Are you tired of hearing about "Black Friday"? Is your inbox filled with
Deals of the day? Why not ignore all the hype and relax with some
stress-free morn...
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Your Best Day Ever!
Are you ready for your best Summer ever? Do you want to cut your stress levels? And just have more fun this year? Would you like to look years younger or maybe drop a few pounds?
Now that Spring is in full swing many of us can enjoy the great outdoors a little more. Get some exercise playing your favorite sports or simply enjoying a nice walk with your family or friends. Get those running shoes out of the closet and take a half hour to run off some stress - and burn more calories while you're at it!
Exercise has been proven to reduce your stress. Regular exercise also relieves tensions that might otherwise lead to overeating. Exercise builds physical fitness which in turn builds self-confidence, enhanced self-image, and a positive outlook. When you start to feel good about yourself, you are more likely to want to make other positive changes in your lifestyle. that will help keep your weight under control.
Exercise can be fun and provide opportunities for having fun with your family and friends. The exhilaration and emotional release of participating in sports or other activities boost your mental and physical well-being. Pent-up anxieties and frustrations seem to disappear when you’re concentrating on running up that hill or making it to first base before the shortstop's throw gets there!
Summer gives us all a chance to enjoy the fun outdoors. Have fun on your favorite golf course - sinking that incredible putt! Or just walking another mile. Start today. Join a tennis league or go out and buy those running shoes you know you’ll use! There are many natural and healthy ways to lose weight fast!
Start your fitness journal. Make this Day 1 in your journey.
Start getting in shape fast and add some more fun to your life!
Tips to Keep You Going
* Adopt a specific plan and write it down. For example - walk everyday at lunch for 20 minutes. Do 2 sets of 12 crunches every other day. Same for push-ups. Schedule times this weekend for outdoor sports. Or gardening.
* Keep setting realistic goals as you go along, and remind yourself of them often.
* Keep a log to record your progress and make sure to keep it up-to-date. Evaluate your progress once every week or so.
* Include weight and/or percent body fat measures in your log. Extra pounds can easily creep back.
* Upgrade your fitness program as you progress.
* Invite your family and friends. Enjoy your fitness efforts with others.
* Update others on your successes. You deserve to be proud of your success!
* Avoid injuries by pacing yourself and including a warmup and cool down period as part of every workout. Stretch slowly! Remember - slow stretching helps build healthy muscles!
* Reward yourself periodically for a job well done!
Make today the beginning of a new, healthier you. You can have a more muscular, sexier body in just a few months. What have you got to lose? Start making healthy choices today. Start eating healthy foods and exercising a little each day. Add years to your life! Enjoy life more in your leaner, sexier body this Summer!
A variety of sports and exercise routines will help you maintain a better balanced level of fitness. Work your legs harder one day and your arms the next. Be sure to give your muscles the rest they need. And drink plenty of water!
Focus on making the best of today! Enjoying right now! Or, at least, making the best of whatever life brings your way! Promise yourself to spend more time having fun this Summer - and then keep that promise. The world will wait. Enjoy your family and friends more this Spring - in the great outdoors!
If you want a healthier, slimmer body - the quickest way to lose weight is start getting in shape fast!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
A Better Life
The road to a better life starts every day. The minute you wake up to another new day you have the opportunity to start anew! You have the choice to adopt healthy habits and start enjoying life more! We all get the same number of hours each day. How we use those precious hours is entirely up to each of us.
You can enjoy life more living a healthy lifestyle. Try it for a few weeks and you're sure to be hooked! Hooked on having that smile on your face after running that distance you never you could. Or maybe the sense of satisfaction you get after a vigorous workout in the gym.
Or maybe you prefer the time alone - just you and your exercise time. Pushing yourself to go a few more minutes. Enjoying your favorite comedy on DVD while you crank out another set of crunches or push-ups. Maybe the thrill of going around the block just one more time! Little victories today will eventually bring awesome results in your fitness level! And your life.
