Who doesn't enjoy a delicious ice cream cone or Popsicle during the heat of Summer? And maybe a cool, refreshing can of your favorite soda? Summer fun just seems to go hand in hand with sweet tasting refreshments! And - one of my favorites - beer!
Who doesn't enjoy a frosty, cool one after an energizing game of tennis or softball? Golf was no doubt invented by a beer drinker.
Well if you want to drop a few pounds this Summer - you might want to skip the sweetened beverage and limit your ice cream fix! Maybe even ( Gasp ) drink a few less beers. I know - shoot me for even suggesting such inhumane and harsh behavior.
Good old sugar in various forms is contributing to America's weight problem. Both table sugar and high fructose corn syrup have about the same amount of calories - around 60 calories per tablespoon. Regardless of their source - sugar or the much dreaded high fructose corn syrup, these sweeteners contribute lots of extra empty calories. Its so easy to overlook these empty calories in our diet. Most of the high fructose corn syrup in the U.S. diet comes in the form of soda, other sweetened drinks, cookies, candy, and baked goods. You know - all those lovable comfort foods that offer little if any nutrition. Even whole wheat bread can contain added sweetener - so watch those ingredient labels.
These mostly useless calories really add up. Gaining weight is just one down side of the increasing amount of sugar we Americans are consuming.
Here's a tip to help you shed some inches around your waistline and belly:
Keep a "food diary" for a few days. Write down everything you eat. By doing this, you become more aware of what you are eating and when you are eating. This awareness can help you avoid mindless eating. And might help you limit all those useless calories from Soda and Beer!
Health experts agree - the best way to lose belly fat and keep it off is with frequent exercise and eating healthy foods.
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