Thursday, December 4, 2008

Eliminate Holiday Stress!

Are you getting stressed about the endless list of things to do before the Holidays?

A few simple steps and some creative scheduling will have you forgetting those stressful thoughts before the week is over!

First – make a list of those things you want to get done between now and the Holidays. Make room for changes. Now, read over your list and put a big “1” next to those tasks and items which are a must do.

Get up and go for a walk. Congratulate yourself for taking a positive first step. Enjoy nature breathe in the fresh air. If you are unable to get outdoors – think about a pleasant place while you walk indoors. Focus on your breathing and take slow, deep breaths.

Think about your list. Make a mental note ( or call your voice-mail and leave yourself a note ) of any additions or changes. If your list seems just too long or too much for you to handle – think about what you can delegate or even postpone. Keep walking.

Get at least a thirty minute walk – each day. Walking, especially outdoors, is a wonderful way to reduce your stress and clear your brain! Or, run if you prefer. Many enjoy swimming at their local Y during these cooler months. Walking is free! Try it – you’ll soon be hooked! It’s OK to be a little selfish with your time!

Numerous university studies confirm - happiness and good health go hand in hand. As we improve our health and exercise regularly we tend to gain a better perspective on life’s many twists and turns. Many develop a more realistic, lowering of expectations, and a tendency to be more easily content with what they have.

A proactive approach to living a healthy lifestyle offers your best opportunity to preserve your vitality. Simple habits yield healthy results. Get more sleep, exercise, eat healthy. Accept and adapt to your limitations.

Numerous studies also confirm that optimists live longer, more satisfying lives. So if you don’t see yourself as the optimistic type, learn to be one. Make a promise to yourself to make your first thought of every day a positive one. Many people get a certain peace of mind through early morning prayer. Join the countless millions who enjoy a little early morning exercise. Try to read something positive like some inspirational quotes or affirmations to start your day off right.

You can enjoy a much better quality of life if you get a little exercise most days of the week. Combine healthy eating habits with your daily exercise and enjoy a much healthier and happier lifestyle! Whether you are out to improve your self esteem or striving to get rid of that pot belly you’ve been lugging around - start getting in shape fast and watch your stress disappear!

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