Who doesn't want more energy to get to the million things on your plate? More energy to enjoy some special time with the loved ones? More energy to keep up with the little ones as they chase you around the yard?
Summer is just around the corner. Do you want to look a little leaner or maybe tone up your body before swimsuit season gets into full swing? The benefits that come with better fitness are truly life-changing. Change your life for the better. Make today the start of your new journey. A life-long journey to more fun. Enjoy the journey to a longer healthier life.
Make fitness and better health high on your list of goals. Devote some time to yourself every day. If you've been inactive for a while or maybe a little out of shape - Start Today! Start getting in shape fast! Get some exercise most days of the week. You can live a better life. Start today!
a better life,
getting in shape fast
Friday, April 24, 2009
Lose 10 pounds by Summer
Do you want to lose that belly fat before Summer? You can realistically lose 10 or 15 pounds before June if you adopt a couple simple habits.
Losing weight is a numbers game. If you consume 100 calories a day more than your body needs, you will gain approximately 10 pounds in a year. The good news is - you can flip that equation and burn off 100 calories more than you eat!
Exercise in almost any form helps you take that weight off, and then - keep it off. Just by doing 30 minutes of moderate exercise daily. A nice, brisk paced walk. Mix in some jogging. Ride your bike.
Eating healthy foods - in moderation - is vital to losing weight and keeping it off! The combination of exercise and diet offers the most flexible and effective approach to weight control.
Aerobic exercises use the body's large muscle groups in continuous, rhythmic, sustained movement and require oxygen for the production of energy. When oxygen is combined with food (which can come from stored fat) energy is produced to power the body's musculature. The longer you exercise, the more energy needed and the more calories are burned.
Daily aerobic exercise improves the ability of your heart and lungs to use oxygen and produce energy. Daily aerobic exercise builds a healthier body and gets rid of excess body fat. The best way to lose that belly fat is with daily exercise!
If you want to build a leaner, sexier body - supplement your exercise program with muscle strengthening and stretching exercises. Stronger muscles last longer. They can keep going during aerobic activity, and reduce the chance of injury. One excellent workout to help take off the pounds and strengthen your mid-section is rowing! Many fitness lovers have grown to love their SmoothFlow Rower
So if you want to lose that belly before Summer - Start Today! You'll be amazed at what you can accomplish in just 5 or 6 weeks! You can eat healthy, exercise and lose weight fast!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Build Healthy Muscles - Exercise and Lose Weight Fast!
In addition to the physical benefits - the psychological benefits of exercise are clear. Exercise reduces stress and relieves tensions that might otherwise lead to overeating. Exercise builds physical fitness which in turn builds self-confidence, enhanced self-image, and a positive outlook. When you start to feel good about yourself, you are more likely to want to make other positive changes in your lifestyle that will help keep your weight under control.
In addition, exercise can be fun, provide recreation and offer opportunities for companionship. The exhilaration and emotional release of participating in sports or other activities are a boost to mental and physical health. Pent-up anxieties and frustrations seem to disappear when you’re concentrating on returning a serve, sinking a putt or going another mile! Start today. Join a tennis league or go out and buy those running shoes you know you’ll use! There are many natural and healthy ways to lose weight fast!
Start your fitness journal. Make today Day 1 in your journey.
Start getting in shape fast and add more fun to your life now!
A few tips to keep you going:
* Make a specific plan and write it down. Schedule time for yourself.
* Keep setting realistic goals as you go along, and remind yourself of them often.
* Keep a log to record your progress and make sure to keep it up-to-date.
* Include weight and/or percent body fat measures in your log. Extra pounds can easily creep back.
* Evaluate your progress and increase the time and intensity of your workouts as you progress.
* Enlist the support and company of your family and friends.
* Update others on your successes.
* Get plenty of rest.
* Avoid injuries by pacing yourself and including a warm up and cool down period as part of every workout. Stretch slowly! Stretching helps build healthy muscles!
* Reward yourself every so often for a job well done!
