Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Save Your Money - Start Getting in Shape

Health Care costs have risen substantially over the past decade or so. We are quite fortunate to live in this day and age of just incredible medical technology. As we age our need for health care can skyrocket. Don't let health care costs cripple your budget.

Maintain a healthy lifestyle and you are almost certain to enjoy lower health care bills - at any age. The statistics lead to a simple conclusion. If you are healthy and maintain your fitness - you will spend far less on health care than the average person. This is especially true in the USA.

A few simple changes in your daily routine bring about great results! Make small, manageable changes in your daily diet and exercise habits. Realistic changes that you can do. Don’t over do it and try to reach for an unrealistic goal. Take it easy and enjoy your journey to better fitness! Do what you truly know you can do, like walking 20 minutes every day.

Make it a habit to include more vegetables and fruits in your daily diet. Cut back on refined sugars, soda and junk food. Small changes practiced daily will lead to big results! Pretty soon you won't even miss those morning donuts! Candy bars won't look quite so tasty!

If you slip and miss a day or cheat a little, don't give up. Simply decide to do better tomorrow and the next day. At the end of a week, or a month, measure your progress. Revisit your plan and make changes to help facilitate your success.

Consistent action is key to your success. Take whatever steps you can today! And then again tomorrow. Make fitness a habit! You'll see results in no time! That Subway guy - Jared - tells us he lost over 240 pounds in just one year - eating healthier and walking every day!

The quickest way to lose weight or build a more muscular, toned body is with daily action. You can exercise and lose weight fast. Start getting in shape fast and feel better in no time!

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