Are you tired of hearing about "Black Friday"? Is your inbox filled with
Deals of the day? Why not ignore all the hype and relax with some
stress-free morn...
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Try Yoga To Reduce Stress
What does meditation have to offer? For centuries millions have used the simple acts of yoga, exercise, and meditation to reduce stress. The connection between our mind and body is amazing! Feed and nurture your mind and exercise regularly to reduce stress!
Consider the following excerpt from An Intro To Yoga - A series of lectures by Annie Wood-Besant around 1900.
Meditation cannot be the same for every man. Though the same in principle, namely, the steadying of the mind, the method must vary with the temperament of the practitioner.
Suppose that you are a strong-minded and intelligent man, fond of reasoning. Suppose that connected links of thought and argument have been to you the only exercise of the mind. Utilize that past training. Do not imagine that you can make your mind still by a single effort.
Follow a logical chain of reasoning, step by step, link after link; do not allow the mind to swerve a hair's breadth from it. Do not allow the mind to go aside to other lines of thought. Keep it rigidly along a single line, and steadiness will gradually result. Then, when you have worked up to your highest point of reasoning and reached the last link of your chain of argument, and your mind will carry you no further, and beyond that you can see nothing, then stop.
At that highest point of thinking, cling desperately to the last link of the chain, and there keep the mind poised, in steadiness and strenuous quiet, waiting for what may come. After a while, you will be able to maintain this attitude for a considerable time."
You can reduce your stress. You can equip yourself to better handle life's ups and downs! Try exercise and simple meditation to reduce stress!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Eating for Better Health and Fitness
Eating Healthy is vital to any fitness plan! You can save money and eat better if you enjoy eating healthy foods!
To help you stay on track with your healthy eating plan, follow these tips:
Do not skip meals. Skipping meals may cause your metabolism to slow down or lead you to eat more high-calorie, high-fat foods at your next meal or snack.
Select high-fiber foods like whole-grain breads and cereals, beans, vegetables, and fruits. They may help keep you regular and lower your risk for chronic diseases, such as coronary heart disease and type 2 diabetes.
Choose lean beef, turkey breast, fish, or chicken with the skin removed to lower the amount of fat and calories in your meals. As you age, your body needs fewer calories, especially if you are not very active.
Have three servings of vitamin D-fortified low-fat/fat-free milk, yogurt, or cheese every day. Milk products are high in calcium and vitamin D and help keep your bones strong as you age. If you have trouble digesting or do not like milk products, try reduced-lactose milk products, or soy-based beverages, or tofu. You can also talk to your health care provider about taking a calcium and vitamin D supplement.
Choose foods fortified with vitamin B12. Many adults over the age of 50 have difficulty absorbing adequate amounts of this vitamin. Therefore, they should get this nutrient through fortified foods, such as breakfast cereals, or from a dietary supplement. Talk with your health care provider to ensure that you are consuming enough vitamin B12.
Keep nutrient-rich snacks like dried apricots, whole-wheat crackers, peanut butter, low-fat cheese, and low-sodium soup on hand. Eat only small amounts of such foods as dried apricots and peanut butter because they are high in calories. Limit how often you have high-fat and high-sugar snacks like cake, candy, chips, and soda.
Drink plenty of water or water-based fluids. You may notice that you feel less thirsty as you get older, but your body still needs water to stay healthy. Examples of water-based fluids are caffeine-free tea and coffee, soup, and low-fat or skim milk.
is easier to eat well when you plan for your meals and make them enjoyable. Try these tips:
Grocery shop with a friend. It is pleasant and can save money if you share items that you can only use half of, such as a bag of potatoes or head of cabbage.
Cook ahead and freeze portions to have healthy and easy meals on hand for days when you do not feel like cooking.
Keep frozen or canned vegetables, beans, and fruits on hand for quick and healthy additions to meals. Rinse canned vegetables and beans under cold running water to lower their salt content. If fruit is canned in 100-percent fruit juice, drain the juice to avoid added calories.
Try new recipes or different herbs and spices to spark your interest in food. Set the table with a nice cloth and even a flower in a vase to make mealtime special.
