Sunday, December 13, 2009

Healthy Habits

Simple cardio - walking fast, Jogging, and Jumping Rope - burn tons of calories and can help you shed those extra pounds quicker.

The airwaves are filled with magic diet pills and herbal remedies touting near miraculous weight loss. For hundreds of years people have been staying in top physical condition by practicing just two simple habits.

They stay physically active. They get exercise - in some form - every day, or at least five days of the week.

And their second healthy habit is found in the foods they eat. Simple, natural foods. They tend to avoid the processed junk we find so readily available. They enjoy more healthy vegetables and fruits. More fish and less fried foods. They use olive oil instead of butter. ( How dare they skip the butter! )

Living simple, and healthy lifestyles can lead to massive benefits in terms of your health. Try it - you'll soon be hooked!

Get a good pair of running shoes and some inexpensive home fitness equipment.

Check out this video for some quick cardio:

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