Friday, June 13, 2008

Lose 20 Pounds before Labor Day!

OK - I admit it - I've got a biker's belly. A beer belly. I'm overweight. A kind, gentle person might not see me as grossly overweight - or obese. I do. That spare tire of mine is way too big. If I don't watch it I'll be wearing a size 42 waist before Christmas ( which is a mere six months away! ).

How does this happen? two words - laziness and diet. I sit and watch too much TV. I sit at this silly computer for way too long. And I eat crap. Fast food and donuts. Too many sweets. Not enough of the healthy stuff.

Overweight and overfat do not always mean the same thing. Some people are quite muscular and weigh more than the average for their age and height. However, their body composition, the amount of fat versus lean body mass (muscle, bone, organs and tissue), is within a desirable range. This is true for many athletes. Others weigh an average amount yet carry around too much fat. In our society, however, overweight often implies overfat because excess weight is commonly distributed as excess fat. The addition of exercise to a weight control program helps control both body weight and body fat levels.

A certain amount of body fat is necessary for everyone. Experts say that percent body fat for women should be about 20 percent, 15 percent for men. Women with more than 30 percent fat and men with more than 25 percent fat are considered obese.

There is hope! I can lose this spare tire - this Summer! at a healthy weight loss average of two pounds per week - One could easily lose twenty pounds before Labor Day! Healthy eating and plenty of exercise are the best solutions for quick healthy weight loss.

A few simple changes in your daily regimen can lead to much better health and a whole new outlook on life. Make the easy choice - eat healthy, exercise and lose weight fast!

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