Enjoy eating healthy foods with a friend! Make it a family affair! Share your healthy habits with your family and friends!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Never Too Late for Better Fitness
It is never too late to start exercising and moving more. Physical activity may help you manage or even avoid health problems like arthritis, osteoporosis (bone loss), and coronary heart disease. Regular exercise may also help:
* Keep your body flexible.
* Keep your bones and muscles strong.
* Keep your heart and lungs healthy.
* Control high blood sugar, especially if you lose weight.
* Let you keep living in your own home without help.
Fitting in physical activity is not as hard as you may think. Try to do at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity (like brisk walking) on most days of the week.
Also try to do strengthening activities two or three times a week. These activities are important because older adults—especially women—lose muscle and bone every year. Strengthening activities may help prevent or lessen bone loss.
You can get plenty of heart healthy exercise without spending a small fortune joining a health club. There are lots of ways to be physically active that are free or low-cost.
Here are a few easy and inexpensive ideas:
* Finding a local park or school track where you can walk.
* Walking around a mall.
* Being active with your grandchildren—take a walk, toss a softball, or ride bikes.
* Walking your dog or meeting up with a neighbor to walk together.
* Checking out a fitness video from the library and following along at home.
* Get some simple home fitness equipment and start your day off right - with exercise!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Take Care of Your Heart
More baby-boomers are becoming aware that they are at risk of heart disease, which is the crucial first step. Even better, more women are also taking heart-healthy action. If you haven’t already joined this growing trend of heart-savvy people, now is the time to start. Urge your children and other family members to join you in your efforts to lower your risk of heart disease.
Moderate drinkers are less likely to develop heart disease than people who don’t drink any alcohol or who drink too much. Red wine drinkers in particular seem to be protected to some degree against heart disease. Red wine contains flavonoids which are thought to prevent plaque buildup. Red grapes, berries, apples, and broccoli also contain flavonoids.
Enjoy a heart healthy diet eating healthy foods!
• stresses low-cholesterol foods that are good for your heart, such as fruits and vegetables;
whole-grain breads and other foods; low-fat (1 percent) or fat-free milk and
dairy products; nuts, seeds, and beans; and moderate amounts of skinless poultry
and fish*
• is rich in magnesium, potassium, calcium, protein, and fiber
• is low in saturated fat, trans fat, and total fat
• limits red meat, sweets, and sugary drinks
*Oily fish like salmon, herring, and tuna contain omega-3 fatty acids, which have
been shown to reduce your risk of dying of heart disease
Exercise is critical to a healthy heart. If you haven't been too active for a while - start slow. Get up and get some form of exercise at least four days a week! Millions of healthy folks - just like you and me - enjoy a daily walk! Walking is free, and an excellent way to burn calories and lower your stress levels after a hectic day! ( Try an early morning walk during these hot Summer months - you'll enjoy the cooler temps and the quiet sounds of early morning! )
If you are a few pounds over-weight start today! You can exercise and lose weight fast! You can enjoy life more and have loads more energy and fun! Start eating healthy foods and the burn those calories and get rid of that belly! Build muscles and watch your waistline shrink!
Living heart healthy takes effort. But the rewards can mean a healthier, longer life for you and your loved ones!
Monday, July 13, 2009
6 Steps to Better Health and Fitness
Another Wimbledon is in the record books. The 4th and all the fireworks are now another pleasant memory. These long, hot days of Summer give us a little extra time to enjoy our favorite outdoor fun!
July is a great time to evaluate your fitness goals and the progress you are making! With almost 6 months left in this year – why not take a few minutes now to assess your progress and where you’d like to be in 6 weeks or before the Holidays roll around! Are you on track to meet the goals you set forth for this year? If not, don’t panic – there’s plenty of time to make some good progress before the kids head back to school!
Here’s a few ideas to help you keep you going:
1) If you ever find yourself pressed for time – remind yourself that better health can lead to a lifetime of benefits. View workouts as time for yourself, rather than as a chore. On days when you’re unmotivated, convince yourself to exercise for just ten minutes. After getting started, you’ll probably do much more.
