What does meditation have to offer? For centuries millions have used the simple acts of yoga, exercise, and meditation to reduce stress. The connection between our mind and body is amazing! Feed and nurture your mind and exercise regularly to reduce stress!
Consider the following excerpt from An Intro To Yoga - A series of lectures by Annie Wood-Besant around 1900.
Meditation cannot be the same for every man. Though the same in principle, namely, the steadying of the mind, the method must vary with the temperament of the practitioner.
Suppose that you are a strong-minded and intelligent man, fond of reasoning. Suppose that connected links of thought and argument have been to you the only exercise of the mind. Utilize that past training. Do not imagine that you can make your mind still by a single effort.
Follow a logical chain of reasoning, step by step, link after link; do not allow the mind to swerve a hair's breadth from it. Do not allow the mind to go aside to other lines of thought. Keep it rigidly along a single line, and steadiness will gradually result. Then, when you have worked up to your highest point of reasoning and reached the last link of your chain of argument, and your mind will carry you no further, and beyond that you can see nothing, then stop.
At that highest point of thinking, cling desperately to the last link of the chain, and there keep the mind poised, in steadiness and strenuous quiet, waiting for what may come. After a while, you will be able to maintain this attitude for a considerable time."
You can reduce your stress. You can equip yourself to better handle life's ups and downs! Try exercise and simple meditation to reduce stress!