Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Dance

For centuries people have enjoyed dancing. There is something sensual about dancing with you favorite loved one. And dancing is good for you in other ways too!

If you want to try something new and maybe improve your fitness level while you're at it - grab a partner and start dancing!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

All I Want for Christmas is Sexy Abs!

Want hot abs? A sexier looking body? Well you're in luck! Watch the video below for some great tips on shaping your body into a lean, mean and sexy machine!

Just 2 simple habits - practiced daily will help you achieve all your fitness goals. Want more energy? Maybe you'd like to shed some pounds and a few inches around your waistline. Or maybe you'd like to look more attractive. Stronger and more desirable to that certain someone you want to impress!

The Good News is You Can! Health and Fitness experts agree - The Best Way to Lose Belly Fat is with a consistent exercise regimen. Enjoy eating healthy foods and get some heart-pumping cardio exercise most days of the week. Skip the fad diets and expensive diet pills. Eat more whole, natural foods. And work your butt off - running, swimming, or whatever form of exercise you find enjoyable.

Once you get started you'll soon be convinced - like millions of other happy and fun-loving people. Life is more fun when you have the energy to enjoy it! Watch your attitude and self esteem improve as you get into the best shape of your life!

For a great abs workout - watch this:

You can have sexy abs. You can sculpt a thinner body shape. Why not start today! Start your healthy habits - exercise and eating healthy! For the best way to lose your belly fat - simply follow Zuzana's advice. Work your body hard. Eat more of the good, healthy foods you know your body needs!

If you're like me you may not have sexy abs by Christmas - this year. If you start now - you will feel much better by Christmas and - who knows - maybe by next Christmas you too can look as hot as our likeable fitness expert! What have you got to lose - except a few pounds?

Saturday, December 4, 2010

A Slimmer, Trimmer You

Do you want a sexier, slimmed and toned body? Start working on your abs and get some cardio every day. ( Even a simple, quick paced walk for 45 minutes will help! )

Toss in some resistance training every other day. Workout with weights or bands or even doing push-ups and pull-ups. Nothing fancy - just keep it simple. And stick with it. Once you get comfortable with one goal ( like doing 15 push-ups ) stretch yourself - and shoot a little higher!

Here's a great workout for your abs:

You can have a slimmer , trimmed and toned body. You can look much sexier than have for years. Daily exercise is vital to your success.

Don't forget to keep eating healthy foods! Try it for just 8 weeks and see if you don't feel a big difference! You'll start to notice your clothes are a bit easier to get into. Even a little looser! You will feel more energetic and far less stress! You may tend to find more reasons to smile and have more fun. Once you get in the habit of a daily exercise routine - you won't want to skip even a day!

Health experts have known the secret to a tighter core and sexy looking abs for years. If you find you are carrying around a few extra pounds around your waistline - take heart. Yo're not alone. And, best of all - you can regain your youthful , trim and slim body shape! The best way to lose that belly is found in just 2 simple habits!

1. Exercise - hard - every day!

2. Enjoy eating healthy foods!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Look on the Bright Side

How true it is that, if we are cheerful and contented, all nature smiles with us, the air seems more balmy, the sky more clear, the earth has a brighter green, the trees have a richer foliage, the flowers are more fragrant, the birds sing more sweetly, and the sun, moon, and stars all appear more beautiful.

What a joy or blessing we have to live, to open your eyes in the morning and look out upon the world. How lucky are we that we may drink in the pure air and enjoy the sweet sunshine, to feel the pulse bound, and the being thrill with the consciousness of strength and power in every nerve! Yes, it is good to be alive! Ignore the nay-sayers and the modern press - it is indeed a good world we live in, in spite of the abuse we are fond of giving it.

"I love to hear the bee sing amid the blossoms sunny;
To me his drowsy melody is sweeter than his honey:
For, while the shades are shifting
Along the path to noon,
My happy brain goes drifting
To dreamland on his tune.

"I love to hear the wind blow amid the blushing petals,
And when a fragile flower falls, to watch it as it settles;
And view each leaflet falling
Upon the emerald turf,
With idle mind recalling
The bubbles on the surf.

"I love to lie upon the grass, and let my glances wander
Earthward and skyward there; while peacefully I ponder
How much of purest pleasure
Earth holds for his delight
Who takes life's cup to measure
Naught but its blessings bright."

Saturday, November 27, 2010

For Even Better Results

Do you ever feel like you're just not getting the results you'd like from your fitness program? Is your daily walk or run just not producing the results you hoped for?

Good News! You can really Kick Start your fitness efforts with a simple change to your workout routine(s). Try this when you jog ( or walk ) or on a treadmill at the gym even.

Here's a simple overview of a typical interval training routine:

1. Warm up for a few minutes - 3 to 5 minutes should be enough!

2. Exercise as hard and fast as you can for 30 seconds. You should feel like you couldn't possibly go on!

3. Return to a more normal pace and recover for a couple minutes.

4. Repeat the high intensity exercise and recovery 7 more times

Think about where you are today - in terms of your current fitness level and don't overdo it when you first start out. Take your time and enjoy the ride!

If you are a little out of practice or not exactly in great shape you may want to start with just two or three repetitions, and gradually work your way up to eight.
You might start with walking and when you do a few 30 second bursts at a quicker pace or even running. Pump your arms hard and fast for even better results!

Whatever exercise activity you choose, by the end of your 30 second sprint period you will feel exhausted or nearly out of breath. Time to slow down and let your heart and lungs recover for a couple minutes. Then - Bamm!! - Jump all over it again!

Want more trim better looking muscle tone? Strength training is a great way to sculpt a slimmer and more muscular physique. Many fitness enthusiasts have discovered another way to be sleek and strong. They've learned Pilates and love it. Many fitness experts believe that this workout can help you develop long, strong muscles, a flat stomach, a strong back, and improved posture. And like working out with weights, Pilates can strengthen those crucial connective tissues ( your tendons and ligaments).

Vary your workouts occasionally by trying different exercises or sports. Enjoy playing a variety of different sports! Choose different exercise routines and gradually build upon your exercise time and intensity. Give your body a variety of challenging thrills and make it fun! Your fitness efforts will seem much easier if you’re having fun. Enjoy your journey to better health and fitness!

Frequent exercise will help you build muscles and start getting in shape fast.

Want Sexier looking abs? Try this:

Thursday, November 25, 2010


"She walks in beauty, like the night

Of cloudless climes and starry skies:

And all that's best of dark and bright

Meet her in aspect and in her eyes;

Thus mellowed to that tender light

Which heaven to gaudy day denies."