2) Whether you want to lose a few pounds or enhance your physical performance, set yourself up for success by establishing reasonable short-term goals. Then, try rewarding yourself as you reach each milestone. Treat yourself to a new pair of running shoes after you lose those first five pounds. Or take the family out to your favorite eatery after you run a whole mile – without stopping! Keep your goals simple and within reach – you’ll accomplish them sooner! Then, set new goals!
3) Make exercise fun. Enjoy playing different sports. Vary your workouts with different exercises. Ever tried yoga or swimming? Many healthy fitness lovers enjoy the benefits of using low-impact exercise equipment. Buy an elliptical and turn your extra room into a mini fitness center! Choose different exercise routines and gradually build your times and intensity. Or try a new sport. Give your body a variety of challenging thrills and make it fun! Your fitness efforts will seem much easier if you’re having fun. Enjoy the journey!
4) See yourself reaching your goal. Visualize your success. Imagine how you’ll feel slipping into a new smaller size or walking down the beach in that really hot new swimsuit! Hang a picture on your refrigerator of someone who already has the kind of body shape you want. Every time you go to the ice-box you’ll have a pleasant reminder to eat healthy foods!
5) Some find it helpful to keep a fitness journal and even take pictures along the way. Document your progress. This can do wonders for your ongoing motivation. Every few weeks – look back and see for yourself how much you’ve accomplished! This can be a powerful strategy to help you assess what’s working and, perhaps what’s not.
6) Hold onto your goal. Add new, short term targets or goals as often as you feel necessary – always keeping an eye on the ultimate goal.
Be proactive - enjoy a healthy lifestyle. You'll have more energy and more fun! Get more sleep, exercise most days, and keep eating healthy foods! You’ll feel better and look better!
Looking to be more fit then you were in 2008? Let provide everything from workout plans to nutritional supplements.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Getting Started
No matter at what age you begin to exercise, or how long you may have been inactive, proper exercise will always improve your physical condition. It is important to begin any exercise program slowly and build up gradually. Remember, it may take several months ( or longer ) to reach your fitness goals. Depending on where you are today.
If weight loss is one of your goals - you can eat healthy, exercise and lose weight fast. Don't rush it though. Stick with a pace you feel comfortable with. Challenge yourself until you feel the need to back off! Enjoy the journey! And keep moving. The more frequently you exercise the quicker you'll see results!
Before beginning an exercise program, you might want to visit with a health care professional or even have a physical examination. If your mobility is limited as a result of a chronic or disabling condition, be sure to review your plans with your doctor. Keep in mind your level of ability and endurance so that you don't risk discomfort or injury. If you experience pain while exercising, stop that particular movement and ask your doctor about it on your next visit.
Stick with it, and you will see results!
Here's some tips to help get you going:
Warming Up
Preparing your body for exercise is important at any age and all fitness levels. A warm-up period should begin with slow, rhythmic activities such as walking or jogging in place.
Gradually increase the intensity until your pulse rate, respiration rate and body temperature are elevated, which is usually about the time that you break a light sweat. Do some easy stretching exercises before moving into the heart of your workout.
Once you begin your daily exercise routine, keep these points in mind to get the best results:
Always drink water before, during and after your exercise session.
Make exercising a part of your daily routine. You may want to set a regular time to exercise each day! Write it in your planner. Invite a friend to join you in the fun.
Start gradually, about 5 to 10 minutes at first. Gradually build upon your time and the intensity of your workouts! Increase the amount of exercise each day, up to about 30 to 60 minutes.
Breathe deeply and evenly during and between exercises. Never hold your breath.
Rest whenever you feel the need. Your body will let you know!
Keep a daily written record of your progress. Look back a few weeks and see how much you've progressed. You might amaze yourself!
Exercise to your favorite music or with friends for even more fun. Put a funny comedy in the DVD player and jump on your elliptical. You'll work off some pounds and have a blast!
Cool Down
If you have been participating in a vigorous workout or sport - you know the kind of workout that leaves you breathing fast - it is extremely important not to stop suddenly. Abrupt stopping interferes with the return of the blood to the heart and could even cause dizziness or fainting. Slow down and reduce the intensity of your exercise gradually.
Walk it off for a few minutes until your breathing returns to a more normal pace. Always end with a few slow stretches. Take your time and focus on your breathing and the muscles you are stretching.
