Friday, May 16, 2008

How to lift your spirits and improve your self esteem

What would you do if you felt hopeless - like you had hit bottom? Like your life could not possibly get any worse. A famous mental health expert - Dr Carl Meninger was once asked those very questions. The famous Doctor replied that he would immediately leave his house and go find someone who was in even worse shape and in need of help. And start helping them!

If you step back for a moment and look objectively at your situation - whatever it might be - you might find that there is usually always someone who is in worse shape - or in need of more help - than ourselves!

When you begin to feel like you have more than you can handle. Maybe even a sense of depression or a lack of self esteem - get up and go help someone. Get out of your house. Get away from your desk - if even for a moment - and relax. Close your eyes and visualize something pleasing. Waves running up on the shore. Your favorite lake or beach. A local park or one of your favorite places.

Take a short walk - or a long one. Just step away from your stress or problem for a minute.

Exercise and serving others are two sure ways to boost your self esteem. To leave you in a better mood. Try it. Before you pick up the phone and call a therapist - try helping someone in need. Get out and get some fresh air! A little exercise will do wonders towards lifting your mood. More on How to improve your self esteem.

" And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men" Galatians 6:9-10

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