Sunday, July 25, 2010

Looking Hot at the Beach!

"Suck in that gut" was just one of the phrases that famed crime-fighter from yesteryear was known to blurt out! Do you ever find yourself trying to suck in your belly when that really hot member of the opposite sex walks by? At the beach - or in the supermarket - everyone wants to look slim and trim!

The good news is - you're in good company. So many of us are carrying around a few extra pounds - and inches - than we had just a few short years ago.

So what is the quickest way to lose that extra weight and then keep it off? The TV ads we are practically bombarded with might lead you to believe the answer is found in a pill or even a tasty drink! Oh, that we could be so lucky!

If your Doctor tries to prescribe a pill to help you lose weight - run, don't walk to the nearest exit. Save your money!

Start exercising every day. Start eating healthy foods - in moderation - and avoiding all those comfort foods we've all grown up with. Eliminate white bread and white rice and white sugar - as much as possible. Instead, choose naturally good fruits and vegetables! Have some protein early in the day.

You'll need the protein to help fuel your muscle growth! Start or pick up the intensity of your own strength program! Choose a wide variety of exercises to help you build muscles and burn off those unwanted extra inches!

Health and fitness experts agree - the quickest way to lose weight and keep it off is with consistent, daily exercise! Enjoy eating healthy foods and you'll shed those extra pounds even quicker!

You won't need expensive Doctor bills or magic pills. No need to join that fancy health club or fitness center. Save your money - keep it simple. You might want to pick up some inexpensive home fitness equipment and workout right at home!

Whatever works best for you! Enlist a buddy - you'll both benefit and many find it easier to stay motivated when they have a friend to work out with.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Burn More Calories!

Are you still working on losing those last few extra pounds? Would you like to look even better at the beach this Summer?

Keep burning those calories and watching what you eat. Enjoy your journey to better fitness and that slimmer, sexier body shape you've been working towards.

If you get the urge to cheat a little and grab a delicious double scoop at Baskin Robbins this weekend - No Worries! You're not alone. Summer just wouldn't be as much fun if we couldn't splurge a little on a cool tasty treat!

Just skip some calories somewhere else. Run an extra mile tomorrow or get in another nine holes this weekend. Swim some laps at the pool or go an extra 20 minutes or longer when you head out for that speed walk with your buddies!

Summer means fun - wherever you live. Enjoy yourself and take advantage of the warmer temperatures to sweat off those fat cells! Too hot for you? Try working out indoors! Or go early in the morning before the heat of the day sets in.

Want to really kick in your fat-burner? Try rowing. Its a great whole- body workout and you'll burn a bunch of calories!

Rowing is one of the few non-weight bearing sports that exercises your core and your arms and legs! Check out Amazon - probably the safest place to buy anything online and buy the very same Indoor Rowing Machine found in many major health clubs and gyms!

Summer is the ideal time for fitness - and fun! Make the most of your Summer - keep having fun and getting in shape!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Keys to A Healthy Life

Here's a healthy goal for anyone: sweat every day; not a mere perspiration, but a good, old-fashioned sweat.

If you're tired of the gym, try a fun alternative. Start with walking and shed around 240 calories per hour at a moderate pace. Pick up the pace and torch off even more unwanted pounds! Try something new. Ballet or swimming laps burns around 422 calories each hour. Not into wearing tights? Get on your bicycle and burn 275 calories per hour!

Take a break. You may burn more fat when you break an hour long workout into two 30-minute sessions. Give yourself a 15 or 20-minute rest in between and the boost may continue after you exercise. Keeping well-hydrated and replacing fluids lost
during exercise is also a key part of feeling good and getting the most out of your workout.

Get your hands dirty. Gardening gives you as much of a workout as walking or golf, a recent study reported. Plus: The weight-bearing motions involved in digging and pulling weeds can strengthen bones and muscle.

Get out your mp3 player and exercise to music. Research shows that listening to your favorite tunes while working out help keep you going up to 10 or 15 percent longer!

Want to live a healthy life? Maybe hoping to drop a few pounds? Two vital keys are keeping energy intake (food) and energy output (physical activity) in balance. When you consume only as many calories as your body needs, your weight will usually remain constant. If you take in more calories than your body needs, you will put on excess fat. If you expend more energy than you take in you will burn excess fat.

Exercise plays an important role in weight control by increasing your energy output, calling on stored calories for extra fuel. Recent studies show that not only does exercise increase metabolism during a workout, but it causes your metabolism to stay increased for a period of time after exercising, allowing you to burn off even more calories! You really can exercise and lose weight fast!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Have More Fun This Summer

Do you ever wish you could have a slimmer waistline and tighter abs? Maybe you'd like to shed some of those extra pounds and inches so many of us have managed to put on over the long Winter.

