Monday, November 24, 2008

Celebrate Success - Start getting healthy!

Do you want more energy? Would you like to feel healthier? Maybe lose a few pounds? Tone up your body? Are you just plain tired of being sick and tired?

Whatever your health goals are - you can make it happen if you make a plan and start taking action! Any action. Today!

Look at where you are right now and decide what you want to change. Start with a plan to create better habits. Write your goal - and your plan for achieving that goal on paper. Some people have found a fitness journal helpful. Whatever form you decide on - write down your goals and the plan to achieve them.

Then start taking action - immediately! Change requires you give up some things. Change means we have to adjust, adapt, and accept new healthy eating habits. New exercise habits and a new level of activity. Focus on the good you are doing!

Aim high - shoot for the moon. If you miss, at least you'll be better off than you were before you started. Who cares about being perfect? Write down the change you want to make, profess it to a willing partner in crime, and see what happens.

Make small, manageable changes in your daily diet and exercise habits. Realistic changes that you can do now. Don’t commit to an unrealistic exercise plan; just do what you truly know you can do, like walking 30 minutes or so each day at lunch, or even three days a week. Include more vegetables and fruits in your daily diet. Cut back on refined sugars, soda and junk food. Small changes practiced daily will lead to big results!

If you're like so many of us and find yourself missing a day or cheating a little, don't give up. Don't beat yourself up over your mistakes. Simply learn from them and move on. Keep going! Simply decide to do better tomorrow or the next day. At the end of a week, or a month, measure your progress. Rethink your plan. What's working? And what isn't? Change your action plan accordingly. Then set out on taking even more action! You will gradually see improvement if you stick to your plan!

We can achieve great success in our quest for better health if we just keep after it - continue chipping away at our goals. Keep eating healthy foods and avoiding the ones we know are just adding pounds. Keep exercising! If weight loss is one of your goals - experts agree the quickest way to lose weight is with daily exercise and a disciplined focus on eating healthy!

Friday, November 21, 2008

What Happened?

What happened? How did these pants get so tight. It wasn't even Christmas yet and i had managed to add a few pounds!

There are no do-overs when it comes to our health. The shape we are in is a direct result of the choices we make - in diet and physical activity. Months of eating donuts and sugar-laden candy and cookies have enabled me to add some very unwelcome pounds. The twice a week workouts were just not enough to ward off the extra pounds.

On the positive side - I still have the ability to get out and walk for an hour without dropping over. I can choose to ignore or postpone the urges to pick up a bag of cookies or my favorite candy. I can eliminate the white bread and use whole wheat instead for those much-loved sandwiches. There are ample quantities of heart-healthy fruits and vegetables available at the store I can easily walk to.

Make healthy food choices, exercise and lose weight fast!

I have the options. I know what works - and each time i glance in the mirror can plainly see what doesn't.

I hope you're waistline is smaller than mine - and stays that way! It's never too late to start adopting healthy habits. Eating healthy and exercise are still the quickest way to lose weight fast! And keep it off!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Exercise Improves Self Esteem

Respected University researchers and health experts everywhere agree that exercise often leads to improved self esteem! When you feel better physically - you tend to feel better about yourself! Life is more fun. You have a better attitude. The benefits of regular exercise are clear!

Exercise triggers chemical reactions in your brain which actually elevate your mood and sense of well-being. These chemicals create a kind of natural high that you can recreate anytime you choose! Simple get some more exercise!

Try it for a few weeks - you'll soon be hooked on this most incredible natural high! Your energy level gradually grows. You'll have more energy for all your favorite fun!

So, the next time you find yourself feeling blue - get up and get some exercise as soon as you can. The adrenaline rush will lift your spirits and give you a boost in energy! Bring along a friend for even more fun!

If you want to lose a few pounds before the holidays are in full swing - start exercising a little more each day now! Experts agree - the quickest way to lose weight and keep it off is with exercise and healthy eating! You can eat healthy, exercise and lose weight fast! Then enjoy all those Holiday goodies we all look forward too!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Eat, Be Merry, and Exercise

As Thanksgiving fast approaches and we look forward to all those special foods to enjoy over the coming weeks. Maybe now is the perfect time to start or crank up our exercise programs. Now is a great time to take stock of where we are and where we’d like to be before this year draws to a close.

Maintaining or even losing weight in these last few weeks of the year can be a big challenge. With so much good food to enjoy over the Holidays, the average adult can easily gain over a pound just in December alone!

I know I’m already looking forward to a big slice of Mom’s homemade pumpkin pie! And who can resist a little gravy on their meat and potatoes at Thanksgiving?

Then comes the annual Christmas parties. Festive affairs with families, friends, and lots of delicious delicacies! These weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas often include a bounty of tasty treats in workplace break rooms around the world. I’m really looking forward to Dad’s annual batch of peanut brittle. The Christmas season just wouldn’t be the same without it.

Visions of sugarplums and all these tasty treats are already causing me to loosen my belt a notch. I swear I can gain weight just thinking about all the Christmas goodies! Maybe now would be a good time to start burning a few more calories each day! Maybe I should try to get in a little more exercise this week – and every chance I get.

Maybe I should strive to enjoy plenty of fresh fruit, and vegetables over the coming weeks. There is still time to lose a few pounds before this year goes into the record books. Maybe I can avoid gaining weight again this year! Maybe – if I keep up my efforts toward getting in shape - I can even lose a few pounds! Maybe!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Let the Holiday Fun begin!

The coming weeks will be filled with opportunities to enjoy family and friends and lots of great food! Holiday gatherings always seem to include a wealth of delicious treats. Everyone has their favorite Thanksgiving recipe. And then come the Christmas goodies! Weeks of holiday parties can challenge even the best healthy eating plan!

It's OKAY to splurge! Enjoy these last few weeks of the year and all your favorite culinary creations!

If you're seeking to hold your weight in check or even lose a few pounds before the New Year arrives, take heart! You can have some pie and eat it too! Moderation is the key. Can you substitute a low-fat or even non-fat whipped cream on that delicious slice of your favorite pumpkin pie? Maybe limit your slices of pie and cake to smaller portions.

Drink lots of water before every meal - and you'll feel full sooner. You'll eat less! Eat something healthy before that office party. Grab an apple or a banana on the way and then try to limit your choices from the buffet line! Maybe one glass of wine instead of two or three.

And don't forget to schedule time for your daily exercise. Try to exercise and workout at least four days of every week. If weight loss is still one of your goals - try to get some exercise five or even six days a week! And increase your times if you plan to enjoy some Holiday treats!

No worries - enjoy this wonderful time of year. Have as much fun as you can with your loved ones and co-workers! And keep an eye on your goals! Keep exercising and as often as possible! Try to stick with your healthy eating plan as much as possible! If weight loss is a goal of yours - the quickest way to lose weight and keep it off is still the same. Exercise, burn more calories, and keep eating healthy!