There is a beauty which perishes not. It is such as the angels wear. It forms the washed white robes of the saints. It wreathes the countenance of every doer of good. It adorns every honest face. It shines in the virtuous life. It molds the hands of charity. It sweetens the voice of sympathy. It sparkles on the brow of wisdom. It flashes in the eye of love. It breathes in the spirit of piety. It is the beauty of the heaven of heavens. It is that which may grow by the hand of culture in every human soul. It is the flower of the spirit which blossoms on the tree of life. Every soul may plant and nurture it in its own garden, in its own Eden.

This is the capacity of beauty that God has given to the human soul, and this the beauty placed within the reach of all. We may all be beautiful. Though our forms may be uncomely and our features not the prettiest, our spirits may be beautiful. And this inward beauty always shines through. A beautiful heart will flash out in the eye. A lovely soul will glow in the face. A sweet spirit will tune the voice, wreathe the countenance in charms. Oh, there is a power in interior beauty that melts the hardest heart!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

A Better Life

Ever wish you could have more energy? Have you ever wanted to make life more fun? Maybe wished you could improve your outlook a little or just plain find a better sense of happiness?

Two Simple Habits will help you change your life for the Better! Get more exercise. Do it every day. And 2nd – start eating healthy foods!

Try these easy tips for better health and fitness:

Breakfast refills your empty tank and helps get you going after a long night without food. A healthy breakfast helps you do better in school or at work. Why not start every day with a healthy breakfast!

Try plain old shredded wheat with some fruit and a glass of low-fat milk, or whole-wheat toast with peanut butter, yogurt with fruit, whole-grain waffles or even last night’s pizza!

Get Up and Get Moving!
It’s easy to fit physical activities into your daily routine. Walk, bike or jog to see friends. Take a 10-minute activity break every hour while you read, do homework or watch TV. Climb stairs instead of taking an escalator or elevator. Try to do these things for a total of 30 minutes every day.

Snack smart.
Snacks are a great way to refuel. Choose snacks from different food groups – a glass of low-fat milk and a few graham crackers, an apple or celery sticks with peanut butter and raisins, or some dry cereal. If you eat smart at other meals, cookies, chips and candy are OK for occasional snacking.

Work up a sweat.
Vigorous work-outs – when you’re breathing hard and sweating – help your heart pump better, give you more energy and help you look and feel your best.
The harder you work your body the quicker you’ll see positive results. Want to lose a few inches around the waistline? Maybe you want to get rid of that pot belly. Get in at least 30 minutes of vigorous walking or running every day. Can’t quite make 30 minutes yet – no problem – just start small. Build up your workout time gradually!

Always start with a warm-up that stretches your muscles. Then shoot for at least 30 minutes of aerobic activity, like running, jogging, or even dancing. Follow-up with some strength building exercises such as push-ups or lifting weights. For healthy and flexible muscles – always cool-down with more stretching and deep breathing.

Balance your food choices – don’t eat too much of any one thing.
You don’t have to give up foods like hamburgers, french fries and ice cream to eat healthy. You just have to be smart about how often and how much of them you eat. Your body needs nutrients like protein, carbohydrates, fat and many different vitamins and minerals such as vitamins C and A, iron and calcium from a variety of foods.

Balancing food choices will help you get all these nutrients.

Get fit with friends or family.
Being active is much more fun with friends or family. Encourage others to join you and plan one special physical activity event, like a bike ride or hiking, with a group each weekend. Make some time for yourself or you and a fitness buddy every day.

You can have more energy for all life’s fun pursuits. If losing weight is one of your goals – the quickest way to lose weight is with exercise and healthy eating! Just twenty or thirty minutes, four or five days a week can help you lose weight and keep it off!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Teaching Our Children

Have you heard about - or perhaps seen for yourself the alarming trend of childhood obesity? Those two words just don't sound right together. Doesn't the word Children conjure up images of carefree, happy little ones running around the playground? Do you remember when your parents had to practically drag you inside to eat Supper? "But Mom, can't we please play just a little longer?"

Do you remember when after school meant playing football in the empty lot down the street or a neighbor's yard? Riding bikes until dark or shooting baskets at the nearest basketball goal? Maybe you enjoyed coming home from school on your skateboard? And riding it until your parents made you come inside!

What have we done to our children? If you're like me you may totally regret the day you brought home your child's first video game. And do they really need a TV and Computer in their own room? Well, we can't totally undo the video game craze or take away the Disney Channel can we?

Maybe its time to set some ground rules or negotiate some changes in how after-school time is spent. I heard about a family nearby who turns their TV off on School days. Absolutely NO time in front of their tv until the weekend rolls around. I bet their children earned better grades than our boys did last year!

If we want healthy, well balanced children, we have to lead them to make healthy choices. If they see us come home after a long day and plop down on the couch for a couple hours of tv time - what are they going to learn? What if we spend that same couple of hours playing with our children instead? Or getting actively involved in their homework?

Go for a walk and practice basic math skills while you enjoy time together in the fresh autumn air! Shoot hoops before supper - or after. Invite the neighbor kids over for some fun. Volunteer to help coach your childs favorite sport!

The best way to increase physical activity in your family life is for you to be a part of it. Activities should be fun and something that the whole family can do together. Share healthy habits with your children.

Kids ( and parents ) need at least 60 minutes of physical activity a day, but it doesn’t have to be all at one time. Short walks, active chores, walking the dog—it all adds up! Make physical activity a project that the whole family can enjoy together. Encourage everyone to think of fun things to do to get off the couch, away from TV and computer screens and get moving!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Winning the Weight Loss Game

Lasting, healthy weight loss is really a numbers game. Take in fewer calories and burn more. If you want a better looking, slimmer body shape - toss in some daily exercise!

Losing weight, gaining weight or maintaining your weight depends on the amount of calories you take in and use up during the day, otherwise referred to as energy balance. Learning how to balance energy intake (calories in food) with energy output (calories expended through physical activity) will help you achieve your desired weight.

Although the underlying causes and the treatments of obesity are complex, the concept of energy balance is relatively simple. If you eat more calories than your body needs to perform your day's activities, the extra calories are stored as fat. If you do not take in enough calories to meet your body's energy needs, your body will go to the stored fat to make up the difference. (Exercise helps ensure that stored fat, rather than muscle tissue, is used to meet your energy needs.) If you eat just about the same amount of calories to meet your body's energy needs, your weight will stay the same.

