Thursday, April 15, 2010

Save Your Money and Get in Great Shape

Save your money - You can get your body into really great shape without spending tons of cash. Stick with simple - often free - workouts and you really can shed those extra pounds. Want a sexy looking stomach? Run, jump, swim, row, and ride your bike. Any of these workouts - by themselves - will help you burn some major calories. Mix them all together and you can work a variety of muscles and see even better results.

The important thing is - do something every day. Try a variety of workouts. And have fun - you'll stick with it longer and enjoy yourself more. Workout at home - buy a few simple pieces of home fitness equipment.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Resistance bands are great for working out at home. Not only are they affordable, they take up very little space in your home. You can travel with them too. I've got some free exercises that
your readers might be interested in. They're live daily workouts, but they record them so
they can be watched when you have time. I like these because I don't get bored like I do with
DVD's. Every day they have a new workout, but it's complimentary to the previous day's
workout. They've got a good mix of cardio and strength training. There are workouts for
men, women, and teens. It's like having a personal trainer in your own home.