You can have a better life. A healthier and happier life - full of more fun and energy! Start today! If you are wanting to lose some weight this year - the quickest way to lose weight is start getting in shape fast! Exercise most days and keep eating healthy foods. Soon you'll feel better and look better.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
The Best Habit for Your Health
If you quit smoking now your body will begin to heal itself in a matter of hours! The healing process in your lungs starts withing the first couple hours! You can reverse the damage caused by smoking! Your body will actually repair itself! How Incredible is that!
You can speed up your recovery time if you start exercising daily. Or, at least most days of the week. And if you want to avoid the weight gain many ex-smokers experience, you might want to start or keep eating healthy foods.
There are no-doubt thousands of ways to quit smoking. Perhaps the easiest – is just do it. Decide to NOT Smoke! The choice is simple - and all yours to make! You CAN do this! Countless others have battled and won. You can too! It's all in your mind! You can tough it out and practice the willpower to quit!
Get rid of all your smokes. All of them! Throw them out. Just do it. When you get that urge – and you will – just take a moment to gather your thoughts and remind yourself of the many health benefits you can ( and will ) enjoy by quitting this horrible habit! This is, after all, very much a battle of your willpower. You make the choice. You decide! And you reap the benefits.
Take a drink of water. Have a piece of fruit. Keep some celery or baby carrots close at hand and nibble on something healthy. Dried fruits like raisins or prunes, raw vegetables, crackers, and whole wheat bread are also good ideas for snacks. Air-popped popcorn is a low-cal snack ( if you can stand it without the butter and salt ) anytime! Or grab a bag of sunflower seeds and munch on them when the urge hits you. Anything is better than smoking!
Start getting 30 minutes of exercise each day. Try something healthy - like brisk walking, cycling, swimming, or doing home repairs or yard work. If you can’t get in 30 minutes all at once, aim for shorter periods of activity – at least 10 minutes – that add up to a half hour per day. If you have not exercised in a long time, start with shorter sessions of 5 to 10 minutes and build gradually from there.
You're not alone. Many smokers struggle with how to quit smoking. Countless others before have made the choice - and won! You can too! Just think of the money you'll save!
There are countless alternatives. In the end – the choice is yours. Make that choice. Start getting in shape fast and make it easier on yourself. Get a little exercise each day. Enjoy a longer, healthier, and more satisfying life!
Try a new sport to help you keep busy and help you keep your mind off smoking! Tennis is great fun at any age! Or swimming will give you a refreshing workout! Even walking will help you stay active and burn calories!
Looking to be more fit then you were in 2008? Let provide everything from workout plans to nutritional supplements.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Lose That Belly Fat
Do you find yourself wondering how to lose that belly fat which seems to have mysteriously emerged over the years? The good news is – You can reduce belly fat if you start a regular exercise routine and start eating healthy foods! Start walking, jogging, rowing, or working out 4 or five days a week. Add in some muscle building strength training every other day!
Walking is great fun any time of the year. If you don’t mind spending a little extra time to burn off those extra calories, walking is a great for getting rid of fat. A brisk paced walk can help ease your stress and the tensions of the day! Get outside – if you can – and enjoy a nice long walk. The benefits are tremendous and you’ll come to enjoy your regular walks.
Swimming is another great low impact exercise. And many people enjoy water aerobics programs offered by the YMCA. Exercise in water means way less stress on your joints. Any exercise in the pool can be a quite refreshing workout. Stop by a public pool and get in some laps or check into a water aerobics class and you can enjoy a whole new way of getting in shape!
Can you lose some of those unsightly extra few pounds before this summer goes into the record book? Yes! You can do it! The choice is yours to make. We can get with the program and lose those unwanted pounds. Trim those thighs and waist. You can firm up that rear. Get rid of that belly and strengthen those ab muscles!
Six-Pack abs might be mere wishful thinking for some ( or, in my case – totally out of the question ) between now and September. And we can shed some of that belly and be on the road to a trimmer, sexier body! Some of us may already be on the way to tighter abs and a much flatter stomach. Make some progress each day and you'll start seeing results sooner than you might imagine.