All too often, those of us who want to lose weight concentrate on counting calories. Its too easy to overlook the calories we use up - or burn. Health experts agree - the quickest way to lose weight is the combination of eating healthy and daily exercise. By increasing your daily physical activity and decreasing your caloric input you can lose excess weight in the most efficient and healthy way!

Adding just 15 minutes of moderate exercise, say walking one mile, to your daily routine will burn or use up 100 extra calories per day. (Your body uses up or burns approximately 100 calories of energy to walk one mile, depending on your body weight.) A daily 15 minute walk could result in an extra 700 calories per week used up, or a loss of about 10 pounds in one year, assuming your food intake stays the same.

To look at energy balance another way, just one extra slice of bread or one extra soft drink a day – or any other food that contains approximately 100 calories – can add up to ten extra pounds in a year if the amount of physical activity you do does not increase. If you want better results - start today. Enjoy eating healthy foods, exercise and lose weight fast!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Better Health and Fitness

The clear blue November sky tops off a smattering of earth tones and colorful fall foliage. The mild temperatures outside offer you the perfect opportunity to enjoy the beauty of this season and plenty of fresh air to invigorate your lungs!

Who needs fancy pants health clubs or expensive gym memberships? Get outside and get some solid aerobic workouts in the clear, fresh autumn air!

Some times simple is best. Have you seen the new Karate Kid movie? No fancy gym. No hot bodies sweating away pounds on fancy health club machines. Just simple and effective exercise.

Can't get outside? Maybe the weather isn't too favorable? No worries - find a space in the comfort of your home and get some exercise without even leaving the house. Watch this for some simple routines you can do right at home -

Want better health and fitness? Try some simple exercise - at home - or in the great outdoors and you'll soon feel better and look way better!

Add soome variety to you fitness program - pick up some inexpensive home fitness gear.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

3 Simple Rules for Sexy Abs

Do you wish you could have sexier abs? Maybe a tighter tummy and slimmer waistline?

3 Simple rules for a tighter, toned core:

1. stop eating simple carbs - especially Anything with high fructose corn sweetener. Stay away from white bread and white rice. Avoid sugary, sweetened drinks and stick with 8 glasses of ice water every day! Pass on fried Everything!

2. Run, skate, swim, or row 5 days out of every seven. Want faster results? Do it twice a day! Shoot for at least 20 minutes of heart-pounding cardio 2 times a day.

3. do some abs-specific toning.

Try this:

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Simple Steps to a Tighter Core

Do you ever look look at your mid-section and wish you could tighten up your abs? Well, take heart - you're not alone. Millions of busy, hard-working people just like you would love to shed a few inches around their waistline and have a slimmer, more attractive tummy!

Simple habits often bring about awesome results. These habits take work. Work you soon won't mind doing. Take action today - start strengthening your core area and you can sculpt a leaner, sexier stomach!

Watch this for some simple exercise tips anyone can do:

Depending on where you are today and whether you want to lose 2 inches or 10 - join the growing legions of fitness lovers who look good and feel great!

If you want results you can see - in a matter of weeks - watch your diet. Get some protein early in your day. And drink plenty of water. Pass on the fried foods and avoid Anything with the dreaded high-fructose sweetener.

Simple carbs are not good for a tight tummy. Avoid sugar, white bread and rice. Try to enjoy more fruits and veggies every day. Get some salmon or cod a couple times a week. Toss some chopped walnuts in your salad or yogurt! Enjoy heating healthy foods! Try some of nature's superfoods!

If you want a toned, slim body - you can reach your goal much quicker with daily cardio exercise and some strength training. Target your core with simple exercises. Remember - the best way to lose belly fat ( and keep it off ) is with plenty of heart-pumping exercise most days of the week.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Getting in Shape

Health care costs related to obesity are estimated at over $110 billion per year. Studies sponsored by the U.S. government have linked obesity to high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease. Is it possible that someday our health insurance may be priced according to one's weight? If you're wondering "What health insurance" - you're not alone. "Who can afford it?"

Take a good look around the next time you go to the local Supermarket - or out to eat. Check out how many people who are obese, or even a little overweight. How could this happen to so many of our neighbors and fellow Americans?

Is this strictly an American problem? I don't see too many obese Asians or Arabs or Africans.

I had the opportunity once to work with a wonderful boss once who often reminded us that behind every problem lies an opportunity! An incredibly positive man, he found a way to interject some humor in most of our workdays. So, behind ( excuse the pun please ) this national weight crisis lies the opportunity to lead a healthy and happy life!

Aren't we, after all, the product of the choices we make? Where we are right now is a direct result of the decisions we've made ( or not made ) in the past. So why not choose to get started on a toned and more muscular body? Why not choose to eliminate or even greatly reduce the amount of junk we put into our bodies? Why not choose better fitness and a healthy lifestyle?

You can easily make the choice to get a little more exercise each day. Or at least four or five times per week. Start today! Take positive steps every day toward a better life. Make this your best year ever. The year you chose a better life and started getting in shape.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Keep Your Children Fit, Trim and Healthy

Every classroom had one - that one child who was bigger than his or her peers. Not necessarily taller - but bigger. In generations past that large child's weight and body shape was often the result of some hormonal or chemical imbalance. Many of these children grew up to enjoy body shapes closer to the average. They simply outgrew their baby-fat or childhood flab.

Sadly, this is not as often the case in 2010. The trend toward childhood obesity is downright shocking. What is going on to bring about these alarming statistics we've all seen or heard?

Blame it on too much TV time - or too many hours wasted playing video games. Blame it on the junk we feed them. Look at the list of ingredients the next time you pick up a child's favorite snack or soft-drink. Even allegedly healthy fruit juices can contain alarming amounts of sugar or the dreaded high fructose corn syrup.

A growing body of scientific research is resulting in clear evidence on the positive relationship between active outdoor play and children's health.

Playing and regular vigorous physical activity (activities that produce a noticeable increase in heart rate - like brisk walking, biking, and active outdoor playing) is important for healthy growth and development among children and adolescents.

There is strong evidence showing beneficial effects of physical activity on muscle strength and endurance, bone health and cardiovascular health. A positive association has also been found between physical activity and improvements in concentration, memory, and classroom behavior.

Girls with a more natural view (trees, grass, shrubs) performed better on standardized performance measures of concentration compared to girls who looked at a more barren setting (buildings, dirt, or paved surfaces).

Children diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) had milder ADD symptoms after engaging in play outside versus playing inside. The “greener” the play setting (parks, farms, places with tall trees, grass, or natural water sources), the milder the symptoms.

