Sunday, August 29, 2010

Want Less Stress?

Are you stressed out far too often? Have you been feeling overwhelmed by life's inevitable pressures?

Whatever your situation - take heart! You can safely and effectively manage and reduce your stress level! Millions of happy, contented people just like you - deal with the daily grind and don't seem to get as bothered by stuff that tends to stress us out.

How do they do it? How do they seem to accept life's challenges and keep a certain calm and even a happy disposition?

One commonly found answer is balance. These content and seemingly peaceful and calm people tend to maintain a certain sense of balance. They use exercise and daily quiet time to enhance their sense of well-being. They have a healthy level of self esteem and tend to display a genuine love for other people.

Daily exercise - of nearly any kind - can do wonders for your sense of well-being!

Try this simple ( and effective ) core workout to release some of your stress.

Get outdoors if you can and run or walk for half an hour - or longer if you can. You'll feel the difference!

Find some time for yourself every day. Meditate on your blessings. And your desires. Get some exercise every day! Enjoy a healthy balance of natural foods!

If you want a better outlook on life try adding these 2 simple habits to your daily regimen!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Want a Tighter Tush?

Want a tighter, firmer tush? Does your Butt look a little flabby - or just not exactly like you'd like it?

Smile - you can sculpt that rear end of yours and have a much sexier look!

Check out this video for some excellent tips to help you get the kind of butt others will admire!

For more on building muscles and whipping your body into better shape - check out these 10 fitness tips!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Want a Leaner, Tighter Body?

There is a beautiful tale of Scandinavian mythology. A hero, under the promise of becoming god-like, is bidden in the celestial halls to perform three test-acts of prowess. He is to drain the drinking-horn of Thor. Then he must run a race with a courser so fleet that he fairly spurns the ground under his flying footsteps. Then he must wrestle with a toothless old woman, whose sinewy hands, as wiry as eagle claws in the grapple, make his very flesh to quiver. He is victorious in them all. But as the crown of success is placed upon his temples, he discovers for the first time that he has had for his antagonist the three greatest forces of nature. He raced with thought, he wrestled with old age, he drank the sea.

Nature, like the God of nature, wrestles with us as a friend, not an enemy, wanting us to gain the victory, and wrestles with us that we may understand and enjoy her best blessings. Every greatest and highest earthly good has come to us unfolded and enriched by this terrible wrestling with nature.

Today's video shares with us the value of a great cardio workout -

If you want a leaner, tighter figure with better muscle tone and even sexy-looking abs - start your very cardio workout program. Get outside and sweat off those extra inches. Work up a good sweat and don't forget to drink plenty of water.

Summer heat preventing you from getting outside as often as you'd like? Get some exercise right in the comfort of your living room.

Health experts agree - the best way to lose belly fat (and keep it off) is with daily exercise. Eating healthy foods is vital too!