Take heart - now is the perfect time to sweat those extra pounds off. Want to feel better and look better too? You're in luck - Summer is probably the best time of year for getting out and exercising. Enjoy the natural high every fitness buff gets when wrapping up a hot workout.

Check out Zuzana for a great workout. It clearly works for her. Exercise can do wonders for you this Summer too!

You don't need to drop a small fortune on health club dues every month. Get outside and enjoy your Summer. Build your muscles working up a good healthy sweat. Shed those extra inches and buy yourself a smaller size before the kids start heading back to school!

Summer means fun no matter where you live - so get out and enjoy yourself while you get in your best shape ever! Start today. Start getting in shape!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Want to Lose That Belly?

The best way to lose belly fat is exercise it off. Save your money - avoid magic pills and weight loss surgery and the rest of the gimmicks. If you want want lasting weight loss and a better life - give exercise a try. A long try. Like - for the rest of your life.

Not only will you lose weight and sculpt a slimmer waistline and tighter looking abs. Most people who exercise regularly find a better sense of self esteem and a brighter outlook!

Check out Zuzana's whole body workout. See for yourself what regular exercise does for her -

A better life is yours for the asking. Make the choice for better health and fitness. Then take daily action. Work your body a little harder each day and soon you can have the same sexy abs that so many fitness buffs enjoy today!

You can shed those extra pounds and inches around your waistline. And enjoy life a whole lot more! The benefits of daily exercise are clear. Health experts agree - the best way to lose your belly fat and keep it off is exercise.

Make it fun - try a variety of exercise routines. Try a new sport or two. A variety of workouts will help you prevent boredom. Work your whole body - not just your ab muscles.

You can have tighter abs and a slimmer waistline! Why not start today! If you've been out of the practice of daily exercise for awhile - start slow. Gradually increase your workout intensity. And go a little longer every day or every week. Whatever works best for you!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Want a Slimmer Stomach?

Want tighter abs and a slimmer waistline? Want to take your shirt off and feel sexy at the beach this summer? Start getting in shape now. Today is the best day to start your new fitness regimen.

No gym? No problem! Hit the road - and get in some serious calorie burning while you breathe in the fresh air. If the weather outside is just too hot for your liking - now worries - work out in the comfort of home!

If you feel more comfortable working out in the privacy and comfort of home - why not turn that extra space into your own mini gym? You won't need anything too fancy or even need to spend a fortune. Get a simple yoga mat and a jump rope. Maybe some simple hand-weights and a fitness ball.

Go here for a few simple and inexpensive suggestions for home fitness gear.

Or, if you want even quicker results - join the legions of healthy fitness lovers who have discovered the amazing results of indoor rowing. Check out Amazon for the best Indoor Rowing Machine

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Shed Those Extra Inches and Pounds Around Your Belly

Who doesn't enjoy a delicious ice cream cone or Popsicle during the heat of Summer? And maybe a cool, refreshing can of your favorite soda? Summer fun just seems to go hand in hand with sweet tasting refreshments! And - one of my favorites - beer!

Who doesn't enjoy a frosty, cool one after an energizing game of tennis or softball? Golf was no doubt invented by a beer drinker.

Well if you want to drop a few pounds this Summer - you might want to skip the sweetened beverage and limit your ice cream fix! Maybe even ( Gasp ) drink a few less beers. I know - shoot me for even suggesting such inhumane and harsh behavior.

Good old sugar in various forms is contributing to America's weight problem. Both table sugar and high fructose corn syrup have about the same amount of calories - around 60 calories per tablespoon. Regardless of their source - sugar or the much dreaded high fructose corn syrup, these sweeteners contribute lots of extra empty calories. Its so easy to overlook these empty calories in our diet. Most of the high fructose corn syrup in the U.S. diet comes in the form of soda, other sweetened drinks, cookies, candy, and baked goods. You know - all those lovable comfort foods that offer little if any nutrition. Even whole wheat bread can contain added sweetener - so watch those ingredient labels.

These mostly useless calories really add up. Gaining weight is just one down side of the increasing amount of sugar we Americans are consuming.

Here's a tip to help you shed some inches around your waistline and belly:

Keep a "food diary" for a few days. Write down everything you eat. By doing this, you become more aware of what you are eating and when you are eating. This awareness can help you avoid mindless eating. And might help you limit all those useless calories from Soda and Beer!

Health experts agree - the best way to lose belly fat and keep it off is with frequent exercise and eating healthy foods.