If you want your children to do better in school - encourage them to play outdoors more. Lead by example and play with them. Take them along the next you go for a nice energizing bike ride. Encourage them to join you in a brisk walk around the park. Let them rid their bikes and just try to keep up with them!

Start each day with a healthy breakfast. Our children need a well balanced, nutrient rich start to their day - just as we do. Study after study has confirmed the many benefits of eating a healthy breakfast. Children who get a good night's sleep and have breakfast seem to do better in school.

All work and no fun leads to almost certain boredom. Children need to play. Encourage them to get outside and get some fresh air and burn off some of their seemingly boundless energy. Children who go outside and play at recess also enjoy better results in the classroom!

If you want your most beloved little ones to grow up healthy and avoid the fat-trap, just say no to the fat-food drive-thru windows. Tell the big fast-food chains you don't want their fat and maybe they will start offering healthier choices.

Encourage them to drink more water and milk and way less soda or juice. Keep a bowl of fruit within easy reach so they can reach for something healthy after school.

And - encourage them to get outside and play! If your child has gained too much weight or if you have concerns about their body shape - don't fret. Talk to your school nurse or doctor. Help your children exercise and lose weight - the fun way!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Autumn - The Perfect Time to Exercise

As the annual display of nature's warm beauty emerges we have the opportunity to enjoy another season. Hopefully the Autumn colors in your part of this wonderful earth will be as vibrant and beautiful as ever this Fall. As the trees start changing and the fields full of milo and corn are harvested we fast approach the final quarter of this year.

Perhaps now is a good time to take a look at where you are today and where you'd like to be - in terms of your fitness and health. We have but 13 quick weeks before this calendar year goes into the record books. Just 3 short months - filled with opportunities for fun and family time. And food! Lots of great foods seem to emerge from our kitchens during Autumn.

Maybe now is a good time to start enjoying healthier options. A few less sugar cookies and lot more fruit! Maybe just one slice of pumpkin pie - and no thanks to the whipped cream. Maybe now is a good time to drink more water every day and far less soda.

If we keep putting unhealthy ingredients in our bodies - what will we end up with? Yep - unhealthy bodies are almost a certainty if we skip the daily exercise.
Enjoy these colorful Autumn days. I hope you will be able to spend a little time each day outdoors in the fresh, cooler Autumn air!

And don't forget to exercise. Try this -

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Feel Great and Look Great!

How would you like to look better And feel much better by Christmas! Enjoy all those Holiday gatherings looking hotter than you have in years! Why not start today?

First imagine how you'd like to look. Close your eyes for a minute and picture yourself looking leaner and sexier. See yourself wearing a smaller size ( or 2 or 3 ) than you do today! And while you're at it - imagine how much more energy you'll have to enjoy the usual onslaught of Christmas parties and New Year celebrations!

Now put on something comfortable and go outside and start your heart a pumping. Breathe deeply and enjoy the milder Autumn air! If you're not able to get outside - try this excellent workout at home or wherever you happen to be:

Health and fitness experts agree - the quickest way to lose weight ( and keep it off ) is with a daily dose of heart-pumping exercise. Enjoy eating healthy foods and get at least half an hour of cardio exercise most days of the week! You can look better and feel great before the Holidays are upon us!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Your Best Year Ever

Do you want a better life? Maybe you'd like to enjoy more happiness and less stress? Daily exercise is the time honored, proven path to a better, more fulfilling life! Not only will you Feel Better - You Will Look Better too!

Make time for exercise every day. Be selfish with your time. Delegate whatever you can or shuffle your workload in order to free up at least half an hour for your daily exercise time. Try something new! Do you enjoy or have a secret desire to try any sports? Pick up a cheap tennis racquet or grab a basketball and head off to the gym or nearest playground. If the weather outside isn't to your liking - get some exercise at home!

No need to spend a small fortune in the quest to reach your ideal weight. Enjoy eating healthy foods that you prepare and cook yourself. Skip the fancy (and expensive) health club - Work out in the comfort of home! Grab yourself a few inexpensive pieces of home fitness equipment.

Walking 30 minutes or more a day at a brisk pace is an excellent way to kick-start your journey towards a better life of good health and fitness! You can look younger and feel younger. You can have more energy and a much brighter outlook on life. Enjoy the natural high daily exercise gives you!

Hold on to your vision. Constantly remind yourself of your goal for better health and fitness. Take positive steps every day towards fulfilling your dream of a better life. Make this your best year ever. The year you started getting in shape!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Start Simple - Lose Those Extra Inches

TV ads urge you to sculpt 6-pack abs in no time. Magic pills offer near instant relief from years of inactivity and the jelly roll appearing around so many mid-sections. ( Spoken from real-life, first hand experience! ) Years of eating sugary sweet tasting junk food have enabled many to add an inch or two around the waist.

If you're like many of us you've seen for yourself how easy it is to skip the workout and get just another hour in at work or watch another hour of TV. Well, don't fret - you can have that slim and sexy look you once had. You really can enjoy eating a wide variety of healthy foods, exercise daily and lose fat - for good!

Try something simple to get you started. watch this video -

If you want to shed a few extra inches and lose weight for good - daily exercise is one key to your lasting success! You can have more energy and a slimmer, sexier shape. You can look and feel younger! Try it - soon you won't want to stop. Get in just 30 minutes of heart pounding exercise every day! Add in some strength training every other day and you really can drop a waist-size in a matter of weeks!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Be Happy - Get in Beach Body Shape

Are you happy when you look at yourself in the mirror? Would you like to feel better about yourself - and maybe just feel better most of the time?

Want more energy in the bedroom? Or the boardroom? Whatever you are focused on - you can enjoy your endeavors more when you start enjoying the benefits of better health and fitness!

Start with some simple exercise routines you can do almost anywhere:

No money for a fancy gym membership? No worries. Start simple - use your own body weight for strength building exercise with the classic push-up and squats. Jump ropes are easy to find - or make - and jumping rope is an excellent cardio workout!

Save your money - you don't have to spend a small fortune every year at that fancy-pants fitness center. You can look great and feel better about yourself while you save your hard earned money!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Want Less Stress?

Are you stressed out far too often? Have you been feeling overwhelmed by life's inevitable pressures?

Whatever your situation - take heart! You can safely and effectively manage and reduce your stress level! Millions of happy, contented people just like you - deal with the daily grind and don't seem to get as bothered by stuff that tends to stress us out.

How do they do it? How do they seem to accept life's challenges and keep a certain calm and even a happy disposition?

One commonly found answer is balance. These content and seemingly peaceful and calm people tend to maintain a certain sense of balance. They use exercise and daily quiet time to enhance their sense of well-being. They have a healthy level of self esteem and tend to display a genuine love for other people.