Saturday, April 18, 2009
The Road to Higher Self Esteem and Confidence
Are you seeking more self esteem or a greater sense of confidence? Would like to reduce your level of stress and equip yourself to better handle those inevitable stressful moments we all endure? Numerous University and Medical studies have arrived at the same conclusion. Exercise and strength training help you blow off steam and better handle stress.
Regular exercise can also - over time - have a profound impact on bettering your self esteem! You don't have to become an Olympic athlete or look like the Governor of the great state of California to enjoy the many benefits of exercise and strength training. You can start at a pace that is comfortable for you. Then, gradually pick up the pace and the volume.
The biggest mistake that people make when starting an exercise plan is starting too fast or too hard. Take your time - and strive to make exercise and strength training a lifelong habit. Enjoy the journey to better health and fitness! You’ll be on your way to a stronger sense of self confidence, greater self esteem, and a vibrant life!
After the first week or so of strength training, you should start doing each exercise with weights that you can lift at least ten times with only moderate difficulty. (If a given exercise seems too difficult—if you cannot do at least eight repetitions—then the weight you are using is too heavy and you might want to cut back a bit.)
No worries - take your time. Small steps lead to big results! Just keep at it! Keep up those daily walks or runs. Give your heart and lungs some healthy exercise as many days of the week as you can. Keep using weights or doing some resistance training every other day.
After a few weeks, you might want to assess the difficulty of each exercise. You may feel comfortable running just a bit longer - or walking for another 5 minutes! If you are using weights you might be ready to bump up your current level of weights. You may start doing the overhead press with one-pound dumbbells, for example. By the end of the second week, the exercise may feel too easy. You can now easily lift the one-pound dumbbell through the full range of motion and in proper form more than twelve times. Increase your weights slightly and see how the exercise feels at the new weight level.
To take full advantage of the many benefits of strength training, it’s important to consistently increase the intensity of your workout by challenging your muscles with heavier weights. This continuous challenge helps your muscles grow strong - and stay that way! Gradually progressing will boost your feelings of accomplishment and your self esteem!
Make the choice for better self esteem and more self confidence. Start slow and gradually increase your time and intensity. And, be sure to include some time for a warm up and stretching! Keep eating healthy foods.
"Our doubts are traitors,
And make us lose the good we oft might win,
By fearing to attempt." Shakespeare
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Celebrate Health - Start Getting in Shape!
Earth Day is fast approaching! While we take some time to give thanks for this beautiful planet we live on, maybe today is the perfect day to start taking care of ourselves in addition to our planet!
It doesn’t matter what age you are when you begin to exercise, or how long you may have been inactive. Exercise will improve your physical and your mental condition. Exercise improves flexibility, strength, and endurance. It is important to begin any exercise program slowly and build up gradually.
Remember, it may take a few months to get back into good shape - depending on how long you’ve been inactive and your current physical condition. Just keep at it. Exercise a little every day. Keep eating healthy foods and soon you’ll look and feel great!
Stick with it, and you will see results!
Try these tips to help you get started:
Always Warm Up First:
Preparing your body for exercise is important for people at any age or fitness level. A warm-up period might begin with slow, rhythmic movements like walking or jogging in place.
Gradually increase the intensity until your pulse rate, respiration rate and body temperature are elevated. Soon you will break a light sweat. Do some slow, easy stretching exercises before moving on to the strength and endurance workout. Fitness buffs agree - stretching helps build healthier and flexible muscles!
Once you begin your daily exercise, keep these points in mind to get the best results:
* Always drink water before, during and after you exercise.
* Make exercising a part of your daily routine. You may want to set a regular time to exercise each day and invite a friend to join you.
* Start gradually, about 5 to 10 minutes at first.
* Increase the amount of exercise each day, up to about 30 to 60 minutes.
* Breathe deeply and evenly during and between exercises. Never hold your breath.
* Rest whenever you feel the need. Drink some water while you rest! Eat something healthy!
