Monday, March 17, 2008

Exercise and watch your life improve!

Exercise has a beneficial effect on almost every physiological system in your body. If you make one and only one change in your lifestyle, we hope you will choose to increase physical activity. It will offer you the most "bang for your buck" in the sense that it improves your metabolic profile and does more to improve your overall health than any other behavioral change. Here are some of the benefits of regular exercise:

* Reduces blood pressure
* Reduces "bad" cholesterol levels
* Raises "good" cholesterol levels
* Reduces overall heart disease risk
* Reduces risk for several prominent cancers
* Reduces blood glucose levels
* Reduces abdominal fat - considered the most dangerous to health
* Improves insulin's ability to lower blood glucose levels
* Increases bone density
* Improves muscle tone and posture
* Improves heart (cardiovascular) function
* Improves lung (respiratory) function
* Reduces stress
* Improves mood

The key benefit of exercise for our purposes is improved weight management. There is a large database of information on thousands of people who have taken off 30 pounds or more and kept it off for up to five (or more) years. This database makes it clear that exercise is one of the key factors associated strongly with successful weight management. But for many people, years of sedentary behavior and many pounds of extra weight mean that careful planning and thought must go into making this important lifestyle change.

You may be feeling that increasing your physical activity is too much for you to deal with right now. There is no hurry. The attitude or mindset that will work best is to TAKE THE LONG VIEW -- making the changes slowly and gradually with the thought in mind that these are changes you will sustain for the rest of your life.

Improve your life - Exercise and lose weight fast!

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