There is time to shed those unwanted extra pounds. Time to slim down and look real good in that sexy swimsuit you know you want to wear. There is still time to get in shape and fit into that beautiful bikini. Getting in shape fast is a goal you can definitely achieve. You can have a healthier, sexier body by Summer. Why not start today?
The key is getting started. Right now! Don’t delay. Just do something to get started. Get out and jog around the block. Enjoy the spring-like weather many of us have had this week. And keep increasing your physical activity each day. Try to improve upon your diet.- enjoy eating healthy foods. Get your protein early in the morning to fuel your exercise throughout the day!
The best way to lose belly fat is with a whole bunch of exercise and sticking with a healthy eating plan!
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Freedom to Exercise and Lose Weight Fast!
Staying fit and losing weight are choices we can all make. We have the freedom to choose! We can choose to exercise four or five days a week. We can make the choice to enjoy eating healthy foods every day of the week.
At the end of the day - it all boils down to the choices we make! We have the freedom to choose!
This 4th of July - and every day - make the healthy choice. You'll most likely live longer and enjoy life more! If you choose healthy habits - you are far less likely to suffer from depression or self esteem issues. You can bolster your level of happiness and lead a more satisfying life if you start getting in shape. The benefits of better fitness can last you for years to follow!
For many - the key is just getting started. Promise yourself to do one thing today to better your health. Get outside before it gets too hot and enjoy nature while you burn some calories. Your choices are many - ride your bike or go roller-blading or for a swim. Get on some good, comfortable running shoes and run ( or even walk ) as far as you can. Call up a friend and hit the links or head out to the nearest tennis courts for some fun and friendship!
Why not top off your day with a healthy meal to celebrate the 4th? Have some lean cuts of beef or skinless chicken at your barbecue. Or - enjoy some salmon for a good dose of healthy omega fats ( the good, heart healthy fats ) and give your brain a boost at the same time! Serve up some healthy fruits and vegetables at your 4th of July party - and keep some handy for your family to enjoy anytime!
Your fitness choices are practically endless. Enjoy a variety of exercise and play as many sports as you can find time to enjoy. Variety leads to quicker results and better overall fitness! If you are wanting to lose weight this summer - you can join the millions of healthy folks who exercise and lose weight fast!
A happier, healthier life are just a few simple choices away! Make the choice to enjoy eating healthy foods and live a life of better health and fitness!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Start Your Day Right Get Rid of that Belly!
The best way to lose belly fat is burn away those extra pounds with plenty of vigorous exercise! Not only will you get a slimmer, sexier tummy - you'll realize the many benefits of better fitness! For the quickest and lasting results compliment your exercise program with a steady diet of healthy foods.
Forget the pills and magic elixirs. Sustainable weight loss is best achieved with frequent exercise. Can you find as few as 30 minutes a day to improve your health? Countless fitness enthusiasts get up a little early and get some quality quiet time and exercise before the rest of the family even gets out of bed!
You won't need much to get started. A good pair of running or walking shoes. Maybe a few simple pieces of home fitness equipment to get you started. You can get a great workout without even leaving the house! Or maybe you'd prefer getting outdoors and enjoying the sights, smells, and sounds of nature!
Many healthy people find early morning workouts give them an extra boost of energy hours into their day. Your metabolism continues to burn off calories long after your workout ends. Remember to enjoy eating healthy foods as your take the journey to a slimmer, more toned body shape.
Start today. Summer is an ideal time for working off those extra pounds. Get out there and sweat off a few pounds each week. The harder you exercise, the easier it is to get rid of that belly fat! You can have tighter abs before Summer ends - if you get in some heart-pumping exercise at least four or five days a week. ( Rest is important too - so give your body a day or two to recover and restore itself! )
You've seen the ads and heard the amazing results some fitness lovers get from just walking their way to better health! Your options are plentiful. Find some kind of exercise or sport that you enjoy. Losing weight is much easier when you are having fun! Sign up for a Yoga class. Or join a tennis league. Whatever gives you the most enjoyment.
Today is the perfect day to get started. Find some time for you. Get yourself some simple home fitness equipment and start your day off right - with exercise! Try it - you'' love how you feel and soon people will begin to notice your slimmer stomach! You can shed those unwanted pounds and enjoy life more in the process!
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