* Keep a daily written record of your progress. Track your progress. Celebrate your success!
* Exercise to your favorite music, or with some friends for even more fun!
The key is - Just get started. And stick with it! There a plenty of natural and healthy ways to lose weight fast. Daily exercise - combined with eating healthy foods is the quickest way to lose weight. Take your time. If you’re new to this whole exercise thing - don’t worry - you can soon be enjoying a much healthier lifestyle - at any age. Enjoy your journey!
Start today! Start building muscles and getting in shape fast. Soon you will notice you have more energy, and more fun! You will look great and feel great! Make time for yourself. You deserve to feel good. Have more energy. A better outlook. Be a little selfish and schedule time just for you.
Celebrate Your Health - Start ( or keep ) Getting in Shape and Have a Happy Earth Day!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Seven Ways to Beat Stress!
Behind every cloud lies an opportunity! During these uncertain times - we have an opportunity to prepare for the future. A brighter, better future full of better health and more fun.
Now that Spring is here we can get outside more and enjoy these milder, warmer days . Are you feeling a little more stress during these uncertain economic times? If you want to better handle whatever stressors you have - you have options.
Here are but a few ways to deal with stress better:
1. Get outside and spend some time enjoying nature. Get away from the hustle and bustle and loud noise. Enjoy the sights, smells, and sounds of nature. Take a nice long walk in a nearby park. Stop for a few moments and close your eyes. What do you hear? Can you feel the fresh air on your face? What do you smell? Savor the time enjoying nature!
2. Exercise. Get at least 20 minutes of good, hard exercise. You know - the kind of exercise that leaves you breathing hard and hopefully sweating up a storm! Feel those healthy, mind altering endorphins lifting your spirits? Exercise is one of the best things you can do to minimize stress.
3. Drink more water and less alcohol. Less caffeine too. Eat more natural, healthy foods. Try to have some cold-water salmon a couple or three times a week!
4. Enjoy some chocolate! Good, dark chocolate. But just a little!
5. Focus on good thoughts - That old maxim "You are what you think" really is true! Whenever you realize you are having an unhealthy or just plain bad thought - turn it into a good one. Make a habit of recognizing when these bad thoughts occur - and take the opportunity to think about something pleasant instead. This works! Be kind to yourself!
6. Spend a few minutes each day with yourself and enjoy some quiet time all to yourself. Many healthy, well balanced people take time each day to meditate on what is most important to them. Countless millions read their Bible for a few minutes each day. Others practice yoga or meditate. Pamper yourself a little each day. Guard your personal time. You'll be glad you do!
7. Exercise some more! Exercise is simply the best way to deal with stress. Clear out your head of all that clutter. If you want to lose weight or just have more energy or even more fun - exercise regularly! You'll soon be hooked on the countless benefits exercise has to offer!
7a. Love! Practice loving someone. Love yourself and others! Practice random acts of kindness everyday!
7b. Sex - You already know this one. Think back to the last time you enjoyed really great sex. Enough said!
You can survive these uncertain times and emerge better off than today! Much better!
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Forget The Myths - Start Getting in Shape!
Has your plan or goal for better fitness fallen a little behind this winter? ( In my case - Way behind! ) No worries - there is still time to start getting in shape and enjoy better fitness and a slimmer body this Summer! And for years to follow!
Many of us - at one time or another - fall prey to some of the common myths which tend to interfere with our progress. Don't let these common myths get in the way of your fitness plans:
Myth 1. Exercising makes you tired.
As they become more physically fit, most people feel physical activity gives them even more energy than before. Regular, moderate-to-brisk exercise can also help you reduce fatigue and manage stress.
Myth 2. Exercising takes too much time.
It only takes a few minutes a day to become more physically active. To condition your heart and lungs, regular exercise does not have to take more than about 30 to 60 minutes, three or four times a week. If you don't have 30 minutes in your schedule for an exercise break, try to find two 15-minute periods or even three 10-minute periods. Once you discover how much you enjoy these exercise breaks, you may want to make them a habit! Then physical activity becomes a natural part of your life.