Daily exercise - of nearly any kind - can do wonders for your sense of well-being!

Try this simple ( and effective ) core workout to release some of your stress.

Get outdoors if you can and run or walk for half an hour - or longer if you can. You'll feel the difference!

Find some time for yourself every day. Meditate on your blessings. And your desires. Get some exercise every day! Enjoy a healthy balance of natural foods!

If you want a better outlook on life try adding these 2 simple habits to your daily regimen!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Want a Tighter Tush?

Want a tighter, firmer tush? Does your Butt look a little flabby - or just not exactly like you'd like it?

Smile - you can sculpt that rear end of yours and have a much sexier look!

Check out this video for some excellent tips to help you get the kind of butt others will admire!

For more on building muscles and whipping your body into better shape - check out these 10 fitness tips!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Want a Leaner, Tighter Body?

There is a beautiful tale of Scandinavian mythology. A hero, under the promise of becoming god-like, is bidden in the celestial halls to perform three test-acts of prowess. He is to drain the drinking-horn of Thor. Then he must run a race with a courser so fleet that he fairly spurns the ground under his flying footsteps. Then he must wrestle with a toothless old woman, whose sinewy hands, as wiry as eagle claws in the grapple, make his very flesh to quiver. He is victorious in them all. But as the crown of success is placed upon his temples, he discovers for the first time that he has had for his antagonist the three greatest forces of nature. He raced with thought, he wrestled with old age, he drank the sea.

Nature, like the God of nature, wrestles with us as a friend, not an enemy, wanting us to gain the victory, and wrestles with us that we may understand and enjoy her best blessings. Every greatest and highest earthly good has come to us unfolded and enriched by this terrible wrestling with nature.

Today's video shares with us the value of a great cardio workout -

If you want a leaner, tighter figure with better muscle tone and even sexy-looking abs - start your very cardio workout program. Get outside and sweat off those extra inches. Work up a good sweat and don't forget to drink plenty of water.

Summer heat preventing you from getting outside as often as you'd like? Get some exercise right in the comfort of your living room.

Health experts agree - the best way to lose belly fat (and keep it off) is with daily exercise. Eating healthy foods is vital too!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Looking Hot at the Beach!

"Suck in that gut" was just one of the phrases that famed crime-fighter from yesteryear was known to blurt out! Do you ever find yourself trying to suck in your belly when that really hot member of the opposite sex walks by? At the beach - or in the supermarket - everyone wants to look slim and trim!

The good news is - you're in good company. So many of us are carrying around a few extra pounds - and inches - than we had just a few short years ago.

So what is the quickest way to lose that extra weight and then keep it off? The TV ads we are practically bombarded with might lead you to believe the answer is found in a pill or even a tasty drink! Oh, that we could be so lucky!

If your Doctor tries to prescribe a pill to help you lose weight - run, don't walk to the nearest exit. Save your money!

Start exercising every day. Start eating healthy foods - in moderation - and avoiding all those comfort foods we've all grown up with. Eliminate white bread and white rice and white sugar - as much as possible. Instead, choose naturally good fruits and vegetables! Have some protein early in the day.

You'll need the protein to help fuel your muscle growth! Start or pick up the intensity of your own strength program! Choose a wide variety of exercises to help you build muscles and burn off those unwanted extra inches!

Health and fitness experts agree - the quickest way to lose weight and keep it off is with consistent, daily exercise! Enjoy eating healthy foods and you'll shed those extra pounds even quicker!

You won't need expensive Doctor bills or magic pills. No need to join that fancy health club or fitness center. Save your money - keep it simple. You might want to pick up some inexpensive home fitness equipment and workout right at home!

Whatever works best for you! Enlist a buddy - you'll both benefit and many find it easier to stay motivated when they have a friend to work out with.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Burn More Calories!

Are you still working on losing those last few extra pounds? Would you like to look even better at the beach this Summer?

Keep burning those calories and watching what you eat. Enjoy your journey to better fitness and that slimmer, sexier body shape you've been working towards.

If you get the urge to cheat a little and grab a delicious double scoop at Baskin Robbins this weekend - No Worries! You're not alone. Summer just wouldn't be as much fun if we couldn't splurge a little on a cool tasty treat!

Just skip some calories somewhere else. Run an extra mile tomorrow or get in another nine holes this weekend. Swim some laps at the pool or go an extra 20 minutes or longer when you head out for that speed walk with your buddies!

Summer means fun - wherever you live. Enjoy yourself and take advantage of the warmer temperatures to sweat off those fat cells! Too hot for you? Try working out indoors! Or go early in the morning before the heat of the day sets in.

Want to really kick in your fat-burner? Try rowing. Its a great whole- body workout and you'll burn a bunch of calories!

Rowing is one of the few non-weight bearing sports that exercises your core and your arms and legs! Check out Amazon - probably the safest place to buy anything online and buy the very same Indoor Rowing Machine found in many major health clubs and gyms!

Summer is the ideal time for fitness - and fun! Make the most of your Summer - keep having fun and getting in shape!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Keys to A Healthy Life

Here's a healthy goal for anyone: sweat every day; not a mere perspiration, but a good, old-fashioned sweat.

If you're tired of the gym, try a fun alternative. Start with walking and shed around 240 calories per hour at a moderate pace. Pick up the pace and torch off even more unwanted pounds! Try something new. Ballet or swimming laps burns around 422 calories each hour. Not into wearing tights? Get on your bicycle and burn 275 calories per hour!

Take a break. You may burn more fat when you break an hour long workout into two 30-minute sessions. Give yourself a 15 or 20-minute rest in between and the boost may continue after you exercise. Keeping well-hydrated and replacing fluids lost
during exercise is also a key part of feeling good and getting the most out of your workout.

Get your hands dirty. Gardening gives you as much of a workout as walking or golf, a recent study reported. Plus: The weight-bearing motions involved in digging and pulling weeds can strengthen bones and muscle.

Get out your mp3 player and exercise to music. Research shows that listening to your favorite tunes while working out help keep you going up to 10 or 15 percent longer!

Want to live a healthy life? Maybe hoping to drop a few pounds? Two vital keys are keeping energy intake (food) and energy output (physical activity) in balance. When you consume only as many calories as your body needs, your weight will usually remain constant. If you take in more calories than your body needs, you will put on excess fat. If you expend more energy than you take in you will burn excess fat.

