 1 minute

12 Pushups for 1 minute

13 Crunches for a minute or two!

14 Easy Jogging or walking for a 2 minute cooldown

15 Stretch - Concentrate on your breathing. Don't bounce. Stretch slowly!

16 Walk for a minute or two. Celebrate your success!

There are any number of ways to put together a well rounded circuit workout. The above workout is attempts to work your upper and lower body with some cardiovascular exercises mixed in. Mix things up any way you like. You can rest your upper body muscles while you workout your lower body muscles. If you keep moving, you will keep your heart and lungs pumping! This is one way to make your workout challenging to your cardiovascular system as well as your major muscle groups.

Numerous studies suggest combining resistance training with cardio. This combination will increase your metabolism for hours after you stop exercising. You'll be burning fat and building muscle! This is a great way to exercise and lose weight fast!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Getting Rid of Belly Fat

It happened slowly. A gradual transformation was taking place. Most of us see the results of this - most often as it happens to others. Surely that won't happen to me I surmised.

And then it happened - I discontinued my morning walks. Jogging 20 miles a week was all too soon a distant memory. And going to the gym was just not in my schedule. Work, family and Church seemed to take up all of my time. "The children's needs are greater than my own", I thought.

And there it was - The PotBelly! Flab city. I'd seen this happen to others. My own Father had one. Lots of guys at the office weren't as skinny as when we started our careers.

Luckily there is hope - Anyone can start a good cardiovascular exercise program and burn that potbelly away. There are many natural and healthy ways to lose weight. The safest and certainly the fastest requires a two-fold approach. Eating healthy foods - in moderation - and lots of exercise are vital to healthy weight loss. Exercise is crucial to burn fat. Walking is excellent, especially if you pump it up a bit from your usual pace.

If you hit a plateau where you've been exercising for a while and the belly fat just wont seem to disappear - it's time to pick up the pace. And the volume. If you work out two days a week, try to go three or four. Or if you're walking for half an hour, increase it to 45 minutes or even longer if you can.

Alternating bursts of faster paced walking with periods of more moderate paced activity is an excellent way to torch off more fat. Walk for a few minutes. Then jog for a few. Repeat as many times as you comfortably can. This "interval" strategy will burn more calories (and more fat). If you are already jogging, jog then sprint to mix it up some.

Remember to stretch before and after your exercise. Stretching helps develop healthier, more flexible muscles! And get plenty of rest. Your body needs rest to recover and help you get after it again! Shoot for at least seven hours of sleep every night.

Picking up the intensity of your workout for brief bursts will burn more total calories and therefore get rid of more belly fat! You can have a slimmer waist! You can enjoy life more in a leaner, sexier body! The quickest way to lose weight is with plenty of exercise. Start today. Start getting in shape fast and get rid of that belly fat!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Simple Steps Lead to Better Fitness

Many health experts' recommendation for better fitness is at least 30 minutes of moderate intensity exercise or 15 minutes of vigorous exercise five times a week. For even better fitness, these same fitness experts suggest adults might aim for an hour of moderate workouts or 30 minutes of more vigorous exercise five days each week.

Thats like giving up one 30 minute TV show every weekday! Who doesn't have time for that? Use your lunch hour or get up a few minutes earlier! Morning exercise will give you an energy boost that lasts well into the day!

Moderate exercise includes brisk walking, water aerobics, ballroom dancing, doubles tennis or riding your bike at a comfortable pace.

A vigorous workout might be jogging, running, swimming laps, playing tennis ( singles ) and riding a bike faster than 10 miles an hour. For even more power - try running or riding on hilly terrain. You'll really kick in the fat burners when you tackle the hill!

If weight loss is part of your plan for this year, medical experts agree that exercise and diet work together. The more we move, the faster the body can act to lose that unwanted weight. The quickest way to lose weight and keep it off is with daily exercise and eating healthy foods.

Many fitness lovers find they have more fun getting their daily exercise with friends or co-workers. Use exercise as a way of keeping up with old friends - go to a fitness class or swim together and then out for a healthy meal. Invite your boos or some of your co-workers to join you for a brisk walk at lunch! That time together will only improve your working relationships and help you all get rid of some stress.

These are simple goals anyone can easily adopt! Make fitness a habit. The key is to keep moving. Try to get just 30 minutes of exercise five days a week!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Healthy Benefits

Why do people want to get in better shape? What motivates you? Some people want to look better. Others hope to impress that really hot girl across the street or that good looking guy who works in marketing.

Some people want to lose weight - and just feel better about themselves. Others want to improve their performance in their favorite sport.

A number of goals can motivate people to begin and stick with their exercise program.

The coolest thing about fitness and getting in better shape is that whatever benefit you seek is often but one of the many benefits you end up with! If you want to improve your ability to play golf and end up looking years younger and with greater self esteem - well, you win big!

Fitness benefits everyone.And the benefits can far exceed your expectations!