Myth 3. All exercises give you the same benefits.
All physical activities can give you enjoyment. Low-intensity activities - if performed daily - also can have some long-term health benefits and lower your risk of heart disease. But only regular, brisk and sustained exercises such as brisk walking, jogging or swimming improve the efficiency of your heart and lungs and burn off substantial extra calories. Other activities may give you other benefits such as increased flexibility or muscle strength, depending on the type of activity.
Myth 4. The older you are, the less exercise you need.
We tend to become less active with age, and therefore need to make sure we are getting enough physical activity. In general, middle-aged and older people benefit from regular physical activity just as young people do. Age need not be a limitation. In fact, regular physical activity in older persons increases their capacity to perform activities of daily living. What is important, no matter what your age, is tailoring the activity program to your own fitness level.
Myth 5. You have to be athletic to exercise.
Most physical activities do not require any special athletic skills. In fact, many people who found school sports difficult have discovered that these other activities are easy to do and enjoy. A perfect example is walking - an activity that requires no special talent, athletic ability or fancy equipment. Countless folks - just like you and I - have lost tons of weight walking.
Try it - you'll soon be hooked on that pleasurable feeling - that natural high - you get from a little exercise. For quicker results - build yourself up to longer walks. Or even jogging! Working harder on yourself makes your fitness objectives happen sooner!
If losing weight is one of your goals - the quickest way to lose weight is with plenty of exercise and eating a sensible diet of healthy foods. No more wondering how to get rid of belly fat. The answer is exercise - and lose weight fast!
Friday, April 3, 2009
Never Give Up
"Never Ever Give Up"
Perhaps the shortest - and some might say, most powerful - commencement speech ever. Winston Churchill takes the credit for that remarkable speech years ago. We all can benefit from Mr Churchill's timeless wisdom.
Set your sights on better fitness. If losing weight is one of your goals - exercise and eating healthy foods are two small changes you can make today. And start seeing results in a matter of weeks!
Small changes every day can lead to big results in the long run. Also remember that realistic goals are achievable goals. By achieving your short-term goals day-by-day, you'll feel good about your progress and be motivated to continue. Setting unrealistic goals, such as losing 20 pounds in 2 weeks, can leave you feeling defeated and frustrated.
Being realistic also means expecting occasional setbacks. Setbacks happen when you get away from your plan for whatever reason – maybe the holidays, longer work hours, or another life change. When setbacks happen, get back on track as quickly as possible. Also take some time to think about what you would do differently if a similar situation happens, to prevent setbacks.
Keep in mind everyone is different – what works for someone else might not be right for you. Just because your neighbor lost weight by taking up running, doesn't mean running is the best option for you. Try a variety of activities – walking, swimming, tennis, or group exercise classes to see what you enjoy most and can fit into your life. These activities will be easier to stick with over the long term.
Find family members or friends who will support your weight loss efforts. Making lifestyle changes can feel easier when you have others you can talk to and rely on for support. You might have coworkers or neighbors with similar goals, and together you can share healthful recipes and plan group exercise.
Joining a weight loss group or visiting a health care professional such as a registered dietitian, might be just the help you need. Some prefer the solo approach. Whatever works best for you - stick with it! Progress takes time and repeated action!
Revisit the goals you set for yourself and evaluate your progress regularly. If you set a goal to walk each morning but are having trouble fitting it in before work, see if you can shift your work hours or if you can get your walk in at lunchtime or after work. Evaluate which parts of your plan are working well and which ones need tweaking. Then rewrite your goals and plan accordingly.
If you are consistently achieving a particular goal, add a new goal to help you continue on your pathway to success.
Reward yourself for your successes! Recognize when you're meeting your goals and be proud of your progress. Remember - the quickest way to lose weight is with regular exercise and eating healthy foods! You can exercise and lose weight fast!
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