Exercise plays an important role in weight control by increasing your energy output, calling on stored calories for extra fuel. Recent studies show that not only does exercise increase metabolism during a workout, but it causes your metabolism to stay increased for a period of time after exercising, allowing you to burn off even more calories! You really can exercise and lose weight fast!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Have More Fun This Summer

Do you ever wish you could have a slimmer waistline and tighter abs? Maybe you'd like to shed some of those extra pounds and inches so many of us have managed to put on over the long Winter.

Take heart - now is the perfect time to sweat those extra pounds off. Want to feel better and look better too? You're in luck - Summer is probably the best time of year for getting out and exercising. Enjoy the natural high every fitness buff gets when wrapping up a hot workout.

Check out Zuzana for a great workout. It clearly works for her. Exercise can do wonders for you this Summer too!

You don't need to drop a small fortune on health club dues every month. Get outside and enjoy your Summer. Build your muscles working up a good healthy sweat. Shed those extra inches and buy yourself a smaller size before the kids start heading back to school!

Summer means fun no matter where you live - so get out and enjoy yourself while you get in your best shape ever! Start today. Start getting in shape!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Want to Lose That Belly?

The best way to lose belly fat is exercise it off. Save your money - avoid magic pills and weight loss surgery and the rest of the gimmicks. If you want want lasting weight loss and a better life - give exercise a try. A long try. Like - for the rest of your life.

Not only will you lose weight and sculpt a slimmer waistline and tighter looking abs. Most people who exercise regularly find a better sense of self esteem and a brighter outlook!

Check out Zuzana's whole body workout. See for yourself what regular exercise does for her -

A better life is yours for the asking. Make the choice for better health and fitness. Then take daily action. Work your body a little harder each day and soon you can have the same sexy abs that so many fitness buffs enjoy today!

You can shed those extra pounds and inches around your waistline. And enjoy life a whole lot more! The benefits of daily exercise are clear. Health experts agree - the best way to lose your belly fat and keep it off is exercise.

Make it fun - try a variety of exercise routines. Try a new sport or two. A variety of workouts will help you prevent boredom. Work your whole body - not just your ab muscles.

You can have tighter abs and a slimmer waistline! Why not start today! If you've been out of the practice of daily exercise for awhile - start slow. Gradually increase your workout intensity. And go a little longer every day or every week. Whatever works best for you!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Want a Slimmer Stomach?

Want tighter abs and a slimmer waistline? Want to take your shirt off and feel sexy at the beach this summer? Start getting in shape now. Today is the best day to start your new fitness regimen.

No gym? No problem! Hit the road - and get in some serious calorie burning while you breathe in the fresh air. If the weather outside is just too hot for your liking - now worries - work out in the comfort of home!

If you feel more comfortable working out in the privacy and comfort of home - why not turn that extra space into your own mini gym? You won't need anything too fancy or even need to spend a fortune. Get a simple yoga mat and a jump rope. Maybe some simple hand-weights and a fitness ball.

Go here for a few simple and inexpensive suggestions for home fitness gear.

Or, if you want even quicker results - join the legions of healthy fitness lovers who have discovered the amazing results of indoor rowing. Check out Amazon for the best Indoor Rowing Machine

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Shed Those Extra Inches and Pounds Around Your Belly

Who doesn't enjoy a delicious ice cream cone or Popsicle during the heat of Summer? And maybe a cool, refreshing can of your favorite soda? Summer fun just seems to go hand in hand with sweet tasting refreshments! And - one of my favorites - beer!

Who doesn't enjoy a frosty, cool one after an energizing game of tennis or softball? Golf was no doubt invented by a beer drinker.

Well if you want to drop a few pounds this Summer - you might want to skip the sweetened beverage and limit your ice cream fix! Maybe even ( Gasp ) drink a few less beers. I know - shoot me for even suggesting such inhumane and harsh behavior.

Good old sugar in various forms is contributing to America's weight problem. Both table sugar and high fructose corn syrup have about the same amount of calories - around 60 calories per tablespoon. Regardless of their source - sugar or the much dreaded high fructose corn syrup, these sweeteners contribute lots of extra empty calories. Its so easy to overlook these empty calories in our diet. Most of the high fructose corn syrup in the U.S. diet comes in the form of soda, other sweetened drinks, cookies, candy, and baked goods. You know - all those lovable comfort foods that offer little if any nutrition. Even whole wheat bread can contain added sweetener - so watch those ingredient labels.

These mostly useless calories really add up. Gaining weight is just one down side of the increasing amount of sugar we Americans are consuming.

Here's a tip to help you shed some inches around your waistline and belly:

Keep a "food diary" for a few days. Write down everything you eat. By doing this, you become more aware of what you are eating and when you are eating. This awareness can help you avoid mindless eating. And might help you limit all those useless calories from Soda and Beer!

Health experts agree - the best way to lose belly fat and keep it off is with frequent exercise and eating healthy foods.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Reach New Heights

Set her Heart a reelin...

Man never reaches heights above his habitual thought. It is not enough now and then to mount on wings of ecstasy into the infinite. We must habitually dwell there. The great man is he who abides easily on heights to which others rise occasionally and with difficulty. Adopt healthy habits. Exercise daily!

Never settle for mediocrity. Don't let the maxims of a low prudence daily dinned into your ears lower the tone of your high ambition or check your aspirations. Hope lifts us step by step up the mysterious ladder, the top of which no eye hath ever seen. Though we do not find what hope promised, yet we are stronger for the climbing, and we get a broader outlook upon life which repays the effort. Indeed, if we do not follow where hope beckons, we gradually slide down the ladder in despair. Strive ever to be at the top of your condition. A high standard is absolutely necessary.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Tight Bodies

"Suck in that gut" - that infamous phrase has been heard for generations by many a young marine. Have you ever seen an overweight marine? One who might be borderline obese? One reason you haven't is the steadfast commitment to excellent physical conditioning every marine becomes accustomed to.

You don't have to be a marine to be in great shape! You too can enjoy the kind of hard body and muscular physique of a young marine.

What is their secret?

They work hard. They exercise daily.

The sooner you start the sooner you can look great! And feel great!

Buy some simple home fitness equipment and get started. Get out and burn off that fat.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Getting in Your Best Shape Ever

A lady once asked Turner the secret of his great success.

"I have no secret, madam, but hard work."

"This is a secret that many never learn, and they don't succeed because they fail to learn it. Labor is the genius that changes the world from ugliness to beauty:

Simple, hard work building up stamina and endurance.

"We have but what we make, and every good
Is locked by nature in a granite hand,
Sheer labor must unclench."