Here are but a few of the benefits some fitness seekers are working towards:

* Pleasure. People often really enjoy strength-training exercises; they find them less taxing than aerobic workouts and love the results.

* Runners swear by their daily run. If they had to give up all there favorite daily habits except for two they would almost unanimously choose their daily run as one of their top two!

* Health and fitness benefits. Strength training increases muscle mass and bone density. It makes you feel strong and energized, alleviates stress and depression, and gives you a better night's sleep. And it can help prevent the onset of certain chronic diseases or ease their symptoms.

* Improvements in appearance. Lifting weights firms the body, trims fat, and can boost metabolism by as much as 15%, which helps with weight control. Walking or running five days a week can help you get rid of that belly fat so many of us seem to accumulate after age forty or so.

* Social opportunities. Exercising with friends or family gives you a chance to visit and chat while you work out. The friends you make while you play can often last a life time! Have more fun playing sports and working out with our friends. Or turn it into a family tradition.

* Thrills. People who start fitness training later in life often find that they are willing and able to try new, exciting activities, such as windsurfing, or kayaking.

These are but a few of the benefits so many fitness enthusiasts enjoy. If you are wanting to make some simple changes to your life and maybe improve your life in some small way - Start exercising several days a week. Take up a new sport! Buy a bicycle or some rollerblades. Or a skateboard. Or some golf clubs! The possibilities are nearly endless.

Make a difference in your life. Start an exercise program for yourself. Establish a habit in your daily life. Make some time for fitness!

If you've been inactive for a while - start getting in shape. Enjoy the countless benefits so many people get with fitness and healthy living!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Get in Shape before Summer

Summer is only 3 short months away! Soon, Spring will bring warmer days and all the beauty nature so generously offers. Taking that lunch-time walk or run won't be so hard as the days get warmer. If you hope to start getting in better shape for Summer - now is the time to act! You can look ( and feel ) younger by the time June rolls around!

Decide to get in better shape. Determination, hard work, and persistence are what it takes for any exercise program to work. If you've been inactive for awhile - start with something simple. Daily walks are a great way to get your body back in the habit of burning calories. Go a little faster and a little longer each day!

At home, try some simple exercises like those we all learned back in middle school. Many fitness experts call the good old push-up the perfect exercise. Add some crunches and maybe some squats. Get a jump rope at the discount store. And use it! Those exercise balls are great for improving the effectiveness of your crunches. And they help your balance!

Spring means more time outdoors. Enjoy nature. Get a bike and find someone to ride with. Exercise is more fun when you share it with others! Pick up a new sport - maybe golf or tennis. Tennis can offer a great workout - and fun while you're burning off those winter calories! Turn off the TV and go for a walk. A fast walk. Buy a basketball and shoot some hoops over at the nearest schoolyard.

Any time is the perfect time for exercise! There is no perfect time of day that increases the effectiveness of your workout. The key is working out almost every day. Give yourself a day off after working out with weights. Your body needs rest to help build healthy muscles! Most fitness experts agree that four or five days a week of a good cardio workout is an excellent way to get in better shape. And stay in shape!

Find a time that works best for you! And guard it relentlessly! Write it down in your calendar! You can look great at the beach this year! You can look younger and have loads more energy! Start today! Start getting in shape fast!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Ignite your Workout and Start Getting in Shape Fast!

Picking up the pace of your aerobic exercise helps you burn more calories in less time.

Pick any cardio exercise you enjoy - like running, swimming, or even walking. After warming up for a few minutes, pick up the pace for 30 seconds or so. Go as fast as you can safely handle. Then, slow back down to a more moderate, easier pace for a couple minutes. Once you feel like your breathing has returned to a more normal rate - kick it into high gear again for a half a minute. Then slow it down again until you catch your breath.

Repeat this series eight times. You'll ignite your workout and burn more calories in less time! Picking up the pace earlier in your run kick starts your calorie burner! Your metabolism will stay higher longer and you'll burn calories long after you end your workout!

Vary your workouts. Keep it fun. Try some simple calisthenics like we all learned in middle school. Millions of healthy fitness buffs still include the old standard push-up in their workouts. And squats. Simple and effective.

Try new sports - These cold days of Winter are perfect for some indoor basketball or tennis. Jump-start your preparations for those Summer leagues! When spring arrives get outside and enjoy nature while you walk or run. Gardening even helps some people burn off some calories and reduce their stress level. The key is fun - make your workouts fun!

If you've been inactive for a while - take your time getting into this regimen. Pick up the pace for only as long as you safely can. Gradually build your endurance and your intensity!

If weight loss is one of your goals - the quickest way to lose weight is with exercise. Lots of exercise combined with healthy eating choices will help you lose those extra pounds and feel way better about yourself!

Start getting in shape fast. Give your workouts that extra boost. Pick up the pace a few times for 30 seconds or so next time you go for a jog and burn more calories for hours after your run.