Start simple. Get some inexpensive home fitness equipment and start getting in your best shape ever!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

2 Habits for a Sexier Body

Want a sexier body? Want to slim down even more before Summer? Adopt just 2 simple habits every day - and you can look better at the beach this year!

Two Habits for a Sexier Body:
1. Eat 6 or 7 mini-meals. Avoid the fast food ( or should we say the "fat-food" ? ) temptation and stick with a variety of natural, healthy foods.

2. Exercise hard every day. Stretch yourself. Work a little harder every day. Pick up the pace and intensity of your workouts.

Try this:

You too can have a slimmed down, sexier body. All it takes are these 2 simple habits - practiced daily.

Keep eating healthy foods. Cook ahead and freeze portions to have healthy and easy meals on hand for days when you do not feel like cooking.

Keep frozen or canned vegetables, beans, and fruits on hand for quick and healthy additions to meals. Rinse canned vegetables and beans under cold running water to lower their salt content. If fruit is canned in 100-per­cent fruit juice, drain the juice to avoid added calories.

Try new recipes or different herbs and spices to spark your interest in eating healthy foods.

Exercise and lose weight fast! Workout vigorously for at least 30 minutes a day. Want better results? Increase your daily exercise time. Add some variety to your plan. Try a new workout or a new sport.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Your Best Summer Ever

Summer is just around the corner! Are you still hoping to lose just another few pounds and look great at the beach all Summer?

Make this your best Summer ever - enjoy those long Summer nights wearing your favorite little piece of hot! Look great and feel great too!

Make the most of May - getting in your best shape ever! You can drop those last few pounds and have a blast this Summer!

Want to tone up your core? Wondering if you can ever lose those last couple inches before Swimsuit season? Experts agree - the best way to lose belly fat is work it off with plenty of heart-pounding cardio. You still have time - get started today. Get outdoors and enjoy this Spring weather if you can.

Put in just 40 minutes every day of cardio and strength training. Work those abs whenever you get a chance. If you want to start seeing results in a matter of weeks - join the growing club of avid rowers. They get a great workout - right in the comfort of home - and on their time. When they want to or have time. No more waiting for the rowing machine at the health club.

Buy your own health club quality Indoor Rowing Machine.

"If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates your energy, and inspires your hopes."
- Andrew Carnegie

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Tighter Buns and Abs

Do you ever wish you could have more energy? Ever find yourself wishing you could have more fun and enjoy life more?

Well, take heart, the good news is You Can have way more energy and lift your spirits! You can start enjoying life more and improving your outlook! You can overcome those negative pressures we all seem to face at one time or another.

Get out your planner and shuffle your schedule so you can fit in just 45 minutes every day just for you. Now watch this video and see how you can start getting in your best shape ever! Start today! Exercise a little every day and you too can start looking this hot!

Want to give your exercise program a boost? Want to start burning more calories and really tighten up those abs? You might find the Indoor Rowing Machine to be just the ticket! Plenty of healthy and happy fitness lovers have already discovered the secret of rowing their way to tighter buns and abs!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

The Best Way to Lose Your Belly

Want amazing Abs? Want to lose that belly? Shed those extra pounds and inches with plenty of heart-pumping exercise and toss in some crunches like these -

The truth is - You really can enjoy much better health and have a tighter, sexier looking body! The kind of trim and fit body shape you had back in high school!

No need to spend a small fortune on health club dues every month. Stick with simple, basic exercise routines and you can sculpt those sexy abs everyone wishes they could have! The secret is out - the best way to lose belly fat and tighten up those abs is with daily aerobic exercise and some abs work! Don't forget to watch what you eat and enjoy eating plenty of healthy foods.

Stick with your daily exercise routines. Try a variety of healthy exercises - vary the length and intensity of your workouts and you can - over time - enjoy a slimmer body. Build muscles and melt those extra pounds away - for good!

Gain a better sense of self-esteem and enjoy life more when you exercise regularly. People who play sports and exercise frequently tend to have more fun and enjoy life more! Join the fun!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Save Your Money and Get in Great Shape

Save your money - You can get your body into really great shape without spending tons of cash. Stick with simple - often free - workouts and you really can shed those extra pounds. Want a sexy looking stomach? Run, jump, swim, row, and ride your bike. Any of these workouts - by themselves - will help you burn some major calories. Mix them all together and you can work a variety of muscles and see even better results.

The important thing is - do something every day. Try a variety of workouts. And have fun - you'll stick with it longer and enjoy yourself more. Workout at home - buy a few simple pieces of home fitness equipment.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Best Time for Getting in Shape

"Most of our obstacles would melt away
if, instead of cowering before them,
we should make up our minds
to walk boldly through them."
- Orison Swett Marden

Your body was designed to move. So take a walk, ride a bike, go for a swim, jump rope, or just lift your arms toward the sky and see how high you can reach.

Getting in shape is the outcome of frequent vigorous, heart healthy exercise.

If losing weight is on your list of goals this year - why not start today! Spring is the perfect time to pick up the pace of your exercise program. Or start one! The facts are clear - the best way to lose belly fat is exercise frequently.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Set a Course and Sail

Hard work and willpower will get you amazing results.

Willpower strong enough to keep you continually striving for things not wholly beyond your powers will carry you in time very far toward your chosen goal.

A vacillating man, no matter what his abilities, is invariably pushed to the wall in the race of life by a determined will. It is he who resolves to succeed, and who at every fresh rebuff begins resolutely again, that reaches the goal. The shores of fortune are covered with the stranded wrecks of men of brilliant ability, but who have wanted courage, faith and decision, and have therefore perished in sight of more resolute but less capable adventurers, who succeeded in making port. in order to do anything in this world that is worth doing, we must not stand shivering on the bank, and thinking of the cold and the danger, but jump in and scramble through as well as we can.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Getting Started

now is the best time to have more fun outdoors! And burn some major calories while you're at it! Have fun and lose weight! You win either way!

If you've been inactive for a while or not getting enough exercise - are you in for some fun! Start small if you like. Just start! Have some fun every day - doing whatever exercise or sport you like best. Try a variety of sports. Take at least a little action in the direction of better fitness every day. Try this to help you get started:

Start with a 10 minute workout. When the famous inspirational speaker - Zig Ziglar - started jogging, his first day he ran for maybe a hundred yards. Everyone has to start somewhere – just like Zig did. Before too long he was jogging around the block. And then a mile. And then two. Zig probably added years to his life and had a whole lot more fun. You can too!

Gradually increase your time and your pace. Walk a little farther and a little faster each day. When you start to feel comfortable – start jogging. Again, take it slow – and don’t try to go too far too fast. Keep with it - you won't want to stop!

If losing weight is your dream - you can! There are no doubt many healthy and natural ways to lose weight. For last weight loss - the quickest way to lose weight is with two simple habits. Eat healthy, exercise and lose weight fast!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Best Way to Lose Belly Fat

Recent estimates indicate that 34 million adults are considered obese (20 percent above desirable weight). Also, there has been an increase in body fat levels in children and youth over the past 20 years. After infancy and early childhood, the earlier the onset of obesity, the greater the likelihood of remaining obese.

Carrying around too much body fat is a major nuisance. Yet excess body fat is common in modern-day living. Few of today's occupations require vigorous physical activity, and much of our leisure time is spent in sedentary pursuits. The best way to lose belly fat is really simple.

Excess body fat has been linked to such health problems as coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, diabetes, arthritis and certain forms of cancer. Some evidence now exists showing that obesity has a negative effect on both health and longevity.

Exercise is associated with the loss of body fat in both obese and normal weight persons. A regular program of exercise is the healthiest way to lose belly fat - and keep it off. Fitness and regular exercise are key parts of any plan to lose or maintain weight. Getting in shape is most often the result of plenty of vigorous, heart healthy exercise.

If weight loss is still one of your goals this year - Spring is the perfect time to pick up the pace of your exercise program. Or start one! The facts are clear - the best way to lose belly fat is exercise frequently.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Live Happy

The psychological benefits of exercise are clear. Exercise reduces stress and relieves tensions that might otherwise lead to overeating. Exercise builds physical fitness which in turn builds self-confidence, enhanced self-image, and a positive outlook. When you start to feel good about yourself, you are more likely to want to make other positive changes in your lifestyle that will help keep your weight under control.

In addition, exercise can be fun, provide recreation and offer opportunities for companionship. The exhilaration and emotional release of participating in sports or other activities are a boost to mental and physical health. Pent-up anxieties and frustrations seem to disappear when you’re concentrating on returning a serve, sinking a putt or going another mile!

Do you have a basement or an extra bedroom that you can convert into your very own fitness center?

Get some weights and a jump rope, maybe an Indoor Rowing Machine.

Have your very own little entertainment center maybe – complete with some of your favorite exercise videos and music to inspire or get you moving!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Beach Blanket Bingo

Do you want to look great at the beach this Summer? Keep your spirits up! You too can feel and look great when you head out to the beach this Summer!

Work hard on those abs. You can have a tighter tummy before the official start of Summer! Why not start today!

Forget that fancy pants health club. All you need are a few simple and inexpensive pieces of home fitness equipment.

You really can get back in shape - or even in the best shape you've ever been in. Start today. Get plenty of vigorous cardio - running , rowing, swimming whatever you most enjoy. If you aren't having fun it might be harder to stick with your fitness program.

If you want tight abs by Summer - you might want to spend some time focusing on your core area. Strengthen your core - and sculpt slimmer , tighter abs with plenty of healthy abs exercise.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Keep it Simple

Sometimes simple steps work best. Want a better life? Try some simple steps.

1. Get more exercise. A little every day is a good start. 30 - 45 minutes a day will be a great goal.

2. Eat more healthy foods.

Simple. And effective. No need to spend a fortune. Start small. Keep it simple! Jumping rope is simple and won't cost you a small fortune.

Get some simple and inexpensive home fitness equipment. Start getting some exercise every day. Watch your life improve. You really can do this!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Get Tight Abs

Those ever elusive 6-pack abs can be yours. You really can tighten up your abs and even sculpt a more muscular core with plenty of body slimming cardio exercise and a healthy amount of ab workouts. Try this for a great way to tighten up your tummy -

Save your money - there's no need to spend a small fortune on that fancy health club every month. Get some simple and inexpensive home fitness equipment and you can sculpt tighter abs right at home!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Want Sexy Abs?

Today's video includes a couple simple and still very effective abs exercises. Check out Zuzana -

Sometimes simple is best. Who needs expensive health clubs and overcrowded gyms when you can enjoy the same results working out at home. Turn that extra space in your basement into your own little fitness center. Grab some inexpensive home fitness equipment and start working on those sexy abs today!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Live Longer - Enjoy Life More

Recent estimates indicate that 34 million adults are considered obese (20 percent above desirable weight). Also, there has been an increase in body fat levels in children and youth over the past 2 decades. After infancy and early childhood, the earlier the onset of obesity, the greater the likelihood of remaining obese.

Carrying around too much body fat is a major nuisance. Yet excess body fat is common in modern-day living. Few of today's occupations require vigorous physical activity, and too much of our leisure time tends to be in front of a television.

Scientific research shows that obesity has a negative effect on both health and quality of life. The extra strain on your heart alone can reduce your lifespan.

The answer is simple. Exercise. Check out this video for simple and effective exercise routines you can do right at home.

Turn your extra bedroom into a exercise room. Put your TV in their and burn some major calories while you catch your favorite shows. Get some inexpensive home fitness equipment and start getting in shape.

You really can exercise and lose weight fast!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Hard Work and Persistence

But self-respect must be accompanied by self-conquest, or our strong feelings may prove but runaway horses. He who would command others must first learn to obey, and he who would command his own powers must learn to be submissive to the still small voice within. Discipline the passions, curb pride and impatience, restrain all hasty impulses. Deny yourself the gratification of any desire not sanctioned by reason.

Too many yield in the perpetual conflict between temptation to gratify the coarser appetites and aspiration for the good, the true, and the beautiful. Voices unheard by those around us whisper "Don't," but too often self-respect is lost, the will lies prostrate, and the debauch goes on. Such battles must be fought by all; be ours the victory born of self-control, aided by that Heaven which always helps him who prays while putting his own shoulder to the wheel.

Nothing beats hard work and persistence. Resist temptation and stick with your fitness goals. You can lose those extra pounds before swimsuit season. Start today! Start getting in shape - fast! Get some simple home fitness equipment and workout at home!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

You Can Build Tighter Abs by Summer!

Now that Mardi Gras is over it's time to start thinking about Spring Break. Then comes that mad dash to get ready for Summer days ( and those unforgettable Hot Summer Nights ) at the beach! Swimsuit Season will be here before we know it! If you find yourself carrying around a few extra pounds - maybe now is the perfect time to start working on tighter abs and a slimmer, more toned, body before Summer comes around!

Building Tighter Abs is most often the result of hard work. Plenty of aerobic exercise and some exercises that build and strengthen your core muscles!

Start today! Start getting in shape for Summer